Five Reliable Conversational Derailments



We don’t do conversations. That suggests that it is an equal process where we listen to you and your opinion is respected and deemed as valid. During seduction our conversations are both information gathering exercises and monologues which are there to showcase our brilliance. Once we devalue you, our conversations with you are tirades, imperious and haughty speeches, vicious diatribes against you where we speak and you had better damn well listen. All conversations must be controlled by us. Our need for control is considerable because if we every allow you to hold centre stage then we are losing out. We risk losing fuel, we are allowing our innate superiority to be undermined and we are ceding control to you. This is why we must never allow you to think or even achieve some kind of dominance, even if slight, during a conversation over us. The conversation is a mechanism for our use, not yours. It is for us to shine, to avoid blame, to lash out at you, to hoover you back in and enable us to achieve what we want. It is our conduit and you just happen to be involved but on the receiving end. Achieving such domination and control of the conversational arena is absolutely necessary and to maintain such a position we engage in numerous manipulations. There are many which are deployed and here are five of the most popular ways we will derail a conversation for the purposes of maintaining or seizing control.


  1. The Blame Shift

If you are trying to accuse us of something or pin the blame on us in the course of a conversation this is against our rules. We will not allow this to happen. We are unaccountable and especially so to somebody like you. If you can hold us to account through a conversation, then this reduces our superiority and allows you control. In order to prevent you from achieving this will engage in a blame shift. Whatever you are accusing us of will be your fault. It does not matter if there is no logical link (in your world) between what you have accused us of and our response. These conversations are not governed by your logic but by ours. Our logic is that we must maintain control and therefore shifting the blame on to you, by any means, is a logical method of achieving this. There is the logic for you. Understand this and you begin to understand why we act as we do. Accordingly, you might accuse us of the following and be met with the response in bold.

“You have been seeing another woman, I can smell her perfume on you.”

“I’m not having an affair but if I was who would blame me? You never show me any attention or affection. You cannot smell perfume; you are just making that up.”


“Why haven’t you remembered to switch the oven on?”

“Why do I have to remember to do that? It is your job. If you spent more time getting on with what you are supposed to do, rather than trying to pick fault with me, this wouldn’t happen.”


“Why are you always trying to tell me what to do?”

“I don’t do that. You are over-reacting. I just suggest things for you because let’s face it, you aren’t really capable of making the big decisions yourself are you? That’s not me being horrible, that’s a fact, you are poor at decision-making. You should thank me for helping you.”




  1. Projection

This favourite method of derailing the conversation is so effective because it takes your breath away. By accusing you of doing the very thing that we are accused of (and invariably we are doing) you are so astonished at our bare-faced cheek, our audacity and our brass neck, that you lose sight of what you are talking about and end up focusing on the counter-allegation that we have just flung at you. You hate being thought of in an incorrect manner and because we project with such conviction, you are immediately drawn into engaging us on this point. You will fail to press on with your accusation against us and instead be side-tracked into discussing your own behaviour in a fruitless effort to try and persuade us that you have not done any of the things that we accused you of. You let your emotional response to such allegations take hold of you and this is entirely deliberate. Expect to hear comments such as these: –


“If you didn’t drink so much, you might begin to realise just how horrible you can be, but you can never remember because of your drinking.”


“You always take the last can of soda without replacing it. It is so selfish.”


“Me flirt? Have you seen the way you go on around Harry? Only last week you were all over him like a rash. It just wasn’t me that saw it and commented on it either.”


“You never turn up on time. I find it disrespectful.”


“You spend too much time thinking about your work and not enough concentrating on our children.”


  1. Interruption

You will not be able to finish what you are saying because of our repeated tendency and need to interrupt you. We do not consider anything that you have to say having any value. You are inferior to us therefore anything which comes out of your mouth must be inferior to. We do not recognise or respect boundaries and therefore we regard it as perfectly acceptable to talk over you and interrupt what you are saying. Our sense of entitlement means that we are always to be heard and if this means cutting across you, so be it. This can reach even childish extremes where we will say one word so you stop and then we stop. You try to speak again and we repeat the trick. We keep doing it, halting you from speaking until you continue talking and we speak over you or you storm off in frustration. You can expect to hear phrases such as these: –


“If you would just let me speak.”

