My Point of View


One of the most powerful (from my perspective) and troubling (from your perspective) is the fact that my kind and me appear to act without any regard to logic. We appear to delight in ensnaring people by pretending to be something that we are not even though it seems completely genuine. We cause people to fall completely in love with us and then apparently turn on them, lashing out at them and hurting them. Indeed, we seem to delight in causing pain and chaos to everyone around us and we show no concern at such conduct. We behave in such a hypocritical fashion, chastising you for doing something and then doing the very same thing ourselves. We say one thing and do so with utter conviction and then in the next breath say something completely contradictory yet seem not to realise what we just done. We act with impunity, taking at will and with no concern for what anybody else may suffer as a consequence of our actions. The list is long and worrisome. Trying to fathom out why we behave in this manner leaves you bewildered, exhausted, defeated and broken. This is all of course intentional. We behave in this manner in order to wear you down, provoke reactions from you and most of all so that you provide us with our precious fuel. Our apparent disregard for logic and reason causes massive consternation to you and your kind. This is because you are ruled by order and the need to understand. It is woven into your DNA and anything which deviates from this creates a significant problem for you. Our behaviour makes no sense to you for one simple reasons. You are looking at the way we behave through your world view. You are imposing your values and your outlook on what we do. Why should it be the case that your world view should be regarded as the only one? Why should the way you look at the world be considered as the correct way of doing so? When did you become the arbiter of all? This is the high-handed arrogance which proves the undoing of your kind. Oh you will wail to anyone who will listen at how monstrous you have been treated, how we are evil people and the spawn of Satan. You sit in so-called support forums on the internet decrying our behaviour, writing page after page about what has happened to you and how horrendous you have been treated. All about you isn’t it? Oh I can hear your howls of protest now, at how you are a good person and that you do not hurt anyone. Do you not? How then is it that you injure me with your failure to behave consistently. You call me for it yet you are just as guilty if in fact not more so. You promise me so much at the outset and then you change the way that you behave so you do not give me what you once did. I do not change. I shine and dazzle and soar, but you make it all change, why do you do it? This failure hurts me as you reduce my fuel and force me to punish you for it. You force me to seek it from other sources when I would much rather keep obtaining it from you. You call into question my abilities and criticise me notwithstanding just how that behaviour wounds me. You hold yourself our as caring and considerate yet you do me these injustices. You hide behind your mask of empathy, telling the world you are the good person, the caring person and the one that looks our others yet this is just a ruse in order to wound me and my kind after everything we have done.

Perhaps if you stopped looking at the world from your own perspective and looked at it from mine you would start to understand. You talk so often about showing compassion and your ability to put yourself in the place of other people. Why do you not do this with me? You tell me you love me. I read about how many of you declare you loved my kind and me in a way that went beyond anything you had shown before. Sometimes I wonder. If you loved us in the way you say that you do, then why can you not put yourself in our shoes and then understand what it is we have to deal with. If you did this, you would start to see that our behaviour is completely understandable. It makes absolute sense when viewed from our perspective and not yours. I see no reason why you should not try this and then you will have gained considerable insight into why we behave as we do and then, should you still deem what we do as unacceptable then you can at least understand it and take evasive action can’t you? You will not have to decry us to all who will listen whilst and I think it is only right that I make this point, you are not helping yourself by wallowing in this moaning and self-pity and surrounding yourself with others who behave in a similar fashion. Providing blow by blow accounts of what we do in order to elicit sympathy but then asking why does he do this and why does he do that, is not getting you the answer because you are asking the wrong people. Ask me instead and I will tell you; view the world through our eyes and everything will make sense. It all comes down to one small word; fuel. That is why we act as we do. That is why we do the things we do and say the things we say and once you comprehend that it is all about fuel you will be looking at the world through our eyes and finally it will all make sense. Go on try it. I dare you or would you rather sit and milk sympathy and never move forward? Don’t say I never gave you the chance.

199 thoughts on “My Point of View

  1. Li says:

    “This is all of course intentional.”
    Intentional gaslighting is Machiavellian, a lifestyle choice.

    Splitting self-supply, regulates self-splitting between shame and grandiose states, which is a deeply rooted behaviour.

  2. Simple answer: Why do we cut off your fuel? When a not so clever narcissist insists that you have NEVER done anything for them, NEVER gave them gifts and NEVER goes out of our way for them as I explained to the narcissist then NEVER say NEVER. There would be absolutely no point nor purpose in doing anything for anyone that acclaimed it never happened nor ever will. Therefore he gets nothing from me, nor any rich supply of fuel to boot. He states, I NEVER say thank you anymore, well you know since I was NEVER thanked, Mr Narcissist (my n) walk a mile in my moccasins! Plenty more fuel lines around for him to source. My fuel tank sprung a leak, I am all out! That brings me back to a flashcard event, when during the golden period deceptions I made a mistake, a serious mistake of asking how long did he think we would survive as a couple? His answer (flashcard) was that depends how much petrol I had in my tank! Cannot say he did not warn me, yet when he spoke in such manner the putridness of his negatives were felt just as you HG felt the comments with a tail-end of negativity from your mother. Differences in your kind and ours are not that difficult to understand, we chose to move through it with arrows to the heart sticking out everywhere and knives in our backs that neither hindered our recovery nor jeopardise our resilience to honour ourselves for the heart that we know well and will fight for, ours.

    Have any heard the story about the angry child? As we know, anger comes from fear. The young boy had issues and who knows what they were but the father noticed this. You cannot keep hitting your sisters and wrecking her things, said the father. You don’t understand Dad, said the boy, I just get so angry I don’t know what to do and it feels better when I hit my sister, or smash her things. The father returned from work the next afternoon with a brand new hammer and a cardboard box of large nails.

    He gave them to his son with the instructions that when he felt this anger he was to go out to the back fence mad of timber palings and drive nails into the fence with the hammer until the anger tired him.

    The son, did this for years and it did seem to deter his acting out in the home and his grades at school were improving as he knew he could get home every afternoon and pound away driving those nails into the fence for release.

    After the boy reached young adulthood, the father sat with him one day. The fence had nails driven in all over it with little uncovered without silver shiny heads. The father said, we are nearly out of space on that fence, do you know what the end of the hammer is? The claw and it used for removing nails, I will show you how. The father instructed the son to claw out the nails one by one when he was angry until all were removed. This took a lengthy amount of time. When it was achieved, the son told the father and said how horrible the fence looked with all the holes in it and even if painted the holes were too large to conceal.

    Quietly the father said this: Those are the holes that get placed in the hearts of people you lash out with your anger using your fists, your temper, every time you smash their personal things and when using your words to cause them harm.

  3. Ty AH OH…
    Appreciate it.

  4. Also….i had many puzzle pieces early on and along the way….but i didn’t know i was putting together a puzzle…
    I had lots of correct instincts along the way…but bc of all the techniques like gaslighting and so many others simultaneously always swirling in from every angle… was very difficult to put that puzzle together….under the circumstances.
    But…im guessing….though many of you dont really get how i could find myself in this position……4 kids w a narc….and have said as much…..
    HG totally gets it. As that’s what he writes about and experiences.
    Probably that bloody_elemental too. I’m guessing. Chilling.

  5. Snow White says:

    This is one of the most important things that I have learned from you. I can now look at my relationship through her eyes and figure out why things happened the way they did. Not everything, but that’s why I’m not going anywhere. I still have lots to learn.
    I can see that what see wanted from the beginning is not at all what I thought.
    I can see how her mother contributed to what she has become today.
    I can see that what I was saying to her was taken as a criticism and that’s not what I was saying.
    I can see why she let me cry for hours.
    I can see why she wanted my constant attention.
    I can see how she needs the fuel to get through her day.
    I can finally see that when you say “I love you” it doesn’t mean the same as when I say it. I have read ” We only love your fuel ” many, many times and I hate it every time but it’s your perspective and I understand that now. It hurts so much to finally accept that. I thought she loved me.
    I would never have been able to say any of these without you HG.
    Thank you

    1. HG Tudor says:

      You are welcome SW.

  6. AH OH says:

    DC You had your child without pain meds? Well, they did it for thousands of years but why? Was this a choice of yours? I had a good Jewish doc who gave me my meds right away. Do not let the Princess suffer.
    At least he cut you in time but then again, you are so numb from what is going on that you wouldn’t feel this at all I would think. It makes my head hurt thinking about the whole process.
    But I also had a hard delivery (24 hours) with my oldest, induced and he would not come out. They had to get on top of me from both sides and push him out. I do have it on film. No, not the crotch shot.
    In the end they should have taken him C-section. He suffered. Delayed learning from lack of oxygen. But what a sweet person he is.

    1. Ah Oh, I chose not to take meds because I do not to well with pain medication and I refused to have an epidural… The labor pains were annoying but it really wasn’t that bad until it was already time to have her and the pushing alleviated it. I had to be induced with two methods for my daughter… While she was early she was taking her dear sweet time coming out. Yes I did not feel the ripping because I was pushing and the cut to complete was not felt either… I can assure you I felt them sewing me back up after everything was said and done, no topical anesthetics there either. Pain is my friend because I know it will end at some point regardless of the outcome. I’ve had good and bad outcomes from pain… I do like being rewarded with something good in the end but same thing applies…. Pain always ends.

      The mind is incredible, the power of thought or self suggestion is amazing and can even be inviting at times…

      1. AH OH says:

        Emotional and physical pain my dear DC.

