Radio HG Tudor



OUT OF THE BOX RADIO presents a very special follow up program taking you even deeper inside the manipulative mind of a master Narcissist. HG TUDOR not only explains how a narcissist is created and how they operate, but how you can free yourself once and for all of this destructive and heart breaking relationship.
It all takes place this Friday November 18th @ 3PM PT (6PM ET) @
To hear Part One visit
For more info on HG Tudor visit
Never miss an episode of OUT OF THE BOX RADIO by subscribing to the podcast at iTunes and now available on iHeartRadio!

24 thoughts on “Radio HG Tudor

  1. Empowered says:

    Yes, I caught that little “slip” about honing your skills and chuckled. Your honesty regarding your true motives in this work was intriguing- about how you like the notion of empowering the empaths to be armed against the narcs in battles around the globe which gives you a feeling of godlike power- haha!
    Although I am not currently in a relationship with a narcissist, listening to you has allowed me to reflect on many past relationships and subsequently, I’ve had quite a few “aha!” moments where everything that I was bewildered about suddenly made sense.
    I am very interested the area of language and statement analysis that is used by specially trained experts that detect deception and leakage in written or verbal testimonies or interviews. While listening to you, I started to reflect on some of the language indicators that would help those of us on the left or middle of the continuum recognize “red flags” more quickly.
    For instance, I was recently hooked up on a date with someone through a “friend” who had been a former life coach to a guy who had endured past trauma in his childhood and in a marriage betrayal. Before meeting him in person, I had spent several hours on the phone with this guy and got snared into deeply empathizing with his stories of neglect and abuse. (Aside)- I now realize that this was a method that he employed to obtain fuel from empaths, and my friend, his life coach provided him with that source and then I was an extension of that.
    When we finally met, he bombarded me with compliments and over the top adoration. I was immediately aware, however, of a red flag when he said, “wow! To have you on my arm and to be seen with you would be amazing!” We got into his special edition car which he called “his baby”. I had spent a lot of time telling him about my interest in the bible, and he showed me his beautiful leather, top of the line $100 bible and stated that he had to have the very best one, although he had never read or studied it.
    He became very attached to me very quickly, over just a few days, texting me first thing in the morning and all day and all night. I began to respond more slowly to his texts, sensing something was very wrong. He called once and I texted him that I was on the phone and could not talk then, to which he responded, “What is wrong? We never talk anymore!!” I instinctively knew to back away as gently as possible and then ignored him altogether. He began a smear campaign against me to my friend who set us up originally.
    My point to all of this, is that I knew there was something very wrong with this guy but I didn’t know that he was a narcissist. He just employed a co-dependent “mask” of ‘feel sorry for me, I’ve been traumatized and victimized’ in order to obtain his fuel supply.
    When I went “no contact” with this guy, I didn’t realize that it was even called no contact. I just knew that I couldn’t give him a millimeter of time or any “in” with me.
    I also realize, retrospectively, that by using statement analysis, (such as used by Peter Hyatt in the case of Madeline McCann, the little girl who was “missing” several years ago), that sometimes an “imbedded confession” can be ascertained. Well this guy did have an embedded confession of being accused by a woman of being a stalker and that he was able to prove his innocence through saved texts. When I spoke to my “friend”, that I refer loosely now as a friend, about his potential stalking tendencies, she wholeheartedly corroborated that he did in fact stalk the woman, at least for a time.
    So, HG, you have successfully helped “arm” this recovering co-dependent /empath with much food for thought in being able to recognize when someone has narcissistic traits early on and thus being empowered to avoid the web of pain and deceit that these people seek to ensnare us. Also, because of you, I realize the why these people become narcs. In my own family, my mother was an alcoholic and my stepfather was extreme hostile. I became the do-good, people pleasing co-dependent, yet my sister became a master narcissist. Funny thing is, because of my nature, I have much compassion for those like you, my sister, and this guy I encountered, along with many many others in past relationships. I see that they developed narcissistic personalities as a defense mechanism, just as I and others responded to abuse by becoming empaths/co-dependents. I’ve learned though, that I owe these people nothing, at least not more than I owe myself.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Thank you Empowered, that was an interesting recollection and it goes to show that how people can recognise something as “off” but not realise what it actually relates to. This is often why they dismiss it but you did not. Thank you for sharing that.

