Razed to the Ground


I am the master architect. I will amaze you as I create golden cities that reflect the magnificence of our relationship. With glass and chrome I create those skyscrapers that soar high into the air as a testament to the sheer height to which I will take you. Clean, sparkling rivers run through the centre of these cities, spanned by intricate bridges. The stonework on the most elegant buildings bears the hallmark of the master craftsman that I am. My technique and brilliance surpasses anything that you have seen before. Carefully landscaped parks and gardens provide a verdant oasis at different parts throughout these cities, a haven for flora and brought to life with the sound of birdsong. Beyond the city limits lush meadows undulate away to the imposing grandeur of mountain ranges. I keep the sky an amazing azure through out the day, save for sunset when I allow a few clouds to wisp across the horizon and contribute to the breath taking hues of red, orange, yellow and violet that I weave through the sky. My empire is vast. It is resplendent and awe-inspiring. It is all my own work, achieved through my careful application of building something worthy of representing our relationship. It is built on the most solid of foundations, from the most reliable and durable of materials. There has been no corner cutting, no use of cheap and suspect stone, wood or steel. Nothing shall fall but instead it will prevail for ever in tribute to you and me.
Yet for all this splendour that I have single-handedly created I will take a match to it and bring about an all consuming conflagration. I want to see it engulfed in the inferno of my making. It makes no sense. There is no logic to burning down what I have created. The wanton destruction of such beauty is abhorrent and flies in the face of any reasoned individual. The flames burn with such intensity that the steel melts, sizzling drops of molten metal that scar the stone which fractures and crumbles. Glass shatters, blackened shards that collapse to the ground, the noise of destruction masked by the roar of the flames.
I will stand and watch this terrible destruction with a twisted grin on my face, my hollow eyes reflecting the shooting pillars of orange flame. You are knelt beneath me as I hold your head in my hands, forcing you to watch this display of carnage and obliteration. Your tears stream down your face, cutting through the soot that has adorned your features, the heat haze shimmering before you and your sobbing inaudible compared to the fierceness of the fire that will burn for days.
I will build you an empire and then I shall raze it to the ground. That is my way and it shall always remain the case.

20 thoughts on “Razed to the Ground

  1. Victoria says:

    We are all anxiously awaiting for your new books-I am on my 18th and yes I do write a review for them on Amazon. I only wish I could broadcast to the world how wonderful and helpful your books are to all of us empaths. You are such a talented writer H.G. What an amazing gift which now benefits thousands of people who never knew what to make of their journey with their narc. Do you really know how grateful we are? Somehow Thank you does not seem enough-but, Thank you so much!

  2. Snow White says:

    HG, do you have plans to write a childhood memory book?

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Yes they are in progress.

    2. Love says:

      Hi Snow! I read about your daughter. I hope she’s doing better now 💙💙💙

      1. Snow White says:

        Thank you very much Love!!!!
        I appreciate it. I am spending some time catching up and I’m glad to see that you are back to commenting.
        I’ve missed you and all your posts. ❤️💜

        1. Love says:

          I’ve missed you too! 💜💜💜

  3. ava101 says:

    Would you destroy something you’ve built up, when it’s not an illusion for seduction, HG?

    When I was in Kindergarten, a boy destroyed my sandcastle. I’ve never gotten over it. My mother said he was jealous. Do you think that’s true? Would you have done that to make other children unhappy?

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Destroying a sandcastle? That is for amateurs. I burned things down.

      1. Twilight/Dawn says:

        Ooooo can I bring dark chocolate and this amazing bottle of wine that is just fabulous with dark chocolate? I do enjoy a good bone fire and I am sure you can build an amazing one.

      2. BraveHeart says:

        Makes me wonder if the ex-N had anything to do with the fires his brother (never had a close relationship because of “age difference – N was 13, brother 20, at the time) and parents died in, 25 years apart. He said his brother died in an apartment fire due to smoking and his parents died in an electrical fire. He said his parents were much older and, “it was a blessing in disguise”, because he “didn’t want one to go without the other”. I even researched it online and found that they all died in the types of fires he claimed and I also found their headstones. So this wasn’t a lie, HG, but what do you make of it anyway?

        1. HG Tudor says:

          There is the potential for involvement but without more information it is impossible to state with certainty.

      3. BraveHeart 💘 says:

        Is it something a Greater Elite would ever consider doing or does it seem out of character for that type of Narcissist?

  4. Bronwyn says:

    You’re right. It makes no sense. It’ irrational to destroying what you have built.


  5. Ms brown says:

    Reblogged this on Sea Starr (un)Leashed.

  6. Ms brown says:

    yet, strangely, your writings inspire me creatively

  7. Clary says:

    Or years that’s why I’m divorcing

  8. AH OH says:

    You do bad things.

  9. Ms brown says:

    HG, just seems so wasteful and dramatic… yes, I know, “fuel”, but still…

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