The Ten Laws of Narcissistic Possession

1. You belong to me.

I own you. From the moment I first engaged with you, you became mine. That is the unwritten contract that forms between you and me. I engulf you, I possess you and I subsume your identity into mine. I do not recognise you as someone who is separate and distinct from me, with your own hopes, fears and desires. You have been plugged into me from the start, my appliance which is there to provide me with fuel, obey me and accede to my commands. This mind set is what governs the entirety of our relationship and is what is behind so much of what I do and say to you. By understanding that this is how I view you in relation to me you will realise that once I have begun to entangle you, the concept of you evaporates and you become part of me.

2. What is yours is mine

As part of this unwritten contract I immediately take power, custody and control of everything which you own. Your money is mine to spend. Your friends become my friends and ripe for recruitment into the ranks of my lieutenants. Your house is my house where I shall install myself before you know it, using your utilities freely although never paying for them. It is not your car, it is my car now. I recognise no boundaries and therefore you will find that your possessions will always be sequestrated for my use. You are not allowed to own anything in your own right. From the cake you have saved for later to your shower gel, I will take it and use it. This sense of entitlement extends beyond the material. I will take your dignity, your sanity and your self-esteem too. I have no use for those things, they cannot serve me in any way but I will take them all the same. I am an asset stripper and you will be stripped.

3. Blame belongs to you

I am never at fault. I am never responsible and I am never accountable. Culpability and I are not bedfellows. I escape liability for anything and everything that I do and instead the blame will always rest with you. Even if you have done nothing wrong I will pin the blame on you as this serves my purposes to draw fuel from you, control you and denigrate you. If I forget to remove something from the cooker, it is your fault. If I forget to pay a parking ticket on time, it is your fault. If I forget an anniversary, it is your fault. Each and every mishap, failure and problem which arises will always be attributed to you because I cannot be held to account.

4. I take what I want from whomsoever that I choose

I walk this world as a colossus and it is my right  to do as I please. I will take whatever my eye rests on as I am entitled to do so. I will steal because I can. If I want something then I will take it. I will take the credit for achievements when they belong to someone else. I will pinch the partner of a friend because I want her in my bed and not his. I will park my car where I like and I am not to suffer any consequence. I will borrow from neighbours and never return anything. It is my right to take and you must never challenge or criticise me as I exercise this right.

6. What is mine stays mine

All resources that are mine remain mine and are for my exclusive use. I will not lend anything to anybody, they should go and buy their own. I will not share. I will stockpile money secretly, notwithstanding that we apparently have a joint account. I have my own shelf inside the fridge for my food which nobody else is to touch. Nobody is allowed to sit in my favourite chair, not even when I am not there. Nobody is to play my CDs or read my books. They are not for you, they are for me. My friends are my friends, yes they will pretend to like you, purely for the sake of appearance but they will never actually be your friends. Anything that is mine remains as mine.

7. I go where I please

I own the right to go anywhere that I like. I am not to be stopped or questioned as to where I am going or where I have been. I move in between and through, an unstoppable force in light of my vast sense of entitlement. I walk through doorways marked private, I attend meetings to which I have not been invited, I will turn up at your social occasions even though I was not asked to attend. I will step over the threshold, vault the red rope and penetrate all areas because I must always know what is going on. Besides, my presence is such that I am always welcome, who would not want someone as brilliant as I with them? I am access all areas.

8. I own the spotlight

The spotlight must be trained on me at all times as it belongs to me. It is for my use to highlight how interesting, witty and successful I am. It lights up my podium where I stand elevated and superior and woe betide you should you try to point it anywhere else. You must never interfere with my ownership of the spotlight for to do so will invite my fury at your transgression. It is a device that must be aimed at me so that the world is always to see me, so that I can receive the adoration which I am entitled to.

9. I owe you nothing

I owe you nothing because in the beginning I gave you everything. It does not matter that since then you have given me your all, your love, your affection, your time, your money, your dignity and your will to live. You can festoon me with gifts, run around after me, nurse me, pleasure me, support and soothe me but this is what you ought to be doing as I am entitled to be treated in this manner. I have no sense of needing to reciprocate, someone as high born as me need not deign to fawn over you, not any more, not once I have captured you and bound you tight to me. You are nothing without me, worthless and pathetic and therefore I owe you nothing, despite the fact you gave me everything.

10. You belong to me.

I thought I would remind you of this fact. It would not do to forget that now, would it?

