Away In A Bolthole


Away in his bolthole, he won’t come to bed,

He’s too busy surfing, a new source to embed,

The mouse clicks in the night time as he starts now to play,

And starts spreading his bullshit to all he will lay.

He knows that I am lonely, and that I’m still awake,

And I’m starting to realise I’ve made a massive mistake,

I love him no I hate him and he will make me cry,

But he said I am his until the day that I die.

So I turn on my tablet and I start my own search,

I am tired of this arsehole leaving me in the lurch,

I’m worth more than he is and I need to be free,

Now what’s this Evil page and who is this chap HG?

39 thoughts on “Away In A Bolthole

  1. Thank you so much for this witty, enchanting, mesmerizing poem! So very true. So beautifully written.
    I am inclined to say: never has a greater genius walked the face of the earth and given so invaluable insight into a secret world than you!
    Ursula Rhys-Corell (from Germany)

  2. Lisa says:

    👏👏👏 loved this one! Go girls!! (Or boys if the case may be….)

  3. Windstorm says:

    Merry Christmas, HG! I have loved all the carols, too. This one was definitely my favorite! Love your sense of humor!

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Thank you Windstorm and Merry Christmas.

  4. Hypnotised says:

    I wish You all the best my dear! only the best! You deserve it.

  5. Ollie says:

    Merry Christmas, HG! Thanks for giving me the gift of sanity… it’s very much appreciated and pretty priceless…

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Merry Christmas Ollie

  6. Hope says:

    Merry Christmas HG, hope you get lots of positive fuel this weekend. 🙂

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Merry Christmas Hope

  7. Brian says:

    Good one, made me smile!

  8. *Stands up and gives round of applause*

    Very well written HG!

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Thank you LP.

      1. You’re welcome HG… Merry Belated Christmas!

        1. HG Tudor says:

          Merry Christmas to you LP7777

  9. Adele says:

    My fav so far! Laughter is the best medicine 🙂

  10. Love says:

    Lol! All those nights alone in bed, reading romance novels to make up for what I was not getting in real life. I should have hit search on my Kindle app… And there you would appear Mr. Tudor.
    There is an idea: narc romance novels…

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Oh don’t worry, they are in the pipeline.

      1. Love says:

        Thank you Mr. Tudor! You are greatly appreciated!

      2. Indy says:

        Really??????? HG, you naughty tempter!!!! So, will these be fluff and puff, or will they be real, brutal and triggering or something in between?? Inquiring minds want to know 🤔🤓

      3. Fool me one time says:

        Of course they are! Lol. Merry Christmas HG!! Xxx😘

        1. HG Tudor says:

          Merry Christmas FMOT

      4. Love says:

        I would read it either way. Just need a very steamy cover pic. Bodice ripper galore!

  11. Still Confused says:

    All else aside…Merry Christmas HG. Thank you for helping me open my eyes (and close a bit of my heart). A new year is just ahead. I enter it with eyes wide open. My heavy heart will become lighter in the coming months. I will not hate my N… I will always carry love for him… and pity. Again, thank you. So much has been explained. Hopelessness has given way to an acceptance of my reality. Have an amazing Christmas. God bless you. He does see your good efforts here. That I truly believe.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Merry Christmas SC.

  12. Snow White says:

    Brilliant HG!!
    I loved the ending.

    I used to love caroling Indy. We have new songs now. Lol
    I always took my Girl Scout troop out.

    1. Indy says:

      Awwww Snow!!! Too bad I wasn’t up there in the snow! We could go around caroling with some random kiddos. No one carols down here 😒

      1. Snow White says:

        We are having rain up here Indy and it’s ugly. We have melted slush.
        I would love to carol in a hospital or in a school. That would be fun.
        I didn’t know that the south didn’t go caroling.

        HG, does that happened in the UK?

        1. HG Tudor says:

          What? Slush or carolling? We have both.

          1. Snow White says:

            I meant the caroling. Lol

            I wish you a very merry Christmas HG and wouldn’t have made it this far without you.

            I hope you are well fueled for the holiday. Not with the negative fuel though.

          2. HG Tudor says:

            Merry Christmas SW

  13. Indy says:

    Love it!!! These Christmas songs are the best!!!! 😂
    So, you have now done Away in a Manger, Silent Night, Hark the Herold, Oh Come Oh, Noel, Noel……did I miss any? Shoot, I want to go caroling now!

  14. Ollie says:

    Funny… some self criticism, HG?

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Hi Ollie, goodness not of me, of members of my brethren of course!

  15. yah. can be.
    were all learning…..and growing.

  16. MLA - Clarece says:

    The biggest, baddest wolf of all!

  17. Wonderful. Excellent. Well done.

  18. AH OH says:

    You are too much! I loved this little poem you have written. No wonder we all love you to pieces. What must you be like in the real time? I am sure a handful!

  19. WideAwake says:

    Hahaha love this

  20. Laurie says:

    Piece On Earth, HG.

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