The 5 Central Questions – The Greater


The five central questions have been applied in respect if the Lesser and Mid-Range of our kind, but what of the Greater Narcissist? How do these five essential questions about the behaviour of the narcissist apply to him or her?

1.Do We Know What We Are Doing?

The Greater Narcissist is gifted (though of course his or victims will not regard it as such) with an awareness of what he or she is. The greater of our kind knows that they are different. They know that they have this insatiable hunger for the outpouring of emotion, whether positive or negative, from those around them. The greater knows that there is a feeling of emptiness which pervades. Whilst the lesser has this manifest as sense of unease and irritation, the greater feels a yawning chasm which must be filled. The lesser operates by instinct, a knee-jerk response. The Greater Narcissist also operates through instinct but there is nothing knee jerk about him or her. This instinct is attuned in the sense of selecting the victims who will haemorrhage fuel. This instinct enables the most effective seduction, the most devastating devaluation and the most callous of discards. The instinct for scenting fuel and those who will provide it serves the Greater Narcissist considerably. He has an instinctive knack for selecting the bets hunting grounds, an innate ability to target the most productive victims, a chilling capability to extract and exploit information and to cause people to think that what they are doing is a good thing and on they wish to take when in fact the Greater Narcissist is manipulating them. The Greater Narcissist is aware that he or she is different from other people. He or she knows that their emotional spectrum has been stunted or as we prefer to regard it, altered to achieve maximum efficiency in our machinations. The Greater Narcissist knows he operates in a different world to other people and revels in such a special status. He or she knows that they are superior, admired and feared.

  1. Do We Know We Hurt Others?

Unlike the instinctive response of the Lesser Narcissist or the considered but moderate reaction of the Mid-Ranger, the Greater Narcissist knows that he or she is an instrument that inflicts pain. Whether it is the withdrawal of something wonderful or delightful or the imposition of something unpleasant and hateful the Greater Narcissist knows that they hurt. They regard every action taken in this regard, every step, every machination as necessary for their survival and advancement. The Greater Narcissist fervently believes in the doctrine that the end always justifies the means. Pain, misery and hurt are by-products of the process which he or she must engage in. The inflicting of hurt on another person is regarded as a collateral consequence of the need to obtain fuel. The Greater Narcissist knows that during devaluation and the malign hoovers that the application of his or her behaviours is specifically directed to cause hurt. You will take the view that he or she does not care and you are correct in that view since the Greater Narcissist, like all narcissists is not created to care. What you ought to understand though is that this failure to care is actually secondary to the need to acquire fuel. If all that mattered was the inability to care, then we would administer hurtful behaviour all of the time. The reality is, the order of priority is that fuel must be obtained and during devaluation this causes hurt to other people and furthermore we are not designed to care about this hurt. By contrast, someone who is manipulating a dislocation back into place knows that pain will be occur but is a necessary consequence of the act. The difference is that this medic or doctor will care that the person is being put in pain and also seek to address that once the dislocation has been addressed.

  1. Do We Act Deliberately?

Everything that is done by the Greater Narcissist is deliberate. The lesser responds as a matter of course. The Mid-Ranger consider what action to take and do so with a sense of purpose but this pales compared to the behave of the Greater Narcissist. The actions that are taken are planned. The seduction is orchestrated from careful target selection, the reconnaissance of the subject and the gathering of information is organised and the seduction is methodical and deliberate. The Greater Narcissist does not speak without first considering how effective those words are. Are they to be used to elevate or denigrate? Praise or punishment? Elated or erode. Like some great architect in the sky the Greater Narcissist, in accordance with his god-like view of him or herself sees other people as chess pieces which are moved in accordance to his or her wishes to cause check mate. The Greater Narcissist purposefully manipulates everybody around him or her. Each person has a role, a position and a purpose. The Greater Narcissist acts with considerable deliberation and indeed this need to position and pose all the players in the narcissist’s world results in the need to control being overwhelming. To be this deliberate in manipulating other people requires a significant degree of control over other people and therefore the Greater Narcissist will exercise his or her skills to achieve that outcome.

  1. Can We Control This Behaviour

Not only is the Greater Narcissist an expert in the control of others he exerts considerable control over his own behaviour. His higher functioning allows him considerable latitude to pass the blame onto others and feign an inability to control what he does.

“I don’t know what comes over me sometimes.”

“It as if something else takes control of me.”

“I cannot help it, it just happens.”

“It is like there is some other force that makes the decisions for me.”

All of these comments are liars. The Greater Narcissist is able to direct his ignited fury to a level and extent beyond the capability of others of our kind. This is why often cold fury is exhibited by Greater Narcissists as we are able to control the ignited fury so that it does emerge as heated fury and rarely does it show in the form of physical violence. Such a reliance on such brutality through physical action is regarded as beneath the Greater Narcissist and is an insult to his Machiavellian mind. The Greater Narcissist revels in his higher function allowing him to devise and apply far subtler and rewarding manipulations. He or she is also mindful of the consequences of providing damning physical evidence of the abuse. The only time this formidable control weakens is when the Greater Narcissist is thrown into Chaos Mode as a consequence of a sudden and unseen cessation to his or her primary source of fuel.

