7 Statements of Cessation



1. After everything that I have done for you.

How can you leave me after everything that I have done for you? I gave you the world and now you have thrown back in my face. I of course only gave you everything because I wanted something from you. I did not give you my all because I loved you. I gave you so much because I wanted everything from you and I was so close to taking everything from you. Now that you are trying to escape me, you are suggesting that I have failed and that I am not brilliant nor magnificent and I cannot stand for that to be the case. I want to blackmail you into staying. All that I gave you were not gifts, they were bribes and now it is time for you to earn them, so you had better damn well stay.

2. But we belong together.

We do belong together because I own you. I bought you with my false affection and dishonest love. I attached you to me and bound you in chains that are long and think and you dare try to cast off those shackles. I do not know where you end and I begin. You thought that was romantic the first time I told it you but I was actually telling you a rare truth. You and I are one because you are subsumed into what I am, I consume you, I envelope you and I control you. You cannot walk away from me now because we are too enmeshed, too attached and too conjoined. You are tearing me in half. There is no you. You gave that up when you allowed yourself to be drawn towards me and bound so tight to me that you became part of me. What has been joined together can now not be undone.

3. I will die without you.

You cannot leave me because if you do you shall surely tear my poor heart from out of me. That is suitably dramatic and is designed to pull on your heartstrings even though I am telling you that this is how brutal and heartless you are in trying to end our relationship. I cannot allow this to happen because I have not finished my seduction of your replacement and if you go now you will take away my precious fuel before the new source has come online. This will leave me panicked, chaotic and driven into a frenzy in order to gather fuel from other sources, if I am able to that is. If I cannot I will no longer exist and it is all because of your selfish, wicked behaviour. How can you cut me down like this? How can you slay me in such a callous fashion? Heartless harpy, seditious slattern and callous crone that you are.

4. I cannot help what I do.

You cannot leave me just because of what I have done and what I have not done. How is that fair? I thought you were a fair person, open-minded and caring, are you not? I doubt it now as you are intent from getting away from me and all because of the way I have treated you. Look I am sorry, really I am, but I cannot help it. You make me that way with the things that you do. No, I am not trying to push the blame on to you, I am explaining it to you if you would at least listen to me. How can I explain that it is just something that happens when you are walking away from me? I never intend for it to happen you know, it just happens and you should be the one apologising to me because you make me lose my temper with your control and the games you play,you are doing it now you fucking bitch, I hate you, do you hear me? I hate you. It is your fault. Not mine. I can’t help it.

5. Why do you want to spoil everything?

I really do not understand you at times. I mean, what do you have to complain about? We live in a beautiful house, you have an expensive car, a platinum Amex and I let you do whatever you want but still it is never enough is it? Yes, I know I sometimes have to lay down the law but if I didn’t you would spend us out of existence. Do you know how hard I have had to work to build all of this? It doesn’t just spring up overnight and I did it for us. You have used me. I welcome you into my life and this is how you repay me by spoiling our idyllic life. You would be nothing without me, do you know that? You have a fantastic life, all provided by me, there are hundreds of other women who would give their right arm to be with someone like me and you are going to throw it all away and leave. I knew there was something not right with you, you need help,you are insane. Ask anyone and they will agree with me.

6. Who will help me now?

You cannot leave me, who else is going to help me? I have kept you here under figurative lock and key, a virtual prisoner in your own home because not only do I need you to fuel me but I need you to mother me. That was the agreement when we got together. I would feed you false love and fraudulent gratitude and in return you would cook for me, clean this house, wash my clothes, cut my toenails and wash my hair. You would wait on me hand and foot and be at my beck and call. I cannot do all of these things on my own and I haven’t got the energy to find someone at such notice with you leaving. You are such an awful person, to leave me like this, especially when I am ill. Who on earth does that to someone? You should think of others and not just yourself you selfish cow.

