It’s Hoover Time!



There are many different hoovers but the ones which attract the most attention are those which take place post discard or post escape, namely the Initial Grand Hoover which is the bombardment which follows you escape in order to drag you back into our world or the Follow-Up Hoovers (either Benign of Malign) which take place later and happen irrespective of whether the method of cessation of the Formal Relationship was your escape or our discard.

The Initial Grand Hoover is the most concentrated post escape hoover and its efficacy depends on the type of narcissist you are dealing with and the defences you have created as part of instigating no contact. If there has been no IGH owing to Discard or the relevant factors have not caused on to happen post escape, then it is the Follow-Up Hoover (“FUH”) which is often discussed by victims because that is the one which is most feared, the one which is most expected and most recognised. In some instances, it is even the case that this hoover is actually wanted by the victim for reasons I have expounded previously. The fascination with the FUH is such that people wonder when it is going to happen, how it will happen, will it happen at all, will it happen many times and so forth. I always explain that whether a FUH takes place is primarily determined by whether you have entered one of the six spheres of influence. The first five are entered by you doing something or being in a particular place. The sixth is when you just happen to pop up in our mind for whatever reason. However, the fact that you have entered the relevant sphere of influence is not the only deciding factor as to whether the FUH will take place. There always has to have been an appearance in a sphere of influence for the FUH to be triggered. Whether it is then executed against you depends on other factors. Those factors are as follows: –

  1. The narcissist’s current fuel supplies;
  2. Did you escape or is that you were discarded;
  3. The manner of this escape or discard;
  4. The ease of contact with you;
  5. The nature of the fuel to be obtained;
  6. Potential obstacles.
  7. The type of narcissist you are involved with.

These factors have differing applicability subject to the school of narcissist that you have been entangled with.

How then does our kind approach the prospective hoover? I shall explain what (if anything) goes through our minds, what we consider and how we might go about it by reference to each of the schools of narcissism (Lesser, Mid-Range and the Greater) and by reference to each sphere of influence.

Accordingly, the first sphere is the one where you are physically proximate to you. This is where you are within earshot of us and we are able to get near enough to you to talk to you and see your reactions. It might be the case that you have called around to see us for whatever reason, you may have to interact with us at a school event where our children attended or you may be in a bar or restaurant that we have walked into or vice versa. What is our response?

  1. The Lesser Narcissist

The Lesser is not going to turn this opportunity down when it is presented on a plate for him. If his fuel supplies are good, for instance he has a new primary source and/or he is fuelled from supplementary sources this will increase his energy level to hoover you. If his fuel supplies are low (he has not yet secured a new primary source and supplementary sources are low functioning for him) he will still seek to hoover because this is much needed fuel. The fuel levels will affect the type of hoover. Higher fuel levels are more likely to lead to a benign hoover, lower to a malign hoover. This is because the Lesser will not have the energy to charm but rather needs a quick fix when those fuel levels are low. Furthermore, the fact he has no primary source in place yet will of course be your fault because you escaped (a narcissist will not discard without an alternative being available).

If you were discarded, he is not going to ignore the opportunity and if you escaped he will certainly not ignore this opportunity. There is a score to settle and if you escaped this also increases the likelihood of the FUH being malign.

The manner of your escape or discard does not matter to the Lesser, he will not be considering this as he is like a ravenous beast who has just seen a fresh piece of meat placed in reach. He is not considering whether the meat might trigger a trap or be poisoned, all he knows is that he is hungry for that juicy flesh again.

The ease of contact is also not something that the Lesser is bothered about. You are in front of him, that is all that matters. It does not matter who is there or where this proximate contact takes place the fact is you are there in front of him, tempting and inviting. This appearance overrides such considerations.

The nature of fuel is not a major concern either to the lesser in such a situation. Once again he just knows there is fuel available and he wants it. He does not concern himself with how much you used to provide, how potent it was, whether you will still yield this fuel or not, all he knows is that he is going to feel far more powerful by interacting with you. Remember the Lesser is not aware of what fuel is, how it governs him, all he knows is that when he upsets you, makes you smile, makes you praise him and so on he feels so much better. That is the dominant thought running through his mind. He is not concerning himself with whether he is going to secure the resumption of the Formal Relationship with you. That may or may not happen. That is like asking the ravenous beast whether he is going to eat five or six carcasses. He does not know or care. He just wants to sink his teeth into the first one and then go from there.

