A Grimoire of Narcissism

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13 thoughts on “A Grimoire of Narcissism

  1. nikitalondon says:

    HI CE
    I liked it very much. Gives a good insight with definition of all the elements of narcissistic world. i will soon post my review.

  2. Hi ladies 😊
    I was wondering as you purchased this if you have read it yet…if so, Is this any more enlightening than HG ‘s other books?

  3. nikitalondon says:

    Seems Sheila beat both of us Alexis 😖

    1. alexis2015s says:

      Agh I missed that !! God damn it !! And you beat me yesterday too 👊

      1. malignnarc says:

        Come on Alexia, try harder! I believe in you!

        1. alexis2015s says:

          Okay, can you give me a head start next time tho HG, after all, I’m your favourite xx

  4. Sheila says:

    I think I may have been the first for once. Just got back from an epic failure or a visit to my daughter and have been told to not ever come back. Seems like the right time to jump into a new book by HG.

    1. nikitalondon says:

      Sad to hear Sheila 😥😥. I hope so much things would get better for you and your daughter… 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

      1. Sheila says:

        I had hoped as well, Nikita but the act she’s been putting on came crashing down yesterday after I brought the last of the things from home that she wanted. I am no longer needed and she put on major temper tantrum yesterday to force me to cut the 2 hour visit after 45 minutes and drive the hour+ home.

        1. nikitalondon says:

          Makes me sad …. Hope the therapists guide you into a solution…

  5. nikitalondon says:

    Hoping to be the first one!!! I have been driving for the last two hours!!!

    1. alexis2015s says:

      Nope, I beat you to it 🙂 x

      1. nikitalondon says:

        i can loose no problem!! The prize is for you!! I will try harder next time 😜

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