        1. Exactly <3

    2. For DC and NA. (It is such a long thread…you may never see this….i Couldn’t even figure out where exactly to put it… )
      Perhaps some of my comments were harsh …i don’t think them narcissicistic though. I just can’t understand ,especially with the knowledge you get here about narcs…. that anyone would ever knowingly put themselves in that position to not be loved or cared about genuinely. To only be an appliance. To have no value as a person truly. To be oppressed and stomped on . Belittled, demeaned, devalued. And made to look like you were the abuser in the end…. they are so cleverly evily brilliant . Rip your heart out and stomp on it….. then point the finger at you…and say everything true about him as if it’s you. That’s not fun. There is no peace in that.
      To smear you…when its not true…. to live through that.. horrible. I can not understand why anyone would contemplate ever going in that den of soul death.
      To answer your questions about why i had 4 kids w him..
      .i did NOT see it. That’s why all these articles are so interesting. How could i NOT have seen it? They are very very good at their craft. I am not an uneducated or foolish person…..but they the narcs….are that good. I simply trusted. I simply believed. I simply hoped… all in the wrong person.
      I had no idea till after i filed for divorce and was in counseling that my counselor clued me in… to what he probably was ..that was over 2 years ago. It has been quite the journey divorcing him, learning more, healing, trying to still deal with him and raise 4 kids. I also have a 5th kid. He’s 24. Single parenthood is a breeze compared to coparenting w a narc. No issues…we had a great time in life….he has achieved much bc I’m an awesome mom. Despite the narc dad circumstances w the 4 lil ones….they still be ok too…. bc of me. Kids are not stupid.
      I did however, always have an instinct about my ex/narc…. but i always gave him the benefit of the doubt. I didn’t know he was a pathological liar. I had no reason to think he was lying and doing everything he was doing…i did not realize people like him existed and moved amongst us…they were out there….but certainly i would recognize them if i saw 1….and that i could ever be caught up with one….never thought i could. I was too smart for that. I mean read all these articles in this blog….it makes sense now….how it all happened to me…. now…i know what to look for and im not so trusting.
      Then. … i thought i knew what i was doing….he fooled me and a bunch of people. Hard people to fool. And yet….he fooled them.
      I was going to divorce him at 6 months into the marriage….but he changed and got nice and then i got pregnant……and again and again and again. The niceness didn’t last….but i was caught up in the spinning and had picked up defense/ survival mechanisms i didn’t even realize i was implementing…like….do whatever he wants to tame the beast. I could not say no to him… HG wrote about. I just didn’t fully realize it and what was going on… that and soooo much of what he writes abt….that’s why i like to talk to him. It’s a crazy dynamic.
      Heres the quick synopsis…
      We married in nov 2005.
      Baby 1- 2007
      Baby 2-2008
      Baby 3-2009
      Baby 4-2011
      Filed for divorce 2014
      Divorce official 2015

      You see….it all happened very fast… was spinning….
      I tried to make sense, bring peace and order…… but that’s not how they operate..
      I finally realized…..something was not right… much of what he did was “not normal”
      Then i realized no matter what happened…..every step away from him was a step in the right direction. ..
      And here i am.

      1. NarcAngel says:

        I did offer in my previous post that you may not have had the label of Narc but you do admit that you had an instinct about your ex and that you almost divorced very soon after so at the very least it was a home in turmoil and so my question remains unanswered. Bringing children into that atmosphere seems frankly selfish and narcissistic. To have them because YOU want them regardless the circumstances. Also affirming to yourself that the 4small ones will be okay. At the very least they have been denied the “traditional” father. You are correct in saying that children are not stupid and I understand you need to believe your assertion that it will not affect them. I truly do hope for that but I believe you are fooling yourself. You need to tell yourself that just as the Narc tells himself that all is well and yet you do not believe him. To address your concern about me volunteering to enter this arena: I believe I have great value as a person. I am only belittled, demeaned, and devalued in the eyes of the Narc because as with everything else, they choose to believe that for their own needs whether its true or not to me. I feel empowered, altruistic, satisfied, and as you put it- cleverly evil and btilliant. Its hard for me to understand that others cant find their power especially after suffering abuse, but I do. I am in my mind no longer the victim I was as a child (btw- my mom thought we’d be ok too). When I start to have feelings rise up I dont likeI take them to a Narc battleground and I stand mine. Im glad you are stepping in the right direction (for you) and hope you continue to come here with an open mind. There is much to learn.

        Oh…….I graciously skipped over your comment that you ” couldnt figure out exactly where to put” your comment, attesting to my civility and the fact that I retain a sense of humour. Have a great day.

        1. I’m glad i appealed to your sense of humor ….im not incompetent just human.
          I never said my kids would not be affected..i said they would be ok regardless. For many reasons. I can only do the best i can.
          I did not knowingly bring my kids into an environment of turmoil. Life doesnt work that way. That’s the irony of all this. I thought we were happy. I thought i was happy…people thought we were happy…. sometimes you can think you are happy but you are not.
          If i knew…..i wouldve never dated, married, had kids..nothing w him. They trick you. You DONT know. I didn’t know. That’s why it’s confusing. To have an instinct or a puzzle piece…..isn’t the same as figuring out the puzzle and seeing the big picture….. now i know. It all makes sense. Never again.
          That’s what i was getting at w my comments that were just being honest. I didn’t know. Some of you DO know and choose to seek out such an evil person.
          I just don’t understand that.
          I never will.

          1. MLA - Clarece says:

            Give yourself some credit too. You had back-to-back pregnancies which is an all consuming thing in itself what with extreme fatigue early in pregnancy, hormones, nausea, medical exams, plus caretaking for 1 then 2 little babies /toddlers. Sorry, but if one thinks you’re supposed to be on top of covert red flags during this time span they should have 4 back-to-back pregnancies and then talk. Your focus is usually centered on your babies and your days / months blur together with feedings, diaper changes, doctor visits, possibly juggling work…
            There is a reason as HG has written some Narcs bind someone to them through pregnancy and having children. They value the children as extensions of themselves so even during the pregnancies it may be part of the golden period or a respite back to it.

          2. MLA Clarece-
            Yes yes yes….i appreciate your empathy! and beyond the babies and pregnancies, i also at the time had a teenager of mine and a pre teen step daughter of his….plus a business i owned. (And early on i was teaching High school too and taking graduate classes for a 2nd masters)
            And my teenager happened to also be a world class professional rock climber traveling all over the US , Canada, South America and Europe climbing and competing. And i would go with and bring my babies and my mom. I remember in 2009…i was trotting around Paris w a senior citizen, a teenager, a 2 year old, a 1 year old, and i was 7 months pregnant. And still running a business from France….
            That’s how you do it..

            Till they wear u down to absolutely nothing.

          3. MLA - Clarece says:

            Exactly! I get it! You’re a very hands on mother!
            I am slowly realizing my first husband of many years has many Narc tendencies and I’m watching him weave his web with his new wife and two babies a year apart and under the age of 2. She is enamored to have the family life she always wanted and too exhausted with a professional school admin job, taking care of the babies and running circles around him to realize a single thing yet. Everything is rosy.
            I’m actually quite lucky she is a very kind, loving person and very good as a stepmom to my daughter. I have no issues there. But she runs circles around him whereas I had stopped once we had our daughter.
            It is a monumental decision to split apart a family and it weighs huge and can prolong if you are trying to hold on for the kids sake.

          4. NarcAngel says:

            In an earlier post FL11 commented to DragonCreeper : “Thats messed up….do you hear yourself?

            Then followed up with a post in which she wrote:
            ” I was going to divorce him 6 months into the marriage but he changed and got nice. But the niceness didnt last”. ( at least 4 times??!! And it never occurred maybe I should stop having babies with him??!!)

            Followed by:
            “i did not knowingly bring my kids into an environment of turmoil. I thought we were happy”. (Umm……see above)

            Clearly my mistake.

            I stated previously that my mother did this exact thing ( 4 chikdren and some miscarriages) and I cant wrap my head around a child under 10 being able to figure out that it was wrong but not an adult intelligent woman. I leave this subject still feeling that the womans selfish drive to bear children keeps her in denial and blind to the signs and not the almighty power of the Narc. And isnt that a good thing? Im saying that we have powers greater than the Narc ( the drive to bear children standing in the way of nothing for one), but we choose when Its convenient to use them and when its convenient to be a victim. We have some responsibility.

        2. NA…..
          This post below from HG….that was me….that’s why I’m here. That’s why i talk with him. We are all learning. For different reasons.

          ((((Any Excuse
          by HG Tudor

          The fact for so long you had no idea what you were dealing with resulted in you engaging in an anticipated behaviour. This behaviour is one which we regularly rely on in order to keep you in the dark. I have made mention of the various traits which we look for in those who make the most useful victims to us. One of those traits concerns your ability to try to find the good in everyone and everything. This is a typical empathic trait and along with all of the others which you possess causes you to flare up on our radar when we are seeking an excellent primary source. Your desire to see good means that it obscures your ability to see the bad or perhaps more accurately, to accept the bad. This is something we desire because it prevents you from truly recognising what it is that is happening to you once your devaluation has begun. We of course love to operate from a position of plausible deniability, we court ambiguity since we enjoy and need to twist and turn in order to achieve what we want. If you saw everything as stark and clear as I now describe our machinations to you, you would be more inclined to escape us and bring about that unwelcome cessation of our primary source of fuel. It would also make it harder to apply those hoovers when we wish to return you to the fold and have you engage in our cyclical endeavours once again. We present you with the truth of what we are on a repeated basis but although we offer it up in front of you, we never let you see it clearly. We draw a veil across certain elements, apply a smoke screen, obscure some parts and distort others. The reality is there before you. It is evident and plain but because of the way in which we purposefully manipulate you, you are unable to see it. It is akin to us pointing out a ship on the horizon. It is obvious for us to see but when we hand you a telescope to gain a better look at this vessel, the lens has been smeared with something which distorts the view, or we place our finger over part of the lens blocking your view. ))))

      2. AH OH says:

        Findinglife11 I commend you. Yes, they are that good.
        You rock and you will only get stronger.
        I, on the other hand had a very brief encounter with a narc as I am not narc friendly. My narc said he brought a bat to the battle and I bring a cannon.
        I am here for the entertainment.
        No, I am not a Narc, I love animals.

