10 Spoken Narc Grenades

1. You never….

The precursor to a criticism of how you do not do something for me. It is a twin explosive assault against you because not only do I tell you that you are failing me by not doing something for me I also choose something that you actually do carry out. By suggesting that you no longer do a particular act or say a certain thing, when you actually do so, I intend to leave you speechless with exasperation and confused as to just how I can say such a thing. You will be stunned by such a blatant contradiction and this will result in your emotional response coming to the fore, rather than a reasoned one. All the better fuel for us.

2. You always….

The flipside of the above and likely to be tossed in your direction not long after the above narc grenade. The allegation of “you always” will be followed by some put-down and criticism highlighting a behavioural trait of yours which we deem unsatisfactory. Once again we will actually highlight something that you do not do in order to perplex you. You will defend yourself against this scandalous accusation and once again erupt in an emotional manner.

3. I’m sick of you controlling me.

Thrown at you in order to project our own rampant control of you. This is also used to deflect any criticism of us when you chastise us for our behaviour. Any attempt from you to point out the error of our ways or even to try to help us in some way will be met with this response. We do believe that you are trying to control us, by trying to break our own control of you and we cannot allow this to happen. It is through our control that we gain what we want from you and therefore any threat to this must be met with something that will knock you off balance. Accusing you of the very thing that we are doing will cause such astonishment and consternation that our aim is fulfilled.

4. My ex wouldn’t do this

A narc grenade of triangulation and who better to do it with than your predecessor. By implying that your predecessor has some form of superiority to you, after all the smearing of her name we did when we first ensnared you, not only will you be taken aback by this sudden volte face, you will also be mightily offended at being compared to someone who we hate so viciously. Drawing you down to her apparent level always brings forth a reaction from you.

5. My ex would do it

Another flipside whereby we are seeking to coerce you to do something for us, something which you are evidently reluctant to do. You have reservations and no doubt with good reason, but that does not matter to us. You are our extension and therefore you ought to be complying with our wishes without hesitation or refusal. By triangulating you again with she who went before you we are threatening that you are inferior to her and raising the prospect that you will be soon dispensed with if you do not do what we want.

6. I love you but I don’t like you right now

This carefully crafted narc grenade will shatter you as it appears as a compliment before ripping your heart out as you struggle to comprehend what we have just said.Surely if we love you, then we must also like you? What do we mean by saying this? It creates confusion and will have you trying to persuade us to both love and like you. What we mean when we lob this grenade towards you is “You say you love me but you will not do what I want.”

7. If you loved me….

We know that you are a love devotee. A passionate supporter and believer in the concept of love and we use this as grenade to about compliance. We know that you take pride in your integrity and decency and therefore you have standards to always uphold. By suggesting that your failure to act in the manner we want or that your disagreeing with us is somehow representative of you loving us less, we are challenging what you stand for. This will always force you to react by stating your case, reacting in an emotional fashion and ultimately doing what we want, in order to prove that you do indeed love us.

8. You are over reacting

A favourite to make you react even more. You take matters seriously and there are many things that we shall do which will cause you to respond in a serious and concerned fashion. By using this grenade, we belittle you and cause the issue to be about your reaction rather than what we have actually done.It acts as a brilliant way to deflect discussion and dissection of our behaviour and instead causes you to try to prove that you are not over-reacting, which will invariably actually heighten your response.

9 I can’t deal with this right now

Our grenade that is thrown in order to provide us with an escape route from any crisis or situation that requires us to be either accountable or supportive. We do neither and we want to keep it this way. We will invent some other reason which means that we have to depart or that you have to deal with this situation as we hurl the grenade, leaving you to catch it and deal with the subsequent explosion as we walk away, free from involvement, responsibility and culpability.

10 I don’t remember

The blast from this grenade is used to eradicate the problem that you are facing us with. Whether it is an accusation that we have failed to something or evidence of misbehaviour, this grenade is a failsafe way of enabling us to escape the problem. Often it will be used even when it is blatantly clear that we can remember, making your flabbergasted reaction all the more satisfying. There may be irrefutable evidence that we know and can remember but this never stops us from hurling this grenade at you and making good our escape from your attempt to blame us.

18 thoughts on “10 Spoken Narc Grenades

  1. Alex Zangriles says:

    Launched a grenade at him today. Not even sure if it hit his pathetic little self but it felt amazing to me!

    Kept my daughters password at narc narc whose there…BOOM!

    1. HG Tudor says:


      1. Alex Zangriles says:

        Thanks HG, can see why it feels good to be narc sometimes! Of course I know your admiration is “Golden” so I should not feel too special.

  2. nikitalondon says:

    All part of a very destructive pattern of communication 😞😞. Does not seem to me like there is much love in there…
    Nevertheless by getting rid of internal frustratiom and accepting that this is destructful and hurtful one can achieve more positive ways of communicating by learning several techniques.. ❤️

  3. Heather says:

    🎼 🎧 All and all its all just bricks in The Wall! 🎧 🎼 Brick yourself in you stupid lying Narcissist! How you gonna get out of there? I’m glad I don’t have to listen to it anymore! I love your lists H.G.😎 It’s like you are filing my brain from the jumbled mess on the floor and putting everything in its place with the proper perspectives. Validation smashes the confusion! Peace of mind makes a nice pillow at night!

    1. HG Tudor says:

      You are welcome Heather. I like your last sentence.

      1. Heather says:

        I want everybody to have one

      2. Heather says:

        I want everybody to have one ❤️

  4. These are all excellent and highly effective.

    Another favourite of mine is “I can’t believe you’re doing this to me after all I’ve done for you.”

  5. Jessica says:

    Ahh this reminds me of the dinner table conversation. All about my car accident and med bills. A bit snappy tonight… Before he was boasting…. About how he was told that he should be in charge. Wont give profession to proects others…the pieces got as I watch and observe. I do have a background in behaviour sciences so this is an educational experience for me.

  6. 1jaded1 says:


  7. And right on schedule…the flying monkeys have arrived. This is going better than I thought….excellent.

  8. Cara says:

    Yup. Or in my mother’s case, “Your sister would [whatever she wants me to do]”

  9. Please….please….give me a healthy dose of silent treatment…and I will run so far you’ll never find me.

  10. I am lobbing all of these his way right now. Fight fire with fire.Escape via raging him till he runs away.

  11. Hunter says:

    If you are so inclined, H. G., it would be so instructive for us if you were to provide a companion post, wherein you arm us with responses which lob those grenades right back at our Ns so they detonate at his/her feet and not our own?

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Hello Hunter, I have made a note to write an article on such lines for you. Keep your eyes peeled. Incoming !

  12. Fool me 1 time says:


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