  2. Ready For Battle says:

    Yes I caught that little “slip” about honing your skills and chuckled. Your honesty regarding your true motives in this work was intriguing- about how you like the notion of empowering the empaths to be armed against the narcs in battles around the globe which gives you a feeling of godlike power- haha!
    Although I am not currently in a relationship with a narcissist, listening to you has allowed me to reflect on many past relationships and subsequently, I’ve had quite a few “aha!” moments where everything that I was bewildered about suddenly made sense.
    I am very interested the area of language and statement analysis that is used by specially trained experts that detect deception and leakage in written or verbal testimonies or interviews. While listening to you, I started to reflect on some of the language indicators that would help those of us on the left or middle of the continuum recognize “red flags” more quickly.
    For instance, I was recently hooked up on a date with someone through a “friend” who had been a former life coach to a guy who had endured past trauma in his childhood and in a marriage betrayal. Before meeting him in person, I had spent several hours on the phone with this guy and got snared into deeply empathizing with his stories of neglect and abuse. (Aside)- I now realize that this was a method that he employed to obtain fuel from empaths, and my friend, his life coach provided him with that source and then I was an extension of that.
    When we finally met, he bombarded me with compliments and over the top adoration. I was immediately aware, however, of a red flag when he said, “wow! To have you on my arm and to be seen with you would be amazing!” We got into his special edition car which he called “his baby”. I had spent a lot of time telling him about my interest in the bible, and he showed me his beautiful leather, top of the line $100 bible and stated that he had to have the very best one, although he had never read or studied it.
    He became very attached to me very quickly, over just a few days, texting me first thing in the morning and all day and all night. I began to respond more slowly to his texts, sensing something was very wrong. He called once and I texted him that I was on the phone and could not talk then, to which he responded, “What is wrong? We never talk anymore!!” I instinctively knew to back away as gently as possible and then ignored him altogether. He began a smear campaign against me to my friend who set us up originally.
    My point to all of this, is that I knew there was something very wrong with this guy but I didn’t know that he was a narcissist. He just employed a co-dependent “mask” of ‘feel sorry for me, I’ve been traumatized and victimized’ in order to obtain his fuel supply.
    When I went “no contact” with this guy, I didn’t realize that it was even called no contact. I just knew that I couldn’t give him a millimeter of time or any “in” with me.
    I also realize, retrospectively, that by using statement analysis, (such as used by Peter Hyatt in the case of Madeline McCann, the little girl who was “missing” several years ago), that sometimes an “imbedded confession” can be ascertained. Well this guy did have an embedded confession of being accused by a woman of being a stalker and that he was able to prove his innocence through saved texts. When I spoke to my “friend”, that I refer loosely now as a friend, about his potential stalking tendencies, she wholeheartedly corroborated that he did in fact stalk the woman, at least for a time.
    So, HG, you have successfully helped “arm” this recovering co-dependent /empath with much food for thought in being able to recognize when someone has narcissistic traits early on and thus being empowered to avoid the web of pain and deceit that these people seek to ensnare us. Also, because of you, I realize the why these people become narcs. In my own family, my mother was an alcoholic and my stepfather was extreme hostile. I became the do-good, people pleasing co-dependent, yet my sister became a master narcissist. Funny thing is, because of my nature, I have much compassion for those like you, my sister, and this guy I encountered, along with many many others in past relationships. I see that they developed narcissistic personalities as a defense mechanism, just as I and others responded to abuse by becoming empaths/co-dependents. I’ve learned though, that I owe these people nothing, at least not more than I owe myself.

  3. 1jaded1 says:

    Another dose of fuel for thought. I don’t say that as a narcissist. I felt you in this one…Your defiance when talking about how you were forced into therapy. I felt your discomfort and pain while talking about Little HG. It was very courageous for you to lay it out. You have made progress. It was interesting that you mentioned how you needed to be fueled. Hopefully, in the future, you won’t. Good on you for talking about it.

    Now, I’m going to jump into the hot water. The fact that you stated it’s (the blog) is enabling you to hone your skills made me laugh. Hopefully you meant your supertanker empathic skills.

    Anyway, thank you again for sharing. I’ve been trying to stay away from the cereal box. My projections had you reaching 2 million views by Dec 31 at about 50/50. Hopefully this interview makes it happen sooner.

  4. Leilani says:

    Awesome interview HG, could you please call me.

    1. Love says:

      Oooh, can I please get a phone call too, Mr. Tudor???

      1. Leilani says:

        Haha. He will Love, Empaths come first for certain.

      2. Love says:

        Thank you Leilani 😉 Good seeing you here.

        1. Leilani says:

          Thanks Love, you are very kind.

  5. Yes, you’re right, HG. No Contact is a self-defense mechanism and it has been working so far. I guess revenge would require being in contact with him and this is the last thing I wanted to happen. I don’t want to allow my ex to know where I am or what I’m doing. No, I don’t want revenge then. I just want/need to move on. 🙂

  6. And again patients is a virtue. I’ve been looking forward to this. Congratulations. Onward and upward bound. looks good on ya. <3

  7. Snow White says:

    Great advice as always HG. I even got my husband to listen to it. That way he got some advice on how not to blow up and erupt when/if we run into my ex without me trying to explain it. He picked up on being indifferent. And I do like when you give your listeners a reason for the behaviors. I feel that’s important.
    Can’t wait for the next one. I think you should do a whole hour on your perspective of everything.

  8. Seduced says:

    what have I done to deserve such a treat. It’s like infinity of pleasure listening to You sooo often ❤

  9. Very good interview, HG! Finally understood the mechanism of obtaining negative fuel from the empath. No Contact is indeed the ultimate revenge, right? Thanks again, HG.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      No Contact is a form of defence Marcella, Revenge is the revenge.

  10. Indy says:

    Excellent job. I think we are getting spoiled hearing that voice multiple times this week.

  11. Darkness Falls Again says:

    This is awesome!

  12. Seduced says:

    yeay I knew it ! 😊😊😊

  13. AH OH says:

    I am going to miss it. Prior commitment. I hope it goes up on youtube soon.

    1. Not So Sad says:

      Hi AH HO,

      You can listen to the podcast .. I hope this is the correct link for you ..

      Just scroll down until you see it . x

      1. AH OH says:

        NSS I listened on youtube. A very good interview.

      2. Love says:

        Thank you Not So Sad. I’m happy about your name change 😊
        Mr. Tudor, that was wonderful! I learned so much more about you, your family, and British politics.
        Your trip to Scotland seemed lovely. Thank you for sharing.

        1. HG Tudor says:

          You are welcome Love.

        2. Not So Sad says:

          Hi Love .

          Thank you. Have you heard the first interview ? x

          It’s here ..

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