        1. My exN brought animals home often… He pretended to care even after we broke up. He loves them, loves them until he is bored of them.

      3. FL11,
        I understand where you are coming from. All I am saying is to be considerate of what you are saying others. You do not have to agree with what we like, even if it seems irrational BUT you should be respectful. I do NOT think that you are “crazy” for wanting to NEVER be in a relationship with a narc ever again. We all have our own desires and needs. I do not think lowly of myself, I do NOT need a narcissist to be happy. I am happy on my own and fulfill my needs very well, I just happen to know the kind of trouble I like. I guess you could compare it to an addiction… everyone has an addiction rather it is shopping, Starbucks coffee every morning, your daily workout routine or that daily glass of wine. You just feel incomplete without it. I suppose you could say I enjoy the very emotionally charged relationship between myself and the narcissist. You do not know my story BUT if my narcissist ex was not physically abusive I would have stayed with him until he decided to discard me, I would have fought to keep him and then who knows. I am willing to lose as long as I tried. I am okay with moving on, I am not lacking the means to continue with my happy and very entertaining life… I am my own movie and book and as I have said before, if I find the right match he can get on my ride and make it just as fun… a joint effort. (If he is a narcissist, he will just think it is all him) 😉

        The difference between you and me is this:

        “that anyone would ever knowingly put themselves in that position to not be loved or cared about genuinely. To only be an appliance. To have no value as a person truly. To be oppressed and stomped on . Belittled, demeaned, devalued. And made to look like you were the abuser in the end…. they are so cleverly evily brilliant . Rip your heart out and stomp on it….. then point the finger at you…and say everything true about him as if it’s you. That’s not fun. There is no peace in that.”

        I DO NOT care what anyone says about me in the sense that it would actually bring me down. You can call me what you want, yes I will argue back BUT it will not affect me emotionally because I know who I am and what I have to offer. I suppose I am over confident and I really don’t care if anyone thinks less of me, even if it is the man I love. Because if he holds my heart, he knows the truth… regardless if he wants to lie about it. AND that brings me to love… yes I love, I will give my entire being for love. I do NOT need to hear the word love, I only want to FEEL like I am loved. Do they have to actually love? NO, but narcissists give the feeling of love in order to receive the fuel (LOVE) we give in return. It is the SAME thing only we give it unconditionally (and that is to an extent as well). Can you see love? I don’t, it is a feeling… I feel it. There are a lot of messed up things that narcissists do and there are also a lot of sweet things they do, more so than any regular relationship. I AM all I need… except I do love a mans touch. I cannot provide that to myself (well I can but I have desires not everyone can fill). I need the Yin to my Yang… but again, I am fine all by myself…

        Please understand that we are not all the same, that is what makes all of us so great. I just like a fucked up dynamic, I was created for it… I don’t know if by fault or just all of the crap I have been through. I am not weak, I am not crazy, I have never been diagnosed with any mental illnesses and I have never wanted to die. I don’t know what to tell you other than to embrace who you are, help those who are crying out and do not understand and laugh with those of us who are “off our rockers for narcs” ;).

        Welcome to HG’s blog and please do not take anything wrong… everyone is welcome to play along and everyone has their own uniqueness to contribute. We are all learning! <3

        1. DC…
          Ty for your comment…
          Perhaps…i was a bit off the cuff w my raw reactive comment…(hmm ….thats why he “loved” me..”loved”….used loosely mind you… 😉 )
          I think it’s easy to forget at 1st that there are people behind the comments….and my opinion is so strong bc of my experience… and conclusion…and it seems so obvious… i can’t believe the world doesn’t see it….especially in here of all places….and therefore heed to action…. intense no contact based on the unique knowledge learned here… knowledge is power…
          Which leads me to think that maybe your experience was perhaps w a lesser narcissist. According to how HG categorizes them…if he’s physically abusive…that could be the case…. we all like a “bad boy”….some excitement….the thrill…. im not looking to be with a boring person.
          But….perhaps if your experience was w a greater narcissist….you might feel different…. they take it to a different level entirely. You think you are strong w them. You think you are confident…you think you can handle them…..
          You think wrong.
          They will always win. Always.
          You will be a flattened mess of nothing on the floor… and they are not done with you…
          Maybe you can be strong and confident w a mid or lesser…. but not with a greater….
          Everyone has a vulnerable place esp an empath…. the greater finds it …all of them… and exploits it…knife in your heart and twists it..while saying he loves you. its not just lying about you….it’s causing you to have a criminal record for what they did…. they affect you and your life, your career and your relationships way beyond anything the lesser or mid can do….
          To win with the greaters for sure …i believe HG is right in his no contact advice.

          1. I understand what you are saying FL11, you cannot assume that everyone has only dealt with a lesser because they are not flat on the floor dying or whatever you are saying… you are here right?
            I was married to a narcissist before my last, I was with him for 12 years. I left, I do not know the category or level of any of the ones I was with. The one before him, when I was in high school… he was a lesser and an idiot. I left all of them. They all stalked me, this last one has been the absolute worst in every way possible. He abused me in every way possible but I loved him the most and I would have stayed with him except he couldn’t control his physical abuse. The others had it in them (beat others) but never abused me physically. You just do not know everyone’s story. It is okay to be angry, it is okay to wonder why people like it or stay with them or whatever… it is not okay to call people names or make snide remarks because of it. I will call you out every time… make no mistake. I might be nice but you cannot be rude and think I won’t say anything.
            To think I never suffered is wrong, I have suffered in ways you will never know or understand but at the same time I am resilient. I am resilient because I know myself, I am resilient because I know life goes on, I am resilient because I can and I will. If you do not understand that then maybe you need to find yourself, know yourself and value yourself a little more.

            My point is we are all different and you need to understand and respect that.

          2. DC
            Quite frankly i do not understand your need to call me out on my opinion.
            True, I know i do not know your story…. i do not believe im being disrespectful…
            I can appreciate everyone has their own story …. i can emphasize…
            I was just making suggestions based on information you told …. in comparison w HG info. Which i find to be incredibly credible and accurate.
            Of course i don’t know the depth of the level of hurt you have endured…nor does anyone truly know mine..
            It is truly a sea of personal pain…. which brings me back to the original thought pattern which got me into trouble in the 1st place…. w such an incredible level of pain felt….at the hands of a narcissistuc individual…..why would anyone want that in their life and seek it out? It makes perfect sense to me. Clearly not to all. To each his own. I can respect it….though i will never understand it.

    3. NA
      It seems to me you keep wanting to equate your experience w mine. While they may have similarities…..they are not the same.
      As I’ve stated multiple times. I didn’t know. And HG writings support that….and how that can happen. There was no responsibility on my part…
      I did not do anything. That’s the reality.
      Im sorry for your experience.
      If u look at any situation in life…..there are multiple situations why a kid should not be born into a situation….but they are…and it’s for a reason…the kid has a higher purpose.
      We all have purpose
      Equally ..circumstances can change. .a kid can be born into the best of circumstances. . And things change ..someone dies… there is some can’t control life’s circumstances….
      It is not selfish to want kids despite your environment. And with mine. ..i wasnt to the point yet where i saw my situation for what it was…
      I didn’t know i was bringing them into a hostile horrible environment. I wasnt there yet. I got there… and the kids are happy to have us divorced…they admit its less tense for them….and more stable and safe. Nothing is perfect not in any family .. even “normal” ones. But i do an excellent job as a mama.
      And i love it.
      I shower them w love, affection and balance. Its not always easy…. but it’s working out. Never will i regret having them. They are wonderful.

      1. NarcAngel says:

        I never “equate” a situation as my higher power apparently was to be more astute and have more intelligence at 10 than intelligent women of child bearing age. Indeed your older child (24?) if he lived with you may have made some observations and cared to share but I doubt he would knowing it might bring you pain and guilt.. I gave my situation to explain WHY I wanted to know and thought you to be in the best position to address it. It would have been easier I think if you just replied in the first post that you take no responsibility. Instead you keep trying to explain why you are absolve of any and cite HGs post as proof. He has written others also that show how our fantasies, denial and excuses for the situation (our share of the responsibility) allows them to continue what they do. I commend you sincerely for removing yourself and your children sincerely and would never suggest that you regret having them. I can see by your defensiveness that you love and want to protect them. I would hope that others who may be in the situation that you found yourself in at the time may read your posts and might stop to think that if things do not seem “right” and they have already thought to leave, that they should think long and hard first before having more children with him. What started all this was your response to DragonCreeper in an earlier post. You said: thats messed up-do you hear yourself? And I was thinking that about your posts. But instead of just throwing out a line like that I thought better to try to understand your reasoning and now i have it.

        You take no responsibility.

        1. Absolutely right. She accepts no responsibility… that is a narcissistic attitude and I maintain my grounding.

          You have spoken very well in regards to what I obviously couldn’t get out of my mouth. Also, I commend you on your choices, you took your situation and applied it to your future. This is what we are SUPPOSED to do, live and learn!

          Thank you NarcAngel! <3

          I will not be wasting my time with FL11 any longer… you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.

          1. NarcAngel says:

            Amen Sista. Easier to be a victim and stay that way I guess for some. THATS what I cant get MY head around. Oh look! A piece of dust floating by…………lol moving on……….

          2. That’s crazy…. i have been victimized….but trust me..I’m not a victim. I can’t even believe I’m defending. Insane.
            Of all places….u would think you would understand…
            All because i asked if she could hear herself. And i still stand by that sentiment….even if i could’ve said it more sensitively…..
            My original shock remains….
            Why would anyone knowingly want a relationship w a narcissist. Especially after all you learn in here as to who they are. No thank you.