19 thoughts on “The Ten Laws of Narcissistic Possession

  1. Narcissist alert says:

    This is absolute perfection. Your description is almost as if you jumped into the mindset of a sociopath, which almost no one can fathom. I am very critical of false prophets on the topic- as I have lived this repeatedly for over half a century with several sociopaths, but you absolutely nailed it, like a sociopath.

  2. Laura says:

    This is absolute perfection. Your description is almost as if you jumped into the mindset of a sociopath, which almost no one can fathom. I am very critical of false prophets on the topic- as I have lived this repeatedly for over half a century with several sociopaths, but you absolutely nailed it, like a sociopath. T

  3. Laura says:

    This is absolute perfection. Your description is almost as if you jumped into the mindset of a sociopath, which almost no one can fathom. I am very critical of false prophets on the topic- as I have lived this repeatedly for over half a century with several sociopaths, but you absolutely nailed it, like a sociopath. Thank you decor this guided tour through the mind of a sociopath. They are self entitled trash thinking they are important: ultimately not. The only thing you neglected to state us where they end up: drug addicted losers with a trail if failed relationships and job losses.

  4. T says:

    Number 5 is missing

    1. nikitalondon says:

      Detail oriented T 😃😃?

    2. HG Tudor says:

      See comment above T.

  5. Kelly Boyd says:

    Probably the most accurate description i have ever read. Spot on, one of those kick to the teeth moments of realization. I survived (yes, survived) and overcame a ten year “relationship” with an extreme narcissist. I felt as worthless as a piece of bubble gum stuck to the asphalt of a carnival parking lot. Little did I know and much to his surprise I became a phoenix and i soar above him. He is not able to reach me up here,I am not within his reach and as long as I keep fly. I keep myself above him and not look at the ground, he will never fear superior to me. I found his vices and threw proof at his doorstep and he buckled at the thought of being exposed in family court. He now looks at the ground when he has to be frisked and have a sobriety test before he gets to sit in a room for two hours a month in the presence of a guard to see our ten year old daughter. Our poor daughter does not deserve it, but this was at her request as he had began to prep her for emotional , mental and psychological attack and she was his little giant that slammed the door. VICTORY…. no more abuse, no more self guilt.. PHOENIX!

  6. Delisa says:

    These are all too real!
    What is number 5??

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Keeping you wondering, puzzled and having to ask questions. Just as the absence of a fifth law written above has done.

  7. Yup, mine after I’d ended it with him some months earlier but I was allowing him to text me because I was supporting him though his illness. He wanted to meet up and said to me, when his illness was approaching a good point, “I can do what I want with whoever I want now’ I didn’t meet him though.

  8. Bity Roll says:

    When you say it like that … not that enticing anymore 😉

  9. nikitalondon says:

    Ohhh my this was heartbreaking and thankful. Thankful that I never met a person who met all this description. Specially not the below

    I have my own shelf inside the fridge for my food which nobody else is to touch. WT%?

    I am thankful that although my dad was an N, he was so giving. Specially with food. This part above schocked me. None of my exes kept food forthemselves. On the contrary very giving towards food
    Unfortunately they did not have this private shelf… I would not be here..😂😂😂. I dont think I could share my household with somebody doing this.
    Fortunately its a spectrum and some Ns are great people 🌔❤️
    Im pretty sure its not you having this shelf HG and this is a collecion of the whole spectrum.
    Really good summary.

  10. Cody says:

    HG, are any of your books available in “real” (meaning not Kindle) form? Or any plans to? I think your books need to be prominently featured in the “self-help” shelves in bookstores.

    1. malignnarc says:

      Hi Cody, I do intend to make them available as paperbacks although this will make them more expensive than via the digital version. I appreciate the recommendation.

      1. fool me 1 time says:

        HG I for one wouldn’t care how much more they would cost! I would rather hold a book in my hand then this electronic device!! It would be wonderful to see your books out in the stores! You are a wonderful writer! There are so many people that would benefit from reading you!! Xo

        1. malignnarc says:

          Thank you Fool Me, I appreciate that, they are coming in paperback. I will advise once available.

    2. nikitalondon says:

      Agree 👍🏻

  11. Cara says:

    Yes, I (and everything I own) is a subsidiary of you, wholly owned & controlled by you. Unless, of course, I embarrass you in front of your frenemies, in which case you disown, disavow, & cut all ties…but not for good, because sooner or later you’ll want SOMEthing from me.

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