“If I can get a word in edgeways.”

“Why don’t you listen for a change?”

“This is important.”

“I want to have my say for once.”

“If you actually listened you might understand.”

“No that’s wrong.”

“No, you are making this up.”

“I have to stop you there.”

  1. Topic Shift

We love to deflect and distract. We also exhibit a considerable capacity for moving the conversation away from what you want to talk about and thus have control, onto something we want to talk about. It might be espousing our virtues of having a go at you instead, but we will hijack the conversation and wrench it over to our preferred topic. You must not protest for if you do you will be accused of trying to monopolise the discussion and failing to listen to us. We are brilliant at talking about ourselves or finding some topic which we can take round and round and round as you feel yourself falling into a stupor. We rely on your innate empathic nature of politeness, good manners and being a good listener so we can abuse this and prevent you talking about something which matters to you. Nobody is interested in what you have to say. Expect shift comments such as these: –


“That’s all very interesting but let me tell you about….”

“That’s not important right now, but this is….”

“That is irrelevant, now let me tell you..”

“Oh I must tell you this, it is hilarious….”

“I have to tell you this before I forget….”


  1. Silent Treatment

The old favourite. If we do not like the way, the conversation is going then we will either walk off or sit in silence. This is often done when there is a conversation going on in a group setting as well where we are failing to dominate the discussion. We want to bring it back to us and therefore by sitting silent and sulking we hope to engender some sympathetic reaction that causes someone to comment on our silence or invite us to speak. When done in a one-on-one situation this is designed to ignore what you have to say, treat it as unimportant and make you feel uncomfortable. You will be forced to ask us what is wrong and then chase after us as we remain sullen and silent. Your comments are forgotten as the spotlight returns to us again and the conversation has been successfully derailed.

40 thoughts on “Five Reliable Conversational Derailments

  1. mollyb5 says:

    Thomas the train ! I loved watching it with my son. HG …did you narrate any shows ? Heha

    1. HG Tudor says:

      No, Ringo Starr did.

      1. Violetta says:

        He was Really Useful.

        1. WhoCares says:


          Just saw this, and then just got it. Took me a few seconds.

          Sir Topham Hatt must have had penchant for Empath engines.

      2. mollyb5 says:

        HG ..Alec Baldwin did also , and george Carlin ?

    2. Chihuahuamum says:

      Hi Molly…I loved watching Thomas The Train with my daughter she adored that show.
      Funny enough i have Oh My My playing in my head by Ringo Star as i read your comment HG🤣

  2. Flighty says:

    Do NP’s know what they are??

    1. HG Tudor says:

      It depends on the type. Lessers do not, Mid-Range know they are different but do not know why, Greaters know.

      1. Me says:

        What do you mean by “greater”? Greater in what way? Thanks

        1. HG Tudor says:

          Greater in terms of the hierarchy of narcissists.

  3. luckyotter says:

    #3. Interruption. My ex took this a step further. He ACTUALLY stuck his fingers in his ears when he didn’t want to hear me, and loudly sang “LALALALALALALA!” I wanted to shove his face through a wall. He also played that child’s game of REPEATING everything I just said. I wanted to kill him. I should have. 😛

    1. HG Tudor says:

      #3. Interruption. My ex took this a step further. He ACTUALLY stuck his fingers in his ears when he didn’t want to hear me, and loudly sang “LALALALALALALA!” I wanted to shove his face through a wall. He also played that child’s game of REPEATING everything I just said. I wanted to kill him. I should have.

      1. luckyotter says:

        I see what you did there!