          3. <3 I like you NarcAngel <3

          4. NarcAngel says:

            I know right?! Its hard not to (bats lash extensions). 💗

          5. Wow. Live and learn. That’s what i did. And im continuing to do both still. I learned to stay away from such people. The origin of all this was because people that i would’ve thought learned – didn’t.

        2. NA. Yep that’s right. Had no idea. As soon as i started to figure it out….I got the heck outta there….
          And that’s why i said what i said to DC …. albeit it was a bit of a raw off the cuff emotion…. even if it was just honest….that clearly and perhaps rightly so set off warning bells admonishing me to say it w a little more grace. I can do that…. sometimes you forget the words in this virtual world represent a person. And of course….all people deserve respect. I can respect that.

        3. And by the way…. as I’m figuring out the ins and outs of this blog….i have now discovered a more efficient way to reply. Previous to this discovery, it was very messy and discombobulated. I was just reading comments through my email and hitting comment there…..Which took me to the blog site via chrome.
          Not as efficient of a platform to find or leave comments.
          I somehow got to the site where it appears comments at least are more organized and easier to find, read and reply back.

  7. HG?.what is a lieutenant?
    Would you consider a narcissist a sociopath or a pyschopath?

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Someone who is loyal to us and carries out acts on our behalf.

      Sociopaths and psychopaths are narcissists but not all narcissists are sociopathic or psychopathic

      1. Ahem….
        Sociopathic here. Non narcissist. Could you exlpain your conclusion please?

          1. Indy says:

            Hi French Toast!
            Did someone diagnose you as sociopathic or did you identify characteristics that you felt you also showed on your own? If you identified them on your own, what traits do you find you have? I am asking out of curiosity as I have met some folks that have traits of it but are not full blown and wondering maybe this is what you mean? If it is too much to ask for details, I totally respect it and it is OK if you do not wish to share. I am truly curious.

            Also, have you (French Toast and HG) read any good books on sociopathy outside of the ones here for purchase? I read the Sociopath Next Door prior to coming here.

      2. bloody_elemental says:

        What. In. The. Actual. Eff.

        The proper term/diagnosis is anti-social personality disorder. This is where the “terms” sociopath and psychopath fall.

        And, for what it is worth, you cannot be a “sociopath” or “psychopath” if narcissism is not present as part of the diagnosis. Narcissism and anti-social personality disorder together like peanut butter and jam.

        As stated by HG and every medical professional in the world worth their salt, “Sociopaths and psychopaths are narcissists but not all narcissists are sociopathic or psychopathic.”

        Are you diagnosed or is this a self-diagnosis?

        1. B_E…
          Who is your post for?
          “What. In. The.actual. F.”
          The French toast girl? Or who?

          1. bloody_elemental says:

            Yes, frenchtoast, the one who said she is sociopathic but not narcissistic.

  8. Nadia says:

    All too familiar….as if it was perfectly scripted.

    I can close my eyes and hear the same words exchanged. I am logical and tried for YEARS to just understand because then I had a half a shot at turning it around. NOPE. You cannot turn it around. You never ever will. And once you realize the hard reality that these people are incapable of change, there’s nothing to do but leave them and forego all that you thought was true.

    And while you’re breakup may be so tragic, what’s more tragic is the narcissist who cannot even help themselves because they lack self-awareness. You see, they do not get it and frankly, never will.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Indeed Nadia, spot on.

    2. HG….why do you have self awareness?

      1. HG Tudor says:

        Because I am cognitively superior, I was alerted to what I am and realised that person was right, thus I took the view that understanding what I am and understanding those around me would ensure that I functioned far more effectively. The good doctors have added to this more recently.

  9. Darkness Falls Again says:

    Very impressive HG!

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Thank you DFA

  10. Hmm. I share tmi HG? 😉

    On that note…. when people do share their sagas….does it make u want to meet or congratulate the narc in the story? Maybe envy or pick up a new tactic from what u hear?
    Do you learn anything from the empath ? Or is it just blah bah blah blah… ?

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Not at all, I have no interest in congratulating another narcissist and as for a new tactic, I don’t learn from them anymore.

      I do learn from empaths though.

      1. What do you learn from empaths HG?

        1. HG Tudor says:

          A lot. A heck of a lot. Too much to list in a comment – see my books and articles for the evidence FL11.

          1. Do you learn to implement or further your aims against them?

          2. HG Tudor says:

            I learn to understand the way that they think and react.

          3. MLA - Clarece says:

            Curious if by hearing our stories and interactions here from our perspective, has it made you reflect on your own past interactions and see them in a new light?
            For example, your past girlfriend, Karen, have you seen a different perspective emerge from a past fight or exchange that you realize now wasn’t meant to wound you, only understand you.
            I guess I’m asking, what are your “aha” moments here with us, if any?

          4. HG Tudor says:

            I have realised that many things that were done were not intended to wound me but the issue remained that notwithstanding that knowledge I still felt wounded by what was done or not done. I think one aha moment appertained to the realisation that other people expect relationships to settle into a less exciting, deep-seated kind of ‘love’ and see nothing wrong with that and how I see that as treachery on their part because their fuel changes in terms of output and potency.

          5. MLA - Clarece says:

            That is definitely growth. We also do miss those early fireworks but I guess also a real sense of security, loyalty, valuing commitment, etc are virtuous traits to uphold in our eyes. Thus feeling equally let down.
            Proud of you for acknowledging that!!

          6. You beat me to the question MLA Clairece, so thank you for asking this question and HG, thank you for the honest answer.

            This is exactly what I was hoping you would say.

      2. HG….
        As you read the posts from empaths do you analyze them as to what type they are?

        1. HG Tudor says:

          I build a picture over time as opposed to analysing each post.

          1. Of course.

          2. Indy says:

            No stealing my etch-a-sketch, HG!

          3. HG Tudor says:

            Come on Indy, you know it is mine really.

          4. Indy says:

            I already gave you my wood burning kit?!? Loved the portrait you made of the Queen…**flings hair, doing pageant wave**

  11. Sarah says:

    Chilling, yet true and honest work by HG.

    When I first read this article without some practical relations for comparison, it didn’t even make sense. For other empaths who venture into a “What Just Happened in This Relationship” and read this article, the first reaction is to say: “Surely not”. Denial. This is the first stage of the “Grieving Process” if you will. The second is anger. The third is grief..and the fourth is acceptance. For me at least, they do not follow a linear structure, but I think it’s important for others who stumble here to realize the basic stages.

    Unfortunately, HG’s point of view is entirely accurate. Naturally, I do believe that two people can influence each other for a time, but the Narcissist point of view will always revolve around a constructed version of self that even the definition of giving is taking.

    In wisdom and hope, in some cases, too much giving is equally as destructive as too much taking (my opinion) and empaths should take the time to write their own point of view and think through it – more specifically, if you have a child and give and give, that child may not learn the value of earning. Therefore, giving could be said to be harmful. Similarly if you have a parent who takes and takes, that child may learn to give too much. No one really evaluates givers because most people will take even that are not Narcissist’s on a spectrum personality. However, it should be noted that both tendencies can have destructive outcomes in the end. The real question is what is your point of view and break it down to where you can represent that to yourself.

    In HG’s case, I often feel angered by Matrinarc, but at a certain point, we all have to learn to forgive and move forward and choose to either be a beacon of hope for understanding or a victim of our own abuses. I personally recommend the former where you forgive your abuser and move forward with your life because acceptance is forgiveness and also being true to yourself and your objectives as well. We all have certain things that matter to one another.

    A good tidbit of advice for other empaths out there is to think to oneself: “Am I being mirrored?” If you can catch that – as in – this great guy/girl likes all your music, interests, activities – is it too good to be true? That is the KEY right there.

    1. bloody_elemental says:

      We get a lot of flack for being illogical and irrational (from empaths or “normals”) but when you look at the world through our eyes, you see that the way we operate is, in all actuality, incredibly logical, rational and of course, highly methodical.

      I view empaths as being highly irrational and illogical because they allow themselves to be fuelled and governed by emotion AND they often think with their hearts instead of their heads. Clearly, if you are lucky (unlucky???) enough to be ensnared by one of our kind, this should be a massive warning sign NOT to trust your heart or your emotions because it is allowing your heart and your emotions to govern your world that makes it possible for us to invade, infect and conquer.

      I cannot wrap my head around what you are saying above Sarah.

      “Forgive your abuser and move forward with your life because acceptance is forgiveness and also being true to yourself and your objectives as well.”

      I would like to know why you think HG should forgive his mother and what, pray tell, he would stand to gain from that forgiveness? Peace of mind? Closure? What?

      This is one of the many things I do not understand about your kind, Sarah, this idea that forgiveness makes everything better.

      Revenge is so much sweeter than forgiveness could ever be.

      “I forgive you” or “I am going to spend the rest of my days ensuring you get what you deserve.” I know which one I would pick.

      1. BE… Just like your kind needs what we have, some of us need what your kind offers.
        Logical, illogical, irrational and what is really rational? I am right, you are right. You are the yin to my yang… The dark to my light…
        It works, even if it doesn’t… I’m not the only one who will not change regardless of what we are shown… and you will always need us. 💜

      2. bloody_elemental says:

        I absolutely agree that some feed off and need what we have to offer. I have met many like you. There are many who keep coming back to me for more and more and more, even though they know it will not end well for them.

        We may always need you, but we can always depend on your kind to provide us with what we want. So either way, we win.

      3. I hope you are calling that a joint effort of “we win”… In my case, we both win.
        If I leave I never go back, I’m a live for the future type of gal… Next!

        There are a lot of things I’m figuring out about myself here and also my real life… I’m not looking for a fairy tale but I am not interested in the mundane. I like to be challenged, I like to conquer and be conquered but I want it often. My feelings can be tattered and torn but I’ll never forget who I am… If I am taken to the deep dark pit of dispare, I know how to crawl out with only minor injuries. Maybe I’m playing with fire but I am the fire starter and I am also the oxygen.

