The Narcissistic Truths No. 24


26 thoughts on “The Narcissistic Truths No. 24

  1. 1jaded1 says:

    Sexy specs. *Licks lips*

  2. AH OH says:

    He is watching all of us.

  3. Seduced says:

    hmmm all clear 🙂 I’m clear 🙂
    thank God it’s not me You are watching G. 😉

    1. Darkness Falls Again says:

      I had an ocean view this past weekend it was beautiful sunrise, hows your view of the ocean that surrounds you HG?

      1. HG Tudor says:


  4. AH OH says:

    Why are you waiting?
    Who are you watching?
    What are you anticipating?

    1. HG Tudor says:

      For the right moment.

      1. AH OH says:

        Did I tell you that you crazier then I am. You are patient and I am not. This is a fundamental difference. I am the freight train coming, whistles blaring lights blinding. I access the damage after. But I know now that if I let this train head in a direction, then I am not concerned with damage.

  5. AH OH says:

    Why are you “waiting”
    What are you “watching”
    Who are you “anticipating”

    1. HG Tudor says:

      To choose the right moment.
      Not who, but what.

      1. AH OH says:

        are you? You tease me so.
        Do you want me? I am right here.

      2. AH OH says:

        What are you anticipating? My fall? The one that you cause?

        1. HG Tudor says:

          Not at all, why would I do that to you.
          I am anticipating the fuel.

          1. AH OH says:

            The angry fuel? You can have a slow steady source with me. I will show some explosive moments but they are brief and powerful. Like me calling my trip mate a “fucking cunt” it took the air out of the car. To them I was being violent and I only used words. I sit here and smile as I type this.

          2. HG Tudor says:

            All fuel.

            Tsk potty mouth.

          3. AH OH says:

            LOL yes I have a potty mouth. You would have been proud I cause three adults to sit back and shut up.

          4. AH OH says:

            I actually feel a bit naughty. I like the Tsk potty mouth.

  6. Darkness Falls Again says:

    Think that sums it up perfect.

  7. The epidemic of the glasses! Please, not the glasses- 😀

  8. AH OH says:

    Does this affect your health?

      1. AH OH says:

        I always thought chaos is a very unhealthy atmosphere. I guess it is not chaos to you.

        1. HG Tudor says:

          Correct Ah Oh.

  9. Love says:

    Rules of the game

  10. That’s the fun of it…

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