Potential obstacles do not cross his mind either. The risk of being rejected is not a consideration, the potential for wounding will not cross his mind because you are there in front of him. Remember, the Lesser has very little self-control and he is chomping at the bit to interact with you.

The Lesser will immediately stop what he is doing and make a bee-line for you and launch into a hoover. The only consideration with a Lesser who sees you in the first sphere of influence is whether this hoover will be malign or benign in nature. He will have no regard to his surroundings as he will adopt tunnel vision as his you his prey is presented square in his sights. He will either bound over with puppy dog eyes and slavering tongue or pounce on you with snarls and teeth bared. You will always be hoovered by a Lesser in the first sphere.

  1. The Mid-Ranger

The effect of the fuel supplies with a Mid-Ranger are reversed compared to that of a Lesser. If the Mid-Ranger has high fuel supplies (he has a new primary source) he is likely to be malign because he will not be able to resist bragging about his new girlfriend/fiancée/wife etc. in order to provoke a jealous reaction. He will also comment about how much happier he is and how he is better off without you. If his fuel levels are lower (no primary source yet found or it is not performing) he will present in a more pitiful manner and therefore will be benign. He will sign your praises, explain how much he misses you, how empty life is without you and so forth in a bid to draw positive fuel from you and draw you back into the Formal Relationship. By appearing in front of him he cannot forego this opportunity to take centre stage in his own pity play and hoover you.

If you escaped expect the pity to increase. If you were discarded expect the nature of the hoover to be arrogant. The nature of cessation and also its manner will have an aggravating or diminishing factor on the effect caused by the nature of the fuel supplies. The influence of the fuel is greater than the effect of the cessation and how it occurred.

By way of example, if the Mid Ranger has high fuel levels and you escaped, he will be boastful but at the back of his mind he knows you escaped him and he is alive to that fact now. His comments will be passive aggressive in nature,

“Yes well you did what you did but it is okay I forgive you because I have Jessica now.”

If the Mid Ranger has high fuel levels and he discarded you he will extoll the virtues of his new supply without any restraint, singing her praises in order to try to upset you.

If the Mid Ranger has low fuel levels and discarded you, his pity will still be the overwhelming consideration but he will exhibit contrition, as the fact of the discard will temper the contrition somewhat.

If the Mid Ranger has low fuel levels and you escaped, the pity will flow like a river and it was all your fault, you were awful to him and how could you do that to someone like him?

In terms of the ease of contact, since you are in the Mid-Ranger’s close proximity he is not going to pass this opportunity up and therefore, subject to the other considerations, the ease of contact will increase the likelihood of a hoover.

With regard to the nature of the fuel the Mid-Range will be a little more circumspect. Whereas the Lesser will just see prey and bound towards it to nuzzle it or devour it, the Mid-Ranger will exhibit some evaluation of whether the fuel provision will be good or not. If he is able to note that you are still numbed form the encounter with him and therefore less likely to provide potent fuel, he will still hoover (because you are there) but he will not expend a lot of energy in doing so. The conversation will be brief. If he recalls how excellent your fuel was and sees no reason for this to have changed then he will latch on to you for a good feed of fuel.

In respect of obstacles, the Mid-Ranger will have some regard to them. If he perceives that you are going to wound him again or humiliate him (perhaps you are with friends or a new partner) he will still attempt the hoover but the engagement will be brief. If there are no obstacles and subject to the other considerations detailed above, he will hoover you and either be pleasant yet pitiful in order to draw you back in or exhibit arrogance in order to draw negative fuel and lay down a marker in the hope of causing you to feel upset and dismayed you are no longer with him (thus priming you for a different kind of follow-up hoover after this initial skirmish).

The Mid-Ranger will always hoover when you appear in the first sphere. The main considerations are the type of FUH and how sustained it will be.

  1. The Greater

What then of the Greater?