7. Don’t go, I will change. I promise.

You really are going to go aren’t you? Good Lord, I didn’t see that coming. I thought you were good for another six months of abuse and mistreatment before you somehow plucked up the courage to try and escape me. I don’t like to admit it but you have caught me out and now I am concerned, I can feel the control slipping away from me and I have to get it back, I have to stop you. A crack around the face has worked in the past but something in your eyes tells me that even giving you a good hiding won’t stop you going, even if you have to crawl out of that front door. I know, I will throw myself on your mercy. You will like that. You have always been trying to save me, well here is your chance. I will change. I will get help. Just please do not go. Of course I mean it. I will do anything to stop you going and taking my precious fuel away from me and making me look a fool in front of all my adoring admirers. I cannot have that happen so yes, I will get some treatment, I know I have done wrong and this time, more than ever, I will change. I swear it on the lives of anyone who springs to mind so it seems like I really mean it. Of course I don’t, why should I change? The only thing that will change is my primary source of fuel but that is not ready yet so you need to stay. Please. I will change. Don’t go.

22 thoughts on “7 Statements of Cessation

  1. 1jaded1 says:

    If you could freeze time at any 8 hr point in the week and stay at that point, when would that be? Why? Mine would be Friday 10pm – to Saturday 6am…bc still and peaceful.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Is that when you are asleep?
      I would choose Friday 6pm until Saturday 2am. That’s when it all happens.

      1. 1jaded1 says:

        Not sleeping. Sleeping is overrated. Either driving or just being out. 10-2 is lively or peaceful depending on what is going on. 2-6 is pure peace.

        1. HG Tudor says:

          Duly noted.

      2. 1jaded1 says:

        Too bad we aren’t in the same TZ. Our hours would overlap by 4 (10pm-2am). My loss again.

  2. sunshinyweb says:

    HG….you are the best! Your writings make me want to tell my ex that he is a lesser N just to piss him off. ha. Although, I am pretty sure he is a greater N. You have helped me and empowered me! 4 weeks No Contact. Thank you. Xo

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Thank you for SSW and do keep reading.

  3. luckyotter says:

    Good God, HG, you sound like my ex here. :/

  4. 1jaded1 says:

    Happy millionth visitor! Took just under a year. Onward to two million. Look forward to reading more.

  5. nikitalondon says:

    All words of codependant love… Excellent… Creating awareness!!

  6. nikitalondon says:

    Wow already more than 1000000 🎈🎈🎈🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎁🎁🎁🎊🎊🎊🎊❤️❤️❤️❤️
    U R D BEST 😍😍😍😍

  7. Ok…..who hit the millionth hit? Bitches! Lol!

    1. 1jaded1 says:

      Wasn’t me. How have you been?

      1. Bit of a cold and in Nashville. Be back Sunday NYC. Coming to Detroit…u better watch out. Insomnia….wish I had something to put me to sleep…fast. HG is on his way. No not to put me to sleep, I mean on his way to a Dagger Award….it’s mystery right and everyone dies in the end…sooo..jus sayin. 2 million coming up!

    2. 1jaded1 says:

      Hope you feel better. Insomnia is the suck. Working late helps kill time. Lol @ you betta’ watch out. I’m always looking over my shoulder, thanks to N2. It’s second nature. When will you be in the D? Have you met anyone from blog world? Dagger Night sounds interesting.

      Hi HG…you have to survive to continue your blog. You are up late tonight, I see that by the time the comments have been posted. I hope you are having a good nigbt.

      1. HG Tudor says:

        Sometimes I am up late, sitting in the stillness.

  8. 1jaded1 says:

    I want to blackmail you into staying? Wow. Sorry, I don’t clip other people’s toenails. With a term of endearment as lovely as crone, you make it really hard to leave, but I must. Seriously, I must.. lunch is over.

  9. Poetic_Me says:

    I never heard any of these, because I never left him until recently. He might very well be saying them to himself or others, but since I am not in communication with him, he cannot say them to me. CN, always told me he will always come back to me and he always did, silent treatment after silent treatment. Because, I loved him and allowed him. I do not now. Love or allow him.

  10. Alex Zangriles says:

    #4 Fits my ex to a T. He always says he can’t help the way he is (still don’t think he knows or wants to believe he’s a narc). Blames it on me. This time it was that he could not trust me although he had already started screwing his other source of fuel. He was filling up on both of us but I caught him and threw the discard at him this time a moment before he could throw it at me.

  11. Magia says:

    I didn’t hear any of these pleas from my ex, actually I received the opposite…comments such as “I’m not the right woman for you”, “I’m bad” “You should start thinking of yourself” and so on.

  12. *Shutters* I can send you emails and texts that would cover every single step… no need to write, I almost feel that you are my narc writing to me!

  13. Fool me 1 time says:


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