The Narcissistic Truths – No. 239


28 thoughts on “The Narcissistic Truths – No. 239

  1. KT says:

    Ok so when can I meet you and see for myself? 😉

  2. Do narcissists have the insight to understand they are weak?
    I grew up naturally independent and learned weakness that I have from them. The neediness, hysterics, crying, banging on like a victim. I joined in their conversations out of boredom and so it’s a language I can speak but isn’t my nature. To hear them look at me and call me weak is laughable.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      I am not weak. The Lesser and Mmid-Range Narcissists who are not weak do not have the insight to see it.

      1. KT says:

        HG you know I like you and have respect for you but I have to be honest…. narcs are weak. Someome who needs to feed on someone else is weak.

        1. HG Tudor says:

          You are entitled to express your view KT. Some narcissists are weak, not all. If you ever met me, you would not regard me as weak and indeed in certain situations you would be tearfully grateful for my strength.

  3. WeakToWeak says:

    I think this song fits well with your post, HG. Your post reminds of it it so districtly. “I Want To Break Free”

  4. E. B. says:

    Is this projection?
    The narcissist is aware of his own weakness and hates it (= being needy and dependent on other people to get fuel, to get approval, to boost their self-worth and to maintain their façade almost on a daily basis). He projects it onto the Empath. The Empath’s weakness remembers him of his own limitations.

  5. LisaB says:

    “I told you that the next time you (insert ridiculous manufactured accusation here) would be the LAST.” That’s the most recent voice mail I got, a pathetic hoover attempt. I haven’t shown him what he believes is his due, my weakness. Now the grasping for anything I ever did to show backbone or defy his “orders” becomes a way for him to shift all the blame onto me. This was the latest hoover trick, left in a voice mail from an unknown number. I didn’t even listen to the rest. Note the use of multiple tools at the same time. Evil, he is.

  6. Carla says:

    Except when we’re not weak, when everything we do only further asserts integrity and strength. It still makes me laugh at how resented I am for that.

  7. Pamela Bergner says:

    You dont. Need ‘my weakness,’ darking, you just discarded it

    On Apr 27, 2017 9:00 AM, “Knowing the Narcissist” wrote:

    > HG Tudor posted: “” >

  8. So a love/hate relationship.

  9. Ali says:

    it’s not weakness… that’s only how your lens lets you see it.

    We survive anything you dish at us, we heal, we thrive once disconnected from your kind. We need to tower to isolate our inner-most self, we bleed a lot, shed tears, get hurt but we rise from those ashes. We give up more then anyone in order to try and make the world a better place. We are not weak. We are genuine, we open the windows and let the sun shine on our feelings because the world is better for it. There is a strong difference there. It is not weakness, it is strength. Just as a seed in the ground waits for the right time to grow and can break through concrete sidewalks as it does, like water erodes rock over time but makes a passage for itself, as a calm gentle breeze can become a tornado/hurricane.

    it may not always be graceful or dignified per your terms, regal and royal, but it is very much noble.

    1. Ali says:

      need no* tower

    2. beautifully said, so true..

  10. Your need for fuel is my strength, because I don’t need it.

    As always – thank you

    1. HG Tudor says:


  11. 12345 says:

    God bless her! She is skin and bones. She’s beautiful still from what I can tell.

  12. Giulia says:

    what do you mean by weakness?

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Crying, clinging, questioning, whining, crumbling and so forth.

      1. Insatiable Learner says:

        HG, so if the appliance is demonstrating strong character, does she earn respect from the narc? Thank you!

        1. HG Tudor says:

          No, just interest and the desire to erode that character.

      2. MLA - Clarece says:

        But that’s how you know we care. Nobody puts themselves through that when they don’t give a big pile of poo.

        1. HG Tudor says:


      3. Hurt says:

        It is like looking down on the poor but you can’t live without them because you need them to work for you

  13. strongerwendy says:

    Yes, goes both ways.

  14. Sophia says:

    Then stop being a leach

  15. Hurt says:

    They are back! Thanx Mr T

    1. HG Tudor says:


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