If fuel levels are high then expect a charming hoover which will be a combination of praising you, declaring how well you look, him showing off about his latest achievements, discussing his new car or new paper that he written. He is feeling powerful but also generous with it. You can share in his grandiosity. The Greater will flirt with you even if the new primary source is there. This is too good an opportunity to miss to draw fuel from two sources and copious amounts of it.

If fuel levels are low the Greater will actually be wary. This is because he knows that there is a risk that he will be wounded (see the other considerations) and therefore he is mindful, owing to his awareness, that significant damage might be done to him. He will therefore evaluate the situation carefully before proceeding.

If you were discarded and fuel levels are high, the ebullience of the Greater will override any potential adverse reaction you might exhibit. On the contrary he will think that you will be so delighted to see him that you will fall into his arms in an instant under another dose of concentrated magnetism and charisma.

If you escaped and fuel levels are high, the Greater will relish the opportunity to draw you back in and settle a score not by lashing out but by winning you over again to prove how masterful and commanding he is.

If fuel levels are low and you were discarded, the Greater will sense that fuel remains available and he will approach. If you were discarded with no explanation he knows that if you are angry about the manner of the discard, then he gains fuel. If you are upset about the manner of the discard he gains fuel. If you discarded with some kind of good-bye he knows that you will still hold out hope for the resumption of the Formal Relationship and therefore he will approach and hoover, being cautiously charming and respectful.

If fuel levels are low and you escaped, the Greater will be very wary that you may deal with him in a manner which will wound. He will carefully evaluate the situation. At this juncture he does not have the energy levels to seduce you but he sees an opportunity for fuel on his doorstep, therefore in this situation he will not be looking to charm you (that is more likely to happen on another occasion). Instead he will look to provoke a negative reaction from and lash out at you to shock, upset or anger you. This will be a vitriolic and savage verbal assault aimed at stunning you with is sudden ferocity in order to draw a concentrated burst of negative fuel which will sustain him and allow him to take delight in what he has achieved without further risk to himself.

The ease of contact is straight forward. You are there before him.

The Greater is the best at evaluating the likely fuel to be provided. He will know if you are likely to fountain with fuel and therefore you will prove extremely tempting. It just depends on whether he ought to press the buttons for positive fuel (see considerations above) or to opt for negative as just described. He will also be able to sense if fuel provision is likely to be low (for instance you are adopting low/no fuel techniques or your levels are low owing to the emotional state you are in). He will factor this likely level of reward into determining what he will do. The Greater is more likely to draw fuel (even if levels are low) from you, given his expertise and it is a question of whether it is positive or negative.

The Greater will also take into careful account any potential obstacles before making his move. He will handle any challenge from friends or a new boyfriend for example with ease if his fuel levels are high, by charming and deflecting any attempts to do him down. If fuel levels are low, he will look to draw negative fuel form your supporters as well in a similar way as he will from you with a short, sharp shock.

The Greater will assess the situation before making his move. He will either sweep in full of charm, effusive praise and grandiosity, sweeping you off your feet or slide a knife between your ribs, sink his teeth into your neck and bludgeon those accompanying you before darting away in a smash and grab of negative fuel.

For all three schools your physical presence is too much to resist and you will be hoovered. What is affected is the manner, duration and type of FUH you are subjected to. Accordingly, you should be aware that if you make yourself directly physically available to your narcissist you will be hovered.

27 thoughts on “It’s Hoover Time!

  1. purpleinnature says:

    I’m curious if my mid-ranger considers our breakup an escape or a discard. I abruptly cut off fuel one day, his abuse escalated until I started asking him to leave, which he refused to do until I gave him money he thinks I owe him. The abuse continued to escalate, but still very little fuel was provided. Suddenly, 6 weeks into this, he calmed down, started acting more civil and voluntarily moved all his things out (I suspect he found new supply). I heard nothing from him for a week afterwards. Then he started texted and leaving benign voicemails (I’ve completely ignored him). He won’t tell me where he is, so I’ve been trying to serve him divorce papers at his work unsuccessfully, and he’s texted me benign texts asking that I give them to a friend or send them to a P.O. box. Now, suddenly, 3 weeks after discard/escape, he’s sent me long, pathetic love letters, begging me to postpone the divorce. “I love you, let’s work on us, I’m sorry, I’m not mad you got a lawyer, blah blah blah”. But he still won’t tell me where he is. Do you think he considers it an escape or a discard? From my perspective, it was a discard that I purposefully caused.

