



We are adept at sniffing out our prey. We are able to identify those that will be of little use to us and ignoring them. We discern those who are obstructive and avoid them. We have an instinctive ability to target those who serve our purposes with the greatest effectiveness. Those who will provide us with copious amounts of fuel, those who will provide the traits that we need to steal for our own construct in order to draw others to us as to keep the creature at bay. Those who will give us the additional benefits which we regard as our entitlement, access to your resources for our sole use. The Lesser latches on to those who serve his kind once they come too close to him. Like a predator noticing the scent of a potential victim, he is alerted to your presence and makes his move, swift and immediate. A creature of instinct, he knows when there is a victim who will suit his purposes nearby and will go after that person. They may not be the best suited to his purposes but that does not matter, for now. He senses prey and will bring down this victim and attach himself to them, leeching the fuel from them until it is near empty and he will then discard and move to the next victim he has sniffed out and who is nearby. The Lesser will lurk in the most proven hunting grounds. He does not want to venture too far away. He does not want to expend too much energy stalking that prey and wearing it down. He looks for victims who are easily in reach, who he can bring down without much effort and then sink his fangs into with ease. It might be that a more suitable, a more fuelling victim, is a little distance away, but the Lesser goes for what is in front of him. He will not spend time seeking out a better victim but slays what is nearest and then moves on to the next nearest and so forth. Thus the Lesser hunts in an aggressive and volatile manner, he must seduce his victims quickly for fear of the beast within making itself known too soon and frightening his prey away. He has to camouflage his own creature and is not able to do it for too long. The Lesser will want low-hanging fruit. He is not interested in those that might pose a challenge and thus provide more rewarding fuel. He will take fuel from his primary source victims anyway he can. You may liken it to someone mine sweeping for drinks at a party. Rather than waiting to find the bottle of Grey Goose vodka hidden by the host at the back of a cupboard, the Lesser will drink the dregs of a can of beer, then swig what remains from the nearest bottle of wine and thus move from receptacle to receptacle, feasting and draining.

The Mid-Range is more discerning. He knows what he is attracted to and he will spend longer searching for it. He has reasonable intelligence, guile and ability and thus he will put this to use in order to find the more appropriate victim for him. He can pass over somebody who might be suitable but is not entirely satisfactory. Whereas the Lesser would have snatched hold of that victim, sniffing out that person’s reasonable suitability, a number of the traits he requires being met, but not all, the Mid-Range is content to stalk a little longer. The Mid-Range makes considerable use of watching from afar as he evaluates the applicability of his prospective prey. He observes, regards and reflects. He does not have the out and out confidence to go for the kill straight away like the Greater, nor is he pushed by the sense of urgency and hunger which afflicts the Lesser. He has some control and he will use this to ensure his appliances, especially those which become the primary source are the better ones. He of course is not of limitless energy and there comes a time when necessity becomes the driver for interaction and he must make his choice, but it is not without consideration and application to those traits, both generic to the empathic individual and specific to the type of victim which best accords with his own needs. The Mid-Range recognises that there is a type of person he is drawn to, although he does not know why this is. He is able to discern those traits and characteristics which serve him best and as a consequence it is those that he will apply some time to achieving. He recognises that certain traits in people afford him greater satisfaction and therefore he will look for those without knowing the true reason he does so. The Mid-Range will apply some methodology to the hunt for his prey but there is always the pressure of need which means that it may not be as ideal as he might like.

Continuing the mine sweeping analogy, the Mid-Range would not bother to sup the dregs from bottles and glasses at the part but spend time thinking about where the “good stuff” might be stashed. He will locate four cans of beer in the fridge. There might be greater rewards elsewhere but he is satisfied with this reasonable degree of quality that he has identified and does not want to risk letting his prize disappear as he gambles on trying to find something superior and failing.

The Greater revels in the hunt. The identification of the choicest victim is crucial to him. Yes, there may be times when necessity brings about the imposition of a less desirable (yet still functional) victim but when the conditions are apt (there is no fuel crisis and we are preparing for discard and are therefore in control of our environment) the Greater will spend time identifying those who exhibit many of the generic and specific traits that will serve him best. Indeed, the Greater will have several prospects in hand as he mines information about these prospects, assesses and evaluates it. Once satisfied that the signs and indications are good, he will make his move and engage to ascertain that his initial intelligence remains good. If it is (and it is usually is) he will then move in for the kill. Unlike the Lesser who will go for the jugular and bring his victim down swiftly and promptly, the Greater will utilise the intelligence that he has gathered in order to mesmerise, charm and hypnotise his victim. With dedicated application, the Greater will readily disarm his victim, disable any self-defence which may exist and have the victim exactly where he wants him or her. Like a viper, he will strike suddenly and with lightning speed he will be attached to the victim, fangs sunk deep and then the draining will begin as the fuel pumps from the unwitting victim to be sucked up by the Greater. The Greater knows what he wants and he will stalk different hunting grounds in order to achieve what he wants. He has the ability and the energy to sustain a longer hunt, or a shorter hunt where the victim may prove to be more challenging. Of course if a victim supplies the necessary traits and can be ensnared with ease, the Greater will also take this low-hanging fruit. He is no fool. However, he is undeterred by the higher-hanging fruit, that which is more succulent and nourishing in terms of fuel. He knows where to find the best victims, that is why he operates in several hunting grounds and he also is the most able of the three schools of narcissist to identify the traits in his victims. Whilst the Lesser sense by instinct, the Mid-Range knows what works for him but does not know why, the Greater knows precisely what it is what he wants. He also knows how these various traits manifest in his victims. He understands what to look for, what to see, what to listen out for and once he has seen the indicators he is able to satisfy himself that the appropriate traits exist within this target. He will then lock on and only in the most extreme of cases will he be prevented from conquering this target. The reward is too tantalising, his skill set too great and the lure of such a delicious victim proves too great for him to resist, challenging or not.

