The Narcissistic Truths – No. 82


26 thoughts on “The Narcissistic Truths – No. 82

  1. Pchan says:

    Exactly how I feel. He always has the upper hand and will not lose.
    How tangled am I in he. Horrible.

  2. yes. truth. set me free!
    i am not a person made for jail or confinement. this girl is a free spirit. how in the world did i get here? I’m breaking out of this joint baby…..

  3. shakt1pat says:

    truth. it’s not a relationship but i don’t think it’s a prison either. what it is, is a business transaction. you want something for your “love.” an exchange of goods and services, and that makes me sad. for you. i hope you don’t mind me saying all of this, it’s only an observation. and when i refer to “you,” i’m not referring to you personally, HG.

    1. shakt1pat says:

      p.s. i am digging your blog!

  4. Hell is more like it.

  5. Sues says:

    What else is very interesting that I realized from reading these posts is how powerful the truth is. People are drawn to you HG not because of you or who you are but because you are speaking truth with no apologize. “And the truth shall set you free” No offense ment by that, it’s just the way I see it 🙂

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Your opinion is always valid Sues and no offence is taken.

      1. Sues says:

        Thank you sir …

    2. 1jaded1 says:

      I agree with you, Sues. HG is most truthful (here he is truthful on this blog…i have to trust). It’s the main thing that keeps me coming back.

  6. 1jaded1 says:

    Yes, and sometimes we become the fugitives. I hope you can escape from your prison, HG. Let the warden (Matrinarc) and the Creature know that they have no more control over you.

    1. Sues says:

      You see the so called “victim” is actually always the winner because they posess more than the narcissist and always will. They have the capacity to feel and love. They always win and have one step ahead. If only they would realize it

      1. 1jaded1 says:

        I hate this game. There is no winner…Playing along though. Regarding HG and many narcissists, this is a conundrum. HG, at the risk of inciting your anger, by way of Sues comment, you would he a “winner” if you escaped the clutches of Matrinarc, no? She is the root cause of this along with your putrid aunt and other factors. Being a narcissist, you are not a winner. I expect that I will be found pushed in front of a train, or something like that.

        1. HG Tudor says:

          I will escape her clutches, that is the plan.

          1. 1jaded1 says:

            And bow will you feel when you escape her clutches?

          2. HG Tudor says:

            I shall tell you when it happens.

      2. Yin&Yang says:

        ofcourse You will! let me know if You need ever any help !

  7. Disintegrated says:

    hmmm then it looks like I am the volunteer… the gate isn’t even locked… there is no guard…. I think it’s natural because I’ve been born a prisoner… I don’t know any difference…

    1. 1jaded1 says:

      You do now, Disintegrated.

      1. Disintegrated says:

        I do have knowledge and theory but I’m ok with my life as co-dependant. …

  8. Love says:

    I imprison myself. The jail doors are wide open, yet I remain inside.

  9. Angelina says:

    HG, I felt a prisoner in captivity and I couldn’t leave even if the key was handed to me. It took me years of punishment and isolation to finally execute my escape.

  10. Snow White says:

    I see you standing there holding the key HG

  11. Starr says:

    You put yourself inside of your own prison too.

    You won’t open up and you won’t allow yourself to love properly and you shut out all the good people who come your way.

    Everyone who loves you and all of the people who adore you you are going to lose if you won’t start trying to love and open up.

    Your jail is worse because eventually your victims will be free again never to look back and you will still not have love in your heart

    They are in prison temporarily and you are on death row . I pray you will feel love and happiness one day so you can be free ❤️

    1. Brian says:

      Wasted words I’m afraid

    2. Matilda says:

      You described the tragedy so wonderfully!!

  12. Cara says:

    Sometimes I’m the jailer (in my relationships with men), and other times I’m the hostage (my relationship with mommy dearest). I’m such a good jailer because mother taught me well.

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