        1. I like that

        2. AH OH says:

          you are the badass Dragoncreeper.

          1. LOL, I am a savage… okay not really but it sounded good!

      4. bloody_elemental says:

        I meant “we” as in me and my kind.

        You are a bit of a rare breed and I find this interesting. You know what you are dealing with, you know the possible outcome and yet, it seems to be something you embrace and are accepting of. I can admit that I respect that.

        That being said, you must understand that I operate in a realm where there is only one winner and that winner is me. I always come out on top. I always come out ahead. Even when something appears to be a win-win, I always have the upper hand. The deck is always stacked more in my favour than in anyone else’s. I make sure of that.

        There is no such thing as win-win. The illusion may be given, but it does not really exist.

        The depths of darkness and despair are deeper and darker depending on who you are entangled with, DC.

      5. I understand what you are saying and I get it, I can always step to the side and allow you your win. I do not mind the defeat… I accept it but I will rise and win in other ways. I do not seek revenge, I and I never want to cause someone else pain… I take it with me and move on.

        I do NOT agree with everything y’all do but there are a lot of qualities I admire… some qualities I will never posses because I cannot bring myself to behave that way. There are some actions that make me mad and I hate to have to be the one to sweep them under the rug. I think you understand what I am getting at here.

        I do realize that one day I might entangle with the wrong one, emotionally and mentally I am too strong to break, at least I think I am, there for I am… the only way I will go down is if I am crossing paths with a psychopath. That could happen regardless if I took that challenge or not.

        I guess you could say that potential partners are like rides in an amusement park…

        There are the bland, boring, sit-down roller coasters that only seem to go up and down and the ride is over – regular potentials. (blah, no interest and I did get on the ride)


        Then you have the large roller coasters that strap you in standing up or laying forwards – they have loops, sharp turns and enormous drops… but that isn’t all they also go in reverse. The thrill, the speed, the not knowing… this is what I will choose, this is what I will seek, this is what will thrill me and keep my interest. – Your kind.

        1. HG Tudor says:

          I am the largest roller coaster with the missing section part way through. Whoops.

          1. I guess it is good that I have wings then. 😉

        2. I can excite myself wo all that pain and drama. That’s absolutely no fun. Thank you very much.

          1. No you don’t FL11, you have 4 CHILDREN, 4!!! Not 1 but 4 with a narcissist whom you will have contact with the REST OF YOUR LIFE. AND to top it off you are putting those of us down who are HONEST about our feelings towards narcs and then turning around and telling Grand Master Narcissist (HG) that you are enjoying talking to him. Stop the BS, the facade and be honest with yourself honey. You will have a much more fun time here! 😉

            I like the pain, it makes me feel like I am alive to go through the spectrum of feelings. I feel them all and I do it with passion. The drama is not fun but with my exN it was between the two of us and the make up was way better than the drama…. kind of like childbirth with no anesthesia… it hurts, you have the baby and you forget about the pain…

          2. HG Tudor says:

            Just as an aside DC have you given birth without pain relief?

          3. Yes, 18hrs of labor and if we want to get technical, with an episiotomy as well. That’s nothing, kidney stones are the only thing that has ever taken me down! 🙂

          4. HG Tudor says:

            Interesting, so it is true that kidney stones are more painful than labour?

          5. Mine was, and I have only had one, BUT it was tearing my urethra. Very, very painful. It took them three types of drugs to subside the pain… But it only took me out for 5 days (they kept me in the hospital), I was back to playing football the day after I was released! 😀

          6. HG Tudor says:

            Some girl. I have made a note.

          7. LOL NarcAngel…

            I wasn’t even thinking about that….

            We can exchange pain stories later HG, please do not tell me you cannot handle pain!

          8. HG Tudor says:

            I have an unlimited capacity for pain.
            Suffered by others.

          9. Not the same thing my dear…
            I am not sure you would enjoy my tolerance to it…

          10. HG Tudor says:

            I would.

          11. NarcAngel says:

            Omg HG you just made me laugh so loud I scared the dog! I pictured you leaning forward with rapt attention, your excitement palpable at the prospect of DCs pain threshold being able to withstand birth without pain relief. Impeccable comedic timing-intended or not. Thanks for the laugh.

          12. HG Tudor says:

            Pleased you were paying attention at where I was going and you are welcome to the laugh.

          13. NarcAngel says:

            Glad you addressed that DC. I dont know if it was meant to be but It did seem a bit judgy. I asked FL11 in another post if she could shed some light on continuing to have 4 children with her N as my mother did exactly that and even as a small child i couldnt understand it. No response so far. I made sure that I would have no children of my own. I had no point of reference for parenting, view children as all consuming (even though I can appreciate them in some regard and would never harm one), and could never expose them to the environment I grew up in, not to mention that they would be denied grandparents, one uncle,…..well you get the picture. And yet I cannot count the number of times that I have been called selfish for NOT having them. I understand your feeling of being alive around Ns DC. Makes perfect sense to me. Hey its no trip to Florida or wherever fun travelling people go lol but they make my pulse quicken none the less. To each their own. Thats why this blog is so great- we learn things from one another even if we cannot accept or adopt them for our own.

          14. I am happy to address anyone who needs to come back down to the ground. We are not here to put anyone down for their desires whether right or wrong. This is a neutral zone where narcs and empaths can play! (Oh the normals too) 🙂

            I see nothing wrong with anyone not wanting to have children, I absolutely respect your choice! I never wanted one and I have one who is about to be 18… I wouldn’t change having her for the world though! I finally put an end to having children years ago… 😉 I told my daughter I am okay if she never wants to have children, I do not have any desire to be a grandparent either. I like the aunt roll, take the nieces and nephews out for a day of fun and then take them back to mom and dad!

            I do love the diversity and even the debating from time to time, we become a community and it is nice to see the support where needed and a little fun too! 😉

          15. 😉 <3 X's

      6. Indy says:

        Hi B.E.,

        Your points are understandable and your feelings are valid, especially given the horrors his mother has committed. I too feel anger when I hear about HG’s mother and all those abusive parents out there like this.

        I cannot speak for Sarah on the forgiveness, only my perspective.

        I personally do not forgive to let someone off the hook, as that act implies I agree with their treatment/behavior. I “let go” of the need for revenge and leave (or draw firm boundaries) so I heal. I see seeking revenge as something that would ultimately hurt me. To me, it is like letting go of shards of glass when a vase smashes rather than grasp with all my might to the pieces in anger that the vase broke and cut my hands. Forgiveness is for me, not the other person. it allows me to release pain that is stuck to the situation like an intense glue. As one friend of mine put it, “forgiveness is a selfish act.”

        And, this is just me. It gives me peace.

        And, first, when one has been mistreated/harmed, one has to first work through all the emotions from this, including deep anger before forgiveness can begin.

      7. bloody_elemental says:

        Thank you for the explanation Indy.

        I know it makes sense from your perspective and in this arena, I am able to respect that.

        I take the rage and fury and turn it into something tangible. For me, forgiveness is intangible.

      8. The Punisher says:

        Hello BE. In most instances, revenge just isn’t something that we benefit from. It generally creates more problems, anxiety and pain. If we succeeded in our revenge we would most likely feel guilt. We don’t receive fuel from exerting our energy this way, but rather the opposite as our energy depletes. Forgiveness allows us to permanently release negative feelings, move on and restore. In a way it’s similar to how your kind moves on to a new IP when no longer receiving sufficient fuel, except we completely detach. The situation, emotion or whatever it may be no longer serves us (often never did) and we move on to something that does. I agree with you, though, that we are irrational. We can be easily blinded by our emotions and it isn’t always easy for us to see warning signs, let alone use them to our benefit. Hope this was helpful!

        1. NarcAngel says:

          So then should your name then be the Forgiver and not The Punisher? I tease. Im just jealous I didnt come up with that name (T.P). Mine suits me though.

      9. Love says:

        Hi Dragoncreeper. I love everything you said! Yes we need them too and there is a yin yang balance between us.
        Like you, I never go back. Even though I don’t leave based on my own decision, I don’t return. I can tolerate a lot of pain, yet I also heal quickly.
        The need for them never goes away though. I’m excited to embark on new adventures. There is so much new narc fuel out there, why go back to the old? Onward and upward 😊
        I’ve learned from Mr. Tudor that the Greaters normally congregate at more exclusive locations. So I just joined a high end fitness club. Lets see what I can rustle up there 😉

        1. Love! I do like that we both do have similar feelings in regards to narcs.
          You are naughty girl…
          I will NOT seek anyone out.
          I will take whatever comes my way and choose if I want to play or not. I am not looking for anyone or any narcissist but I need someone who is like me and can keep me interested… that man, narc or not, will have my total attention and admiration.

      10. bloody_elemental says:

        Love, you do realize that in dealing with a Greater, you are dealing with a different machine entirely?

        I must admit I am slightly confused by some of your musings here on the blog (not a criticism per se, just an observation really).

        In one breath, you tell me you realize you are not made for my kind (I am not much different from HG save for a few minor details – I am not saying I am as Great as he is, but that I am not much different) and then in another, you are saying you are on the hunt for a Greater at your gym.

        I wish you nothing but the best in your quest – if a Greater is what you seek, I hope you get exactly what it is you think you are looking for.

        And remember that, unlike a vampire, a Greater’s invitation cannot be rescinded once he or she is invited in.

        1. MLA - Clarece says:

          But BE, isn’t No Contact like the stake in the vampire’s heart?

        2. That girl must be crazy…

      11. NarcAngel says:

        Agreed BE. I pick revenge. Forgiveness to me means giving up and is unforgivable. Having said that and being the twisted creature I am, the empath part of me wishes not to harm those vulnerable, while the vindictive Bitch and tortured child in me wishes to lash out and lay it at someones feet. I choose Narcs because frankly they can take it. I know their mindset will only allow them to believe they are the victor and thats fine. Sure I provide them fuel while I am playing my games with them but I also benefit by allowing my Bitch and child to have a voice with less collateral damage. The picture in my minds eye is always of 2 dragons spewing fire at one another. I am not lessened by it nor are they.