  2. ASH says:

    Why does he continue to drive or run past even without any response from me? What is he after and will he eventually quit for good?
    His pattern is every month or two he will get as close as possible in my line of sight. He discarded me suddenly 10 months ago. I’ve kept zero contact ever since.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Those are hoovers. He is trying to draw a reaction from you for the purposes of fuel. There always remains a risk of him doing so according to Hoover Trigger and the Hoover Execution Criteria being met. Maintain no contact and you minimise the risk. He obviously thinks about you periodically (sixth sphere Hoover Trigger) and since he knows where to find you and perceives no obstacles the HEC are met so he hoovers. They will become less since you are providing no reaction thus he is gaining no fuel. He will halt when he finds a new IPPS. He is evidently devaluing his current IPPS and thus why he is hovering you.

      1. ASH says:

        He must be devaluing every month or two if that’s the case. 8 or 9 times in 10 months he’s come by. I completely don’t make eye contact, show any reaction, or response. He keeps coming back. I want it to stop completely.

  3. Dragonfly says:

    Hi HG. I had to file a restraining order Jan 12 and he appeared at the same concert I was attending Jan 27 (smiled, said hey, let’s go get a drink like it was a coincidence). A week later a neighbor got into an argument with him because he was across the street from my house in her yard at 6 am with binoculars (and police found a love letter in his car). He got pulled over the same morning for multiple traffic violations and they locked him up for 3 nights for violating the order. Now I have 2 court dates approaching. I was shocked when I found out he was stalking because when we broke up in Dec, I did not hear from him from a week which was unusual because our precious break ups were one day and he would be knocking at my door the entire night. I am sure he knew I could onto him and he had new supply and naturally he put on his best take me back performance Christmas Day and I fell for it. Anyway he is terrified of jail because he’s claustrophobic and he can’t control the environment. He can’t even be on an elevator. That is why I was shocked to find out he was stalking. I have been severely depressed,, can’t sleep, can’t stop obsessing over this sick man even though I was the one who kicked him out and broke it off. I knew I deserved better. I’m pretty sure he secretly put a tracking device on my phone since he called once and told me he knew where I’d been. I also keep checking over my shoulder and feel paranoid that I’m being watched. My therapist told me he’d leave me alone since he knows I mean business and he spent several nights in jail. He can’t be a 10 mile radius from my house now. My ? To you is, will he finally leave me alone since he has new supply and I have an order, or do you think he’s still lurking? What is your #1 recommended book (yours of course) that will help with letting him go and working on self love? Thank you so much if you’ve taken the time to read this.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Hello Dragonfly, if he has a new primary source then he will focus on that person and leave you alone for the time being unless he has a malice obsession arising from what you have done. If that is the case he will use the fuel from his new primary source (in part) to power a malign campaign against you. The malice obsession will cause a Hoover Trigger and if the Hoover Execution Criteria are met, he will then hoover you in a malign way. However, since he appears to be terrified of jail and you have a restraining order I daresay that those factors would raise the Hoover Execution Criteria bar rather high so that he will not hoover you but rather focus on his new primary source. You do however need to be mindful of him hoovering in the future when he devalues the new primary source. In terms of books I suggest you read Fury, Fuel, No Contact, Black Hole and Exorcism.

      1. amynm101010 says:

        HG , I have a child with a greater. He will ask for information on the child’s routines, when I return his emails, or text, he lashes out or pokes jabs, when I simply have him what our child needed. I do it in a very professional tone, occasionally I will break, but it is not emotional, but more me saying something like “look I know you can’t help but being who you are, you are being abusive, but I am only communicating this to you for our child.” I think he may have finally moved on to a primary. But that doesn’t make him move on and forget about me. He obviously has created a malice obsession with me, when things should be moving on, it gets unreasonably worse to the point of being surreal. I read Save the Children, and I make sure to keep communication and face to face contact min, but he won’t drop the rage!!! Help

        1. HG Tudor says:

          Your comment about him not being able to help who he is and that he is being abusive is what is causing the reaction as you are challenging him. Remove that and just convey the information about the child and there is likely to be a difference in his responses.