        1. HG Tudor says:

          Ha ha indeed. The mimicking of the other person’s words is effective as it is easy to do and it is infuriating to you. You cannot say what you want to say, you are getting no sensible response from us and to top it all it is regarded as childish so we are suggesting that what you have to say is not of importance.

          1. luckyotter says:

            Exactly! So simple yet so effective.

          2. HG Tudor says:

            Just like aspirin.

          3. luckyotter says:

            Except it CAUSES a headache instead of curing one! (for me anyway)

          4. nikitalondon says:

            😂😂😂😂 hahaha you made me laugh

          5. Violetta says:

            Which is why the shittiest therapists use the Rogers Method. My shrink tried it on me when I was a hyperactive 9-year-old, and I tore up his fucking office. Sadistic bastard.

    2. nikitalondon says:

      😖😖😖😖 ohh LO …. Deep sigh.. 💝💝 for what you had to go through.

      1. luckyotter says:

        Now I can laugh about it. I sure couldn’t when I was with him.

        1. nikitalondon says:

          LOL i can imagine!! But its really really childish. I think one of my kids did that when they were really small. I think it was my daughter … But yes we should laugh about the bad moments of the past 🍻🍻

  4. nikitalondon says:

    I love it when there are the posts on Narc communication . Its so interesting. 🙂

  5. mlaclarece says:

    H.G., would you want to date you? This makes you sound like such a breath of fresh air to be around! Lol

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Ah but when you experience my Five Reliable Conversational Seductions consider yourself putty in my hands.

      1. mlaclarece says:

        Cannot wait for that! I will then forward my top 5 rebuttals to your pillow talk and see what you come up with then. More role play fun!! Haha

        1. HG Tudor says:

          When it comes to the pillow stage you are beyond help.

          1. mlaclarece says:

            I have one defense move I’ve mastered. I can gladly look back and know it’s one form of vulnerability JN never got over me. Maybe that’s why I got “punished” so much? In turn, I can savor your pillow talk but it would be immune to me.

  6. Cara says:

    Yes if I could just get a word in edgewise, Mother…if you didn’t fill up all the air with your own voice

  7. And as for the contract you have for me, please show me where to sign.

    I don’t even mind signing in blood as I feel it just makes it that much more official. If blood is to be spilled, it should be spilled for good purpose.


    1. HG Tudor says:

      You’ve already signed the contract, didn’t you know? Still, a formal signing ceremony looks good doesn’t it, I shall have it arranged.

      1. In principle yes, but I do so love to ensure anything of importance is made as official as possible.

        1. HG Tudor says:

          Good answer.

  8. Brilliant tactics and of course, they work like a charm. Divide and conquer. Demean in order to create uncertainty, cause self-esteem to plummet and allow self-doubt to reign supreme.

    Comments such as, “That’s your job” make me homicidal, especially if they are said in relation to any household chore.

    I was seeing a guy who wasn’t a narc, just a dickhead, and he once told me it was my job to do the laundry.

    On the weekend, he went out to some sporting event with some friends and he came home to a lovely meal, his favourite beer and a nice roaring bonfire in the backyard for us to “relax” around.

    Didn’t take him long to notice said bonfire was constructed using much of his clothing and gasoline as kindling. He just looked at me, and I smiled innocently and said,

    “You said the laundry was my job and I decided I don’t much like that job anymore, so, I am liquidating the offending assets.”

    After that there was no more “this is your job” commentary.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Ha ha, mind you, I would have expecting you to be cooking me something on said bonfire, after all, that is your job isn’t it, cooking?!

      1. But HG, it wouldn`t be prudent to cook anything of value over a fire like that.

        Think of the pollutants, the chemicals….you deserve much better!

    2. divined1va says:

      ^^^We have a winner. ^^^

  9. 1jaded1 says:

    Yes…and if we have nothing to say, we were “all talked out” cuz we spent so much time talking with that other guy.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Yes you really must stop this flirting.

      1. 1jaded1 says:


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