        1. That seems like a lot of work…..
          I can’t believe a person would choose to live like that…. i am such a simple person….just travel and have fun, hang w family and friends. I cannot believe i made the colossal mistake to accidentally marry a narc and have 4 kids w him.
          I would never choose it. I prefer to run so fast and far away….and never look back. But these 4 precious angels…
          Keep me entangled w his evil web…. even though i divorced him.
          My life was soooo good before i met him…..i thought it would just be better w him….a naive innocent notion of love….
          I simply believed all his lies and the facade…..
          And im rewarded w a nightmare life.
          I would never ever choose this…. i can’t fathom why someone would.

          1. NarcAngel says:

            I am relatively new here so I feel I have to preface a lot by saying: I ask because I want to understand and this is not a criticism…….

            FL11 you say it seems like a lot of work and that you cant believe people would choose to live like that. I have a hard time understanding that you chose to continue on with your narc long enough to have 4 children with him. Surely you knew what he was before child 2,3, and 4 if not 1? At the very least if you did not have the label of narc you knew he was not the man you first envisioned as the Father of your children. My mother did the same thing and I watched this as a small child wondering why she would continue to provide him victims and witnesses. I have asked her many times but she will not provide an answer. I have always imagined that she selfishly wanted some comfort (in us) for herself and that we were also a buffer as I cant imagine any other reason but perhaps that is not the case. Can you shed any light here?

      12. bloody_elemental says:

        Clarece, my sweet, in a way yes, it can be. That is providing No Contact can be maintained. No one who has tried No Contact with me has been able to maintain it for very long thus far.

        There is also no shortage of fresh and willing targets, so even though No Contact wounds, it is not a silver bullet that kills. We survive and we move forward onto juicier targets.

      13. Love says:

        Hello B_E and the rest of the ladies. Yes , after reading your great description of what it takes to be ‘ the one’, I realized I am Not it. I could never be that person. However, that still doesn’t take the need away. So what would I be doing at an exclusive gym? I’d observe and have fun. I wouldn’t take anybody home. I’m still very timid and shell shocked. I like to see an actual Greater up close and personal. With the information Mr. Tudor has provided, I would like to be able to recognize and identify them in real life, not just in theory.
        Lol @ rescind their invitation. Very true. For now, I will be cautious and just observe. No talking to strangers.
        Btw, B_E you are very sweet for looking out for me and I’m giving you a big virtual hug (hopefully you like hugs) ❤

        1. All of you narcs scare me quite frankly… i do not and will never understand you. I feel like i am in the den of wolves here…….its a very interesting environment. Narcs and empaths coexisting in a virtual environment…… giving and receiving information…… inadvertent helping and healing…..
          Very interesting.
          I am very glad i found this place…. as it has helped me immensely as well. It’s crazy uncanny…. to read the accurate depictions of what happened in my life since January 2005. Giving some insight and understanding to the nightmare. And most importantly, now helping to equip me to survive coparenting of 4 kids w him.
          Ty all. Most interesting.

        2. Indy says:

          I am glad you are taking heed. You are vulnerable now and that “shell shock” space is like blood in water to them.

          I understand the fascination, they are very dark, dangerous, intelligent and uniquely delicious. I really do empathize as I too like “spice”. And spice can get your azz kicked at minimum. That fascination I know personally. I played with in the dating arena 2.5 years ago and it potentially could have gotten myself raped or killed. I encountered a smooth intelligent man, good looking photographer, writer, model. I was mesmerized. I knew he was bad. I knew. I felt it. And my clinical training also beeped at me….and I ignored. I thought, Ill have fun. Third date he held me down with force and joked about Patrick Bateman and Silence of the Lambs. He let me go, on his will. My gut said, this man could kill me if he wished. (possible higher level psychopath that looked like a sociopath) I never accepted date four. After him, I met my ex who is a mid range victim cerebral type (cant get enough of those smart men). I felt safe with him and didn’t know about a year in what he was. My mind was at stake then, not my physical safety. Bad enough, though. I am over the withdrawals finally. And still, I am stalked. I am in my tower, building my armor. Loving myself.

          Be careful, Love. You may attract this type in your quest. Be very careful. And, if you do meet a Greater Elite, they are the highest level of predator. Mentally able to make you potentially blindly follow…without you knowing until it is too late.

          And, remember too, that HG is following 5 rules on here and we have not seen his full intensity here. And, I love what he is doing here. He is teaching us NOT to put our necks out there, how to spot them and how to ESCAPE.

          Ultimately, be careful, Love. Keep yourself self, whatever your goals are hon.

          1. HG Tudor says:

            Very well put Indy.

          2. Indy says:

            Hey, you taught me well and “thank you” feels inadequate 🙂 Your teachings were not in vain. I take this with me and will continue to learn from you so I can continue to help myself and others.

          3. 😉 <3 X's

        3. bloody_elemental says:

          I am not looking out for you, Love. If you are confident in your ability to deal with the Greater of our kind, I say have at it.

          I find it amusing that you think you can just “observe” and “have fun” with our kind.

          That being said, we are not animals at the fucking zoo and you are not Sir David Attenborough.

          The fact that you referred to me as “sweet” and seem to think I am looking out for your well-being speaks volumes to me.

          I will let you figure out why that is.

          1. NarcAngel says:

            B_E I find it amusing that you seem to be offended at the thought of being merely “observed like an animal at the fucking zoo”. Do you not hunt, ensnare, then devour your victims? It seems observing would pale in comparison to that. Just an observation.

      14. The Punisher says:

        Hey NA! You are quite an interesting creature and I love it. There is destruction deep inside me as well so punishing is a prerequisite to the forgiveness sometimes 😼 Doesn’t happen often, but it always makes me feel like shit later.

      15. bloody_elemental says:


        Ha ha. No.

        My aggravation and annoyance lies in her underestimation of us.

        I do not mind if people want to gawk, stare, and admire me. But it comes with a price.

        1. NarcAngel says:

          Indeed B_E. It can come at a very high price as evidenced by a great number of posts on this blog. Those who do so would do well to heed your warning. I believe there are very few strong enough to withstand the lure and resulting interaction from “observing”. To that I imagine you say:NONE. I light heartedly say: game on. In all seriousness though it is not a game or to be taken lightly.

          1. bloody_elemental says:

            That was my point all along, NarcAngel.

            It is not a game. As Indy so brilliantly stated already, HG has rules in place here that make it possible for him to be open and honest (and gracious and civil) with you. It would be a grave mistake to assume those rules would be in place outside this arena. They exist only in this space for without them this space would not exist.

            Observing is never just observing. It may start out that way, but it would quickly turn into something other. Before you know it, you have been lead deep into the forest, the trail of bread crumbs has vanished, and the Big Bad Wolf is poised and ready to eviscerate you.

            Never underestimate us. Never.

          2. NarcAngel says:

            Did you hear B_E Empaths and Co-Ds? Never underestimate ( I say while yawning, filing my nails and not bothering to look up). Don’t you just want to teach me a lesson B_E? (Cheeky monkey that I am and who adores you).

          3. bloody_elemental says:

            Oh I am sorry NarcAngel, were you trying to get my attention?

            Try harder. 😉

          4. NarcAngel says:

            Haha nope-wasn’t trying, just admiring your power from afar. But I dare say if I were in the vicinity you might not be able to help yourself, what with jumping on the first pesky observer you see at the gym and all. Oh look! …….some bread crumbs…….right before those trees…. ( cue scary music).

          5. bloody_elemental says:

            Feel free to observe, sweetheart. I might even let you touch.

            But only if you think you can pay the price.

          6. MLA - Clarece says:

            I’d still love a night out for drinks to paint the town red with you BE. I think we’d be quite entertaining together…

          7. NarcAngel says:

            May I suggest some fava beans and a nice Chianti?

          8. bloody_elemental says:

            Clarece, I agree. We would have a lot of fun. You are an intelligent woman, you have an excellent sense of humour and I like your feistiness.

            Of course, we would have to videotape the entire evening and send it to HG. I am certain he would get a kick out of it. 😉

          9. HG Tudor says:

            Videotape? Is this a 1980s orgy?
            I would be in attendance, directing of course.

          10. bloody_elemental says:


            I watched American Psycho for the billionth time last night and had Bateman on the brain, clearly.

          11. HG Tudor says:

            I knew you had, did you return the videotapes though?

          12. bloody_elemental says:

            I plan to keep Inside Lydia’s Ass for a few more days.

            Wanna come over and watch it with me?

          13. HG Tudor says:

            What time? I have an 8 o’clock reservation at Dorsia.

          14. bloody_elemental says:

            I have a meeting with Cliff Huxtable at the Four Seasons but that should be wrapped up by 9:30-ish.

            Any time after that?

          15. HG Tudor says:

            Dry beers first at Harry’s Bar.

          16. bloody_elemental says:

            All I know is I’m not going anywhere unless we have a reservation.

            Also, I would like to see your new business card.

          17. HG Tudor says:

            That’s bone and the type is silian rail.

          18. bloody_elemental says:

            Oh my god, it even has a watermark.

          19. bloody_elemental says:

            I meant to ask you….Did you hear about Allen’s disappearance.

            Not surprising, really. I mean, I do not want to start a rumour or anything, but I have a feeling he was probably a closet homosexual who did a lot of cocaine. That whole Yale thing, you know?

          20. HG Tudor says:

            Is that Ivana Trump?

          21. bloody_elemental says:

            Gorbachev is not downstairs. He`s at Tunnel.