5        Can We Stop It?

The Greater Narcissist could stop his or her behaviour owing to the degree of control that he or she is able to exert but whilst there is the capability to stop this behaviour, both benign and malign, the Greater Narcissist will not do so. Firstly, this is because the Greater Narcissist sees no need to. Why stop something that is highly effective and serves a purpose in allowing him or her to shine and function at some an impressive (to him or her) level? Why halt doing something which always deliver? Secondly, the Greater Narcissist will not stop this behaviour because the malevolence which runs through him or her will not allow him to do so. Why give up such a delightful way of manipulating someone? Why relinquish such power over an individual? Why stop flexing those machinations? Why stop doing something that is both necessary but also enjoyable. The lesser does because he is programmed to always respond in such a fashion. Choice has been removed from his thought process. The Mid-Ranger does because he realises it is necessary for his survival but there is not enjoyment or malice driving the behaviour. The Greater does because he or she can. The Greater does because he or she is driven by the furious malice which burns at the centre of the narcissist. This malice arises because the higher functioning Greater Narcissist is more aware than the others of his brethren just how unfair and brutal the world is. He is attuned to its attempts to depose and dethrone and he knows that engendering and harnessing this malice is entirely necessary for the purpose of protection. It is better to strike first then be struck. It is better to get the retaliation in first. He who dares wins. The Greater is a dangerous individual because not only does he regard what he does as entirely necessary, he is driven not only by the need for fuel but by the malice that is wrapped around his core. This means he goes further, longer, stronger and more often that others of his kind. He is the defiler, the punisher and the destroyer of worlds. Your worlds.

26 thoughts on “The 5 Central Questions – The Greater

  1. Tina says:

    Dying to know if h w a greater or not. I think he is, if not an elite. I realize now I’ll never find out from him. He either lies and believes it, it he deliberately lies and will never oen it. I’d just like to know if deliberate. I’m guessing a greater cuz I asked him once what he saw in me and his answer was cuz I was easy to manipulate. I knew something was fucked up then!he purposely drops women’s names here and there, I’ve talked to his ex wife and the girlfriend after me and found out he didn’t lie about everything and now it’s even harder to figure out. Pointed a shotgun at me and says it was a BB gun. I know he’s trying to get a reaction but I resist. Told him ‘prer nding’ to shoot me is pathetic.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Use the Narc Detector

  2. Tina says:

    Do lessers move up to greaters with time?

    1. HG Tudor says:


      1. tqueen67 says:

        What determines the level they are? He dropped off a book he had of mine in the mail box. Note inside said I still love you, but it’s fading ! (Yes th ! ). He’s hacked my phone. Admitted it once, saying for 10.99 he could monitor many hos. Then he denies it gave me an antique gorgeous hutch on our first ” ensnarement”. Ghosts and even tells me he’s ghosting. Fking drives me crazy. I think he’s a greater. Easier to move on if I know he’s doing it deliberately. No wind in my sails if he’s doing it cluelessly.

        1. tqueen67 says:

          Btw..thank you for your knowledge and taking th time to share it. My question is….if it’s your legacy, wouldn’t mean more if we knew who we were thanking? Or is it just knowing how your affecting people that gives you th fuel?

          1. tqueen67 says:

            Last question. For a greater…would you discard if you found out the primary intimate was an addict or alcoholic? And if so, would the Hoover be to punish as w another disengagement? Would you disengage black or white?

      2. tqueen67 says:

        I can venmo you some cash. I really appreciate your answers.

  3. SVR says:

    Jaw drops… the penny drops… the mind boggles.. OMG HG the female friend is a Greater.
    The jigsaw still falls into place. Would a greater write a letter projecting onto me that when I told her to cease contact with me I was the one who said I would always be there for her? (LOTS of projection in it, so I read it and could see the game, was not even bothered and oops! in the bin it went and I did not contact her).
    Can you help me HG?

    1. HG Tudor says:

      A Greater may well write such a letter, although a MMR or UMR would also.

  4. Twilight says:

    I do love the pictures of the dragons you chose, they make my heart beat as if I am looking over the edge of a cliff, and I hold my breathe as if waiting for something. My imagination is running this evening

  5. M. says:

    There could be a film about you, HG. Open-ended.

  6. superxena says:

    1. Are all the Greaters psychopaths/sociopaths?
    2. Is this psychopathy /sociopathy present in other schools?
    3. What will be the main difference that distinguishes a Narcissist( Greater?) sociopath/psychopath from others?

  7. Jenny Conley says:

    Well said

  8. Sarah says:

    Dark creatures don’t have hair-doos. They’d look silly.

    “I saw it with my own eyes, I slapped the hotdog from my wife’s mouth and pointed it out to her.. it was massive, with sharp teeth, evil eyes, and a… mullet.”

  9. Bri says:

    HG, how many Greaters do you know? have you ever seen a greater in a very bad situation? which kind do you think are most common, MR?

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Mid Range are the most common yes. How many Greaters do I know personally? Three.

  10. mistynolan01 says:

    Is the image your vision of your “inner beast,” HG?

    1. HG Tudor says:

      The outer.

      1. MLA - Clarece says:

        Where’s the blue eyes and blonde hair?!?!

  11. So HG,
    Explain when a greater’s manipulative, slanderous tactics backfire during discard? When the primary source no longer gives a shit, shuffles the deck, turns the table and the greater finds himself, jaw dropped, with a protection order. Now living in a camper, no car, no money, and mercy work for income. Loosing all possessions , his children, and his primary source unexpectantly ? What is possible going thru his head now?
    While I sit back and smile.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Are you sure that was a Greater?

      1. Reading all of your work indicates yes. From my discription you see it differently?

        1. HG Tudor says:

          I cannot see it differently as I am not privy to all of the information you have to make that determination. Accordingly, I have to accept your analysis on that basis as accurate (I might however reach a different view based on all information). I queried it based on the outcome, it is very rare indeed to see a greater in such a situation.

      2. K says:

        There is no way it could have been a Greater. Perhaps a mid-ranger?

      3. Twilight says:

        I believe it is very rare to get the upper hand on a greater to, if you do I don’t believe they ever forget you……

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