Once those fangs have sunk into the victim and the fuel is drawn, whether it is a Lesser, Mid-Range or Greater, we will remain until it comes time to identify the next prey.

25 thoughts on “Prey

  1. sr201 says:

    So good. I have encountered all three types. Is it possible for 1 Narc to fool another? Could a greater fool a lesser? I’ m sure you all come across each other all the time don’t you? Since you are all hunting for fuel. how do you react to each other?

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Absolutely and it happens repeatedly. Lesser and Mid-Range Narcissists do not recognise other types, they just see a less satisfactory fuel source. Greater recognise. There will be a series of articles about narc on narc action in due course.

      1. sr201 says:

        That is so interesting!! Ok, awesome I look forward to reading those. Thank you.

  2. Hope says:

    HG, do you think being a Lesser is tied to lower income & lower social status? Or education? Is it possible for an educated, successful businessman to be a Lesser? (As the others say – the Lessers do sound like immature, aggressive cave men.)

    1. HG Tudor says:

      It is linked primarily to cognitive function Hope. You could have a successful businessman who is not that bright (he is aggressive, a chancer, takes risks etc) who is a Lesser but he is not educated.

  3. Jamie M says:

    Oh I so love this post, as I’m sure you’d expect. You and I are very similar you know, just different end games. I, too, love the chase. I’m patient in my conquests.

  4. Elena says:

    As you, English, say:
    The older, the wiser.
    The wiser, the tougher. (Not the sadder)

  5. Elena says:

    Por fin todo tiene sentido…
    Y siento asco.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Indeed it will make sense and your reaction is understandable but it will alter the more you learn.

  6. Tina Wells says:

    Is it probable that if a primary victim/source causes great injury or rage against a lesser narc, that he/she will never come back to that particular source?

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Hello Tina, it will certainly raise the bar on the Hoover Execution Criteria BUT the lesser will forget about the wounding over time and thus the bar will lower, thus one can never say never. A Mid-Range is likely to remember the wounding for a lot longer and remain wary of it – of course other factors may move the bar downwards. You have to keep in mind that there are various factors in play – some lift the bar, others lower it.

      1. outstanding observations and writing.

        1. HG Tudor says:

          Thank you GG. I appreciate that.

      2. Tina says:

        Could you tell me what some of those factors might be.
        Thank you.

  7. Lacy says:

    I remember thinking cave man. There was nothing smooth about him but the fact that he was a Police officer who utilized the silent treatment who stayed out of trouble makes me think he was A lower mid

  8. Lisa says:

    Interesting read as usual HG. Question: you are an Elite. How is it that you know the things you do of the Mid Range and Lesser as you do? Have you needed to study each one individually? Im by no means doubting you, just wondering. Thanks L.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Hi Lisa, I have several in the family, know others through my work (there are a lot of them there) and also socially. Since I recognise my kind, I have made it my business to study how they behave and react, thus I know these things about them and now, so do you.

      1. Lisa says:

        Thanks HG. Indeed I do….well….indeed I am (still) learning. 😉

  9. I have to be honest…still to this day, I’m not fully sure why my Narc was drawn to me. I have part of the answer, as I was bullied terribly in middle school. But I was just minding my own business. I’d place her as about a mid-range. She must have wanted something badly enough to choose me and sustain it for seven years.

    What I do know for certain is that she hurt the wrong person.

  10. Ad says:

    Mine is the greater. Hes very skilled and youd never know he was a narc. Hes very quiet and comes off shy. He always would say how he never felt confident around women. Reverse psychology. He does and makes u believe he doesnt. When we met i approached and pursued him but he later told me hed noticed me long before id noticed him and i believe this! Narcs observe or at least the greaters do. They are psychologists themselves and know human nature very well. They study ppl closely. This type of narc is very intentional in what theyre doing. They look for empaths, lonely ppl, no boundaries. Those are important to them. They love lonely needy ppl like borderlines or codependant/self love deficiet types.
    They know what we want and for women thats attention. He showers me with attention and listens intently but he is very covertly abusive in his ways i wont list them but they have their tools to inflict pain. Coverts imo are the most dangerous. Id never be interested in an overt bc id know better and its so in your face. Coverts on the other hand…watch out! They gaslight soooo well. I still second guess myself bc he can be so accomidating and sweet but under that theres a darkness. I see his mask slip every now and then and im glad bc i need those reminders.
    They are very calculating when sizing up so called prey. When they drop hints which they do about who they are…believe them and run

  11. DFA says:

    Caveman 😂😂

  12. Ptsdafternarcabuse says:

    You make the lesser sound like an imbecile. It makes me laugh. 😂😂😂

    1. Love says:

      They are. I’ve been with one too many unfortunately. I had a thing for cavemen for a while.

      1. AH OH says:

        Love! You crack me up! At least was your hair long?

      2. Love says:

        Oh yes, how else were they going to drag me around? I thought it was ‘passion’. Now I understand it was fury.

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