          22. MLA - Clarece says:

            Aha, BE, I wouldn’t indulge HG with a whole video, only a few Snap stories sprinkled throughout the night. Keep him coming back for more. Then we maintain some of our mystery. Lol

          23. HG Tudor says:

            Stop using my moves you.

          24. MLA - Clarece says:

            I had these moves pre-you, Darlin’ Heart!

          25. bloody_elemental says:

            Yes, Snapchat. Brilliant, Clarece.

            See this is why I love you.

          26. MLA - Clarece says:

            I have those once about every “Super” Moon…a brilliant idea. Lol

          27. bloody_elemental says:

            I suspect it is more than that, Clarece.

      16. Love says:

        Thank you Indy. Your words are very powerful and I will take heed. I appreciate you! I signed up for the gym membership mostly for their wonderful amenities. A year-round adult-only heated outdoor saline pool with swim up bar service. Yup, that’s where I will be. I understand now it is foolish of me to think I could simply watch and observe the mighty ‘Greats’. I know they will never make it that easy or obvious.

        B_E, by no means was I trying to offend you and call your kind animals at a petting zoo. LOL, far from it. If anything, I would liken the experience to cage diving with sharks – where the people are in a cage, and sharks swim about. Sorry if I upset you by calling you sweet. You may have your own reasons, but I still think it is kind of you to dish it out for me.

        I could be completely wrong, but it doesn’t seem like there are that many Greaters out there. My run-ins have been mostly with lessers and mids (even the cerebral was at that level). I would not give the psychopath a status beyond mid either.

        Nevertheless, thank you all for being on this forum…. And thank you Mr. Tudor for your magnificent self.

        1. HG Tudor says:

          You are welcome and I agree with the content of your penultimate paragraph.

        2. bloody_elemental says:

          Yes, especially when, as Indy already mentioned, you are still “shell shocked.” It is like blood in the water and while the cage might protect your physical self, it will do little to protect the rest of you.

          I figured most of your run-ins had been with lessers and mid-rangers. You will be hard-pressed to find many Greaters. They are a rare and wonderful breed.

          You did not upset me. It pleases me to interact with you. I am simply warning you not to underestimate us, especially not out in the real world.

          That is all.

      17. Love says:

        Thank you B_E. I love interacting with you! You’re getting another big virtual hug from me!

  12. MLA - Clarece says:

    I liken it to studying another language and HG is my translator.
    In a recent Hoover, JN (yes again, God bless him now for consistency) apologized to me for his recent insult-laden outburst when I caught him in a lie. He made the statement, “that wasn’t me and that wasn’t meant to come out that way.”
    I thought he was maybe trying to finally acknowledge to me that he realized something is not right with him and he would really want to atone for that.
    Nope. HG set me straight that he was merely trying to create distance between that side he showed and trying to just lure me back in with being contrite with a benign Hoover. In the hopes to have me desire more interaction with that side of him.
    Constant opposing world views clashing causing the conflict. Both sides end up letting each other down in that sense.

    1. Indy says:

      Hi MLA! I have only been on this site since July and do not know all the details of your story and now curious. Who is JN? Is he an ex partner or ex spouse or something more complicated. It sounds like you and HG together have made a lot of progress (something to be proud of!!!). Curious what keeps you connected to JN, if that is ok to ask. Don’t mean to pry and it’s ok to say you do not wish to disclose.

      Hope you’re well😊Happy Monday!

      1. MLA - Clarece says:

        Hello Indy!
        Of course you can ask.
        JN stands for Junior Narc. (HG started calling him Junior when I had revealed he was much younger than me, lol).
        I met him one year after my divorce was final thru the family I work for. He is the best friend of my best friend’s son, hence I let my guard down thinking that somehow made him more trustworthy.
        When I met him and our eyes locked the first time, I think the Earth stopped on its Axis for a few seconds and sound around me actually wiped out. That electrifying!
        For 3 years following, it was like a Taylor Swift song. I love you, I hate you, go jump off a cliff, no wait if you do I’ll be waiting at the bottom to save you… ridiculous stops and starts for 3 years. Two incidents happened tho early on causing what my therapist thought was trauma bonding on the heels of me being in the different stages of grief following the divorce, hence my fragile state.
        I never was exposed to someone who was so cold, abrasive and doled out constant silent treatments.
        I discovered HG about 3 years in. This last year I tested a lot of JN’s hoovers and responses with what HG teaches and it always matches up. I was obviously in denial for a long time thinking I had it wrong and was dealing with someone immature and just afraid of his feelings. Surely, that was why he kept really returning.
        I did do a submittal for Awakened which has some more personal detail. If HG chooses my piece to include in his book, you’ll see more there.

        1. Indy says:

          HI MLA,
          LOL Junior Narcissist. I like the title. LOL. Yes, when one is fragile, it seems it is like blood in the ocean to sharks. Are you both officially broken up or is it complicated? I like that you approach this like an experiment, testing things out. As long as you’re safe, I can imagine it is eerie and fascinating at the same time. It tugs at the heart for me too much to stay in any sort of contact, so NC is for me. I am stronger now, though I know my weak spots and so does he.

          I look forward to reading in the book 🙂


          1. MLA - Clarece says:

            Broken up? That’s a good one. If you were to ask JN there’s never been anything about me officially to break up with, provide closure, clear the air, etc. In true form, he feels ultimately superior and magnanimous over me. He owes me nothing. However, he is not near the level as our beloved HG, hence another reason why HG calls him Junior. haha
            Its my own stubborn streak allowing for occasional contact because I will get to a point where I am completely immune to his tactics and there’s no way for me to do that than to allow for contact with less and less emotion attached. I think that process annoys the hell out of him not quite getting the full-on fuel spillover and allows me to move on.

  13. do you desire to have someone understand and be able to see into your world?

    i think that is both a yes and no in your case, but i am not sure. i suspect you would appreciate a better acceptance, but would not welcome muddy shoes trotting about in your home.

    i am a cat, would you indulge me?

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Yes I do.

      I want my readers to do so as this will assist them in making sense of their own situations far more readily.
      I would not be concerned by a primary source understand as this may well cause them to function more effectively for me.
      Indeed, it is a no to the muddy shoes.
      I regard cats as rather selfish creatures, are you selfish petite fromage?

      1. in my curiosity, absolutely. in most other areas i am lesser than most. only lesser, because i do not believe in any action or emotion being completely unselfish.

        why are you concerned to have people understand their situations more readily?

        1. HG Tudor says:

          So they can do something about it and then thank me for the enlightenment.It also entertains me to think of all these weaponised empaths taking on the narcissist in their life, that appeals to my sense of humour and omnipotence.

          1. thank you for your answer and information

          2. HG Tudor says:

            You are welcome.

  14. Victory says:

    Ha! Nice try. The rest of us own our bs, have the courage to face & battle our demons all alone & do not lie, use & abuse others to fill our soul wells. We learn to do it ourselves. I have finally learned we the empaths are superior. Time to step up.

    1. Pretty says:

      We fight our fight without bringing others down with us! That is the key in what makes their behavior unacceptable. They hurt others intentionally. We do not.

    2. ???!! says:

      Bingo, Victory. That should be your new name. You stated this better than anyone and have lightbulbed as an empath to come to this correct understanding. I said something along these lines in comments on previous articles here. Basically if Sir Tudor and company were superior, they wouldn’t need us lowly empaths.

  15. Grace says:

    Well written!!- sharply cut into the heart of this unsolvable entanglement with a narcissist- we are seeing the world through deferent lenses! As a logical person with an elastic mindset, I can see the world through multiple lenses and respect others’ reality including a narcissist’s. however I don’t have to walk into their shoes living in a black and white, empty, dark, sleeping state of life.

  16. Ptsdafternarcabuse says:

    HG, your expertise and the methodology in which you explain the narcissist mindset has helped more than 2 years of counselling sessions have. I finally have answers for why he used to seduce, then give me silence, over and over again. Thanks to your books and your blog, I am no longer suicidal. I no longer feel like the crazy one that is unlovable. I owe you my life HG! 😌

  17. I think I’m the idiot in regards to this… I don’t see it in a bad way but I understand what you are saying.

  18. docrhonda says:

    Seems like you actually think your point of view is valid. I do wonder how narcs suffer for the lack of fuel when we go NC. If there is no love and therefore no gain for us what is the fate of the empath. We get nothing but confusion pain and anger. You want to destroy us no matter whose perspective you chose.

  19. Indy says:

    Today I bathe in my exes crocodile tears. Ahhhhhh…feels so damn god. Where’s my sponge? Care to get my back? I may make tea from it today. Drinking thos tears.
    Signed…empowered goddess with a sword.

    1. Hee Hee…”Feels so damn god” Freuidian or intentinal ??…I’m liking it either way !! 😉 much respect to you Indy.

      Masterful as usual HG…Thank-you.

      1. Indy says:

        Hahaha, EBS! Thank you 😊 Totally Freudian typo AND I’ll leave it as intensional now. I like it better with typo.

  20. NarcAngel says:

    In my lengthy post previous I meant to put memory is tricky when clouded by emotion……, which is why you should never doubt HGs recollection of an event lol.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      I concur with your view NA.