  4. Colinda says:

    I’m terrified. We were married for 11 years and have four children together. We’ve had several golden periods and many, many devaluations. His drinking has escalated this last year, and he behaves more like a lesser when drunk. He threatened to kill me in August, and in December he actually got physically violent with me, probably because I was no longer reacting emotionally to him. He was scheduled to go to jail for a month in January (for a DUI). While he was in jail, I put all my belongings in storage and took our children out of state, where I got the protection order. I blocked him and his family and friends on social media, but I’ve heard that he was trying to have my car taken because it’s in his name, that he will lie about his income to avoid paying child support, and that he would accuse me of child abuse to try to take my children. I have video of several arguments (December included) and pictures of the aftermath, voicemails he’s left and text messages. I know I have the better case, but he’s a liar and so charming. Am I missing something?

  5. sweetheart :* says:

    Very interesting 🙂 Can i have a question ? Any input will be nice to hear. What about The Mid-Ranger who has no new primary sources of supply yet and you escaped him, but he was trying to make it like he discarded you as well (didn’t say it clear ,but between the lines he threatened things might turn that way if you don’t shut up).
    Then you thrown him into the big cage where he can’t come close to you easily anymore.There is no place he can meet you and he been told to don’t contact you ever again.
    I hope he is feeling now some discomfort at least ? With no contact i see more clear all things he been doing and i am more and more angry on him.

  6. Colinda says:

    I’m due in court to renew the protection order against him, and he’s likely to attend. He’s possibly a greater. Do I expect an attack?

    1. HG Tudor says:


    2. NarcAngel says:

      Search and read the post:
      Fighting back-how to handle the Narcissist in court. Jan 25th

  7. Red rider says:

    Well it only took 3 days after me telling him I was backing off to let me know he’s dating someone. I said um ok. Didn’t get upset. But he then asked what I was doing tonight(mind you we live in different states)? Was very nice and complimentary. So HG what kind of Hoover was this? And I’m struggling if he’s a mid range or greater?? Any insight would be appreciated:)

    1. HG Tudor says:

      It was benign. Don’t know which type as not enough information Red Rider.

  8. Exhausted says:

    Mine is just a game playing stalker. Plain and simple and the torment just makes me tired. The NO CONTACT and inaccessibility has made the stalking and home invasions worse.

  9. A.R. says:

    Dear H.G.
    I have yet to read this article so this is not yet a comment on this writing….However, I am curious as to how endeavoured you are to helping?
    My father is a narcissist. Mid range I suspect. Due to growing up in the “snake’s lair” how would you suggest that a person changes so as to be less attractive to narcissists when the behaviours of attraction are very instilled?

    High expectations

    1. HG Tudor says:

      You are best served by being able to spot out kind and take evasive action as opposed to trying to change who you are. read Red Flag and Black Flag to arm yourself.

  10. It was the post-‘escape’ hoover that made me realize he’s a nsrcissist. He was practically crying in his vm’s 😔

  11. Claudia says:

    That’s strange; I was just telling my friend how the Narcissist has been hoovering me, and how I had to close down my last blog because of it, and then this article pops up!

  12. NarcAngel says:

    Yes, but will he hoover me?

    1. HG Tudor says:

      I see what you did there.

  13. AnonEmpath says:

    Isn’t it possible that he won’t try to re-hoover?

    I did this merry-go round before. He triangulated me, I unmasked him, he discarded me. We reconciled, months later. Things went well. He ghosted me. I reconciled with him. He triangulated me. I escaped. He continued to triangulate me via a flying monkey. I unmasked him. He discarded me with words, “You are dead to me. Don’t ever try to contact me again.” I don’t believe he will try to hoover me. I really don’t.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      The risk is there in accordance with the Hoover Trigger and the Hoover Execution Criteria.

  14. Giulia says:

    Yes, I am terrified by this and I’ve been living in a guerrilla mindset for the past couple of months. I blocked him out of each and every social platform he has access to and changed my phone number. He has an e-mail address, nothing else. I don’t feel safe, yet. I think I have to forget the things he did and get over this strong desire to destroy him that I have.
    I just hate him, viscerally.

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