  21. NarcAngel says:

    Brilliant post! I agree that it is a selfish view and with high-handed arrogance that some expect others to adopt only their logic and reasoning. HG and his brethren are entitled to act in any way they see fit (and do) to fulfill their needs. You can accept or decline to participate in it. I know that they did not represent themselves as you now know them and can you blame them? Who would sign on for that? Well….er…..there are some of us (giggle), but that is again a choice. Once you know what has transpired and the mask is off it is up to you to decide. Yes decide. No more of this wailing oh but I LOVE him. You must acknowledge now that whoever you thought you ” loved” did not (and very likely does not elsewhere) exist. They gave you a beautiful respite from the world and indulged your fantasies of the White Knight or Prince Charming from your childhood tales. You felt beautiful and quite the Princess for a time. Is it not selfish that you expected this for yourself and to continue for all eternity? Now you know and the onus is squarely on you to accept to continue with this Poser or continue on armed with knowledge and enlightenment to determine if your true Prince is really out there. Do you not teach your children to avoid and run from danger and to learn from their mistakes because you LOVE them? What of yourself? If I have a favorite restaurant that I go to for its exquisite Prime rib each week and after many months a plate of chicken is placed before me and I see Prime rib is no longer served, I have choices: accept that I will eat chicken each week and dream only of the former prime rib and hope that after continuing to eat chicken for some time that the prime rib will finally come back on the menu, (in which case I must not grumble about my choice weekly), or, I can leave and find another restaurant that serves the prime rib I desire. The new restaurant may not have the same ambience and the prime rib may not initially live up to the memory of the first restaurant (fact is anything secondary seldom does as memory is a tricky thing) but it IS actually prime rib and not chicken and more importantly YOUR choice and not what the restaurant chooses for you. Phew! That has left me hungry now (for Prime rib)……..

    I do hope HG that you appreciate me making you Prime rib over chicken although I suspect you probably had something more elaborate and exotic in mind. What is your favourite meal? Okay your SECOND favourite meal. FUEL being understood as favourite……….

    1. Seduced says:

      I disagree with the love part. Just because I found out who he is doesn’t make me love him any less… It’s a frustration that I did not know and wasted my time trying to build regular relationship whereas I should have try to see the world through his eyes. I’d still get involved and love all over (having my knowledge now) with a Narcissistic person because relationships with them are never…. ordinary let’s just call it that.

      1. That’s not love. I had to run the other way. Peace out !

      2. Thanks for your reply HG.
        Since i am new to this most interesting and enlightening blog.. i don’t know the history of your mother. Im sure it’s somewhere…can you point me in the right direction or clue me in somehow? Thank you.

        1. HG Tudor says:

          You are welcome FL11. To learn more about my dynamic with my mother read Fury and then make your way through the alliteratively titled collections as there is a lot of material in there about her and indeed the Tudor family dynamic which you will find interesting. I am pleased you have found your way here.

          1. Ty HG. I noticed you always refer to someone by name. Seemingly innocent….
            My ex/narc did that as well with people. I can assume the motivations from what i learned… innocent it is not.
            None the less….it works… very effective. I feel connected to you….special. but im not.
            Part of your game right?
            Certainly you would never do to me what i see and hear you do to other people…bc I’m special. You like something about me….you see something in me…..
            But…oh yes you will…. i cannot be deceived…
            #1 fuel.

            Nonetheless…i like interacting with you. 🙂
            Here….anyway…. 🙂
            Safe ground for everyone. Xxoo

          2. HG Tudor says:

            It is done because I am courteous and polite. I am pleased you like interacting with me. This is the place to do it.

          3. a wee bit addicted to this blog and you right now. It’s fascinating. Missed my workout class and everything…

          4. HG Tudor says:

            Entirely understandable, there is much to gain from reading and contributing here.

    2. NarcAngel, that last paragraph to my mind to a totally different place… I know you meant fuel but I was really reading it in a totally naughty way. Naughty gal you are! 😉

      1. NarcAngel says:

        You are not wrong DC. Thats the beauty of interpretation. I was actually laughing to myself when I read it back. Most likely some glazed over and thought: whats all this talk about meat??!!! And yes I can be 😉

        1. He he he, you got me a little hot there! 😉

  22. Pretty says:

    Wow. The resentment here.

    An empath’s perspective, surely: We do try. I try. We see your golden period to be a time when YOU are fulfilled. It pains us when you devalue, discard, and lash out; we sense that you are in pain and it kills us to think the ones we love are in pain.
    Maybe you’ll say you aren’t in pain and that it’s all for an acquisition of fuel.. but we have failed you and the disappointment you feel is what we equate to pain.

    Does it annoy you when we try to point out what we do understand?

    Ex: “You go from volunteering to host our “friends”-giving to saying you don’t want to go. I’m done talking to you…”

    Me: “They’re your friends.. you turned them against me earlier this year, I’m sure you can do it again. You host it. Host it and don’t invite me- that’ll gain you even more points.”

    Ex: “And another thing.. what was so important you couldn’t show up for volleyball last night?

    Me: “It makes you feel superior, does it not? Me staying away..”

    Ex: “Leave it alone.. I never asked you to stay away!”

    2 hours later- “Go fuck ‘___’ (one of our younger friends I’ve never touched). Move on, we’re done. I want nothing to do with you. Keep your distance.”

    I’ve never outright told him I know what he is. I am trying to better understand him and his reactions. What can you recommend about determining whether lesser, mid, or Greater?

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Hello Pretty, it will annoy a Lesser or a Mid-Range because they will wonder what on earth there is to understand. The Greater will be most likely amused by it. I would recommend reading Sitting Target to learn more about Lesser, mid or Greater along with the various alliterative collections amongst my books as they contain repeated references and examples pertinent to the schools.

  23. Viktoria says:

    My point of view-HG grow up and listen your own advice, go and move forward😊

  24. Sisha says:

    Thank you HG Tudor.
    You tell the truth in beautiful words as always.

    It is always about us (the codependents) – we are not really caring about YOU (and all of your kind) as a person, your dreams,your sorrows. It is about our own numbness, our own missing aliveness – we cannot find it elsewhere, therefore we attach to YOU (the strong, powerful, independent narcissist) and try to drain YOU- we need your aliveness, beauty and control – it is our fuel!

    All those victim forums tell us about the big evil guy – but are we any better? Or are we even worse? We are empty, shallow beings, who need your fuel.

    I tried to find this aliveness in myself – but I am numb and empty. I cannot feel these highs and lows without you. You are my drug and I am willing to pay the price. But I understand that you feel used and drained – this was not your part of the deal. You need the fuel as much as I do and hate expectations as much as I do – we are two of a kind – mirroring eachother, but never really seeing.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Thank you Sisha and you advance an interesting perspective which I know will resonate with some and repulse others, thanks for sharing it.

    2. MLA - Clarece says:

      This is why the chemistry and attraction is off the grid and highly addictive for so long when these two engage. Laws of attraction – like attracts like.
      I personally don’t think Co- dependants mean to be hurtful or malicious and if they find the right resources to pull themselves away, they will, whereas the Narc will keep it bound for a lifetime.

      1. Jessa says:

        Well put. Apparently, I’m a also codependent although I hate that word & think it sounds so lame. As I’m bothering to educate myself and realize how much narc traits are part of it I at least can admit that description encompasses most of my truth. The difference being that I never go out of my way to cause real harm because I don’t get off on it. But I certainly have narc traits and an empty hollow place inside where I don’t even know what some feelings are that others seem to have. I do manipulate for control and have a history of charming & dumping for personal validation and gain. I remember being young and seeing my mom pull off this whole triangulation thing. It illuminated me as to the connection between individuals. I was pretty young. I remember thinking that was fascinating but also that it was shitty basic tactics and thought less of my mom as a person for it. I stole a moment to give her a look that said I knew what she did. Looking back, I’m sure that look freaked her out.. I was @ 10 yrs old. As in how did I even know what I was witnessing? No wonder she always hated & did covert mean shit to me. I felt superior to her in that moment I guess also. So much I’m understanding now. I must have some mischievous decency because in adulthood I once used my observation of this playing out in a professional setting to thwart a plan to manipulate, use and discredit an innocent good person by anonymously introducing a seemingly innocuous event into the mix. If a situation easily presented itself why not use my knowledge & observation powers for good? That was fun.

    3. Sisha, this is an interesting perspective and I can see your point of view. You are right, they do light a fire in the heart but do you really not feel anything while on your own?
      I will suffer the consequences as well, they are the perfect drug but not because I need them to feel alive. I am alive, I just want someone just as alive as me to join my journey! 🙂 <3

      1. That’s messed up….. do you hear yourself?

        1. Yes. Even if I were deaf I could still hear myself, it is my “messed up” world and it is exactly the way I like it.

          I am so thankful that you were generous enough to behave like a narcissist yourself and point that out… yet there is no sugar dripping from your lips so I will assume that you haven’t figured out how to be nice either.

      2. Sisha says:

        Dragoncreeper: I do feel intensely while on my own: I feel pain, i feel shame, I feel fear, I feel anger, I feel resentment. I can have the lows all on my own. But I do not learn from my own lows – I have been producing them all my life with my conditioned mind and my thoughts.

        But the contact with the narcissist throws me in unknown waters – I sometimes swim and often drown. But at least I am in the water.of life.
        On my own I hide behind thick walls – I created my own prison. I cannot cross my tight boundaries. I need the help of a person who has no fear, no guilt. Only he can break the wall and show me a glimpse of life outside the walls.

        Now he is gone and my prison walls are more solid than ever before and I feel like dying. He starves the leech who dies slowly without the blood infusion of fresh energy.

        1. I am sorry Sisha, I do not know how to respond to what you are saying, I know the pain but I do not know YOUR pain, I see you struggling though. I want to tell you to be strong and swim… you are your own lifesaver!

          Maybe this is our ode to the men we need?

    4. lauren says:

      Get help

  25. Love says:

    Yes we can be a bunch of hypocritical emotional cry babies. 😭😉

  26. Seduced says:

    EVERY day I do put myself to see world from Your perspective. From Your kind perspective. When I talk I switch on my Enigma and try to speak Your language. … when I listen I do understand what You are saying even if I don’t tell You that. But yet I still don’t know how to supply fuel when You become silent? Would little drama and argument help? Do You want me to do so? Ofcourse…but Will you give me then what I need? Or will You tell me I malfunction? The instructions You supply me with on daily basis are exceptional but yet I can’t figure out HOW to fully satify You.. Tell me dear G. Just tell me pls

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Your dedication is laudable Seduced. There is no silence as I speak her every day.

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