The Haughty Forty



The trait of haughty arrogance runs through our kind. This is predicated on our innate superiority to all around us. The world ought to realise how special we truly are and we are naturally contemptuous of those who fail to deliver the required respect and recognition. Our default setting is one whereby we are scathing of those around us, irritated by any success that they may have which moves the spotlight of admiration away from us and on to them. It annoys us to see underlings being afforded attention and angers us when we are not given the appropriate adoration befitting who we are. We are sometimes at a loss to understand how these ordinary people fail to realise that a giant walks amongst them, a colossus, a behemoth, these princes amongst men and we realise that this is a further failing that is attributed to those who are cannot claim the greatness that is ours. If we knew how to feel it, we might pity them, but we do not and as a consequence our feelings are ones of contempt, annoyance and impatience. Naturally, when we are seducing you, our wonderful prospective primary source we need you to see the benevolent individuals that we are, the kindly souls, the magnanimous man, the entertaining and humorous person and those masks are expertly and conveniently worn. Beneath this veneer of pleasantry remains our sneering disdain for all those we interact with. How we scoff at their foolish little lives, their ignorance of what really matters, the mundane rituals they engage in as they drift through life like some epsilon semi-moron. They are so fortunate that our kind brightens their lives and brings some respite from the ennui through the great works we create, great charisma that we exhibit and the great sensations we evoke in all who have the privilege of being selected by us. Occasionally, we cannot keep this haughty arrogance in check. During moments of incompetence by underlings, those of a tertiary and servile nature, we may snap and be dismissive of them. Usually you, as our primary source, will regard this as evidence of our desire for high standards and the mark of a person who does not suffer fools. Any discomfort you may experience in our unpleasant dressing down of a clerk who mixes up our tickets or a bumbling waiter who spills our drink is dissipated as you remain in our thrall, mesmerised by our superiority. At times your thinking may be allied with our haughty disregard for these minions. Those instances are providing you with short-lived glimpses of what really lurks beneath our many masks and in the fullness of time you will find yourself experiencing such arrogant contempt once your own devaluation is in full swing. Nobody is immune from this stance of ours because it runs through our core, we keep it hidden for as long as we are able for most of our kind has the awareness that such an outlook towards people is regarded as regrettable and unpleasant. Entwined within this attitude you will also witness repeated projection by us onto you. It is necessary for us to relieve the burden by passing it on to you, to maintain our elevated status and preserve our control of you and others through this contemptuous air. Here are forty spoken instances of our haughty arrogance which you ought to keep a watchful eye out for.

  1. Don’t be sorry, be accurate.
  2. You are always a let-down aren’t you?
  3. Don’t be bitter, be better.
  4. You go out of your way to annoy me don’t you?
  5. Not like that, like this.
  6. I haven’t got time for this.
  7. You don’t understand, you are not me.
  8. Sorry is your favourite word isn’t it?
  9. I’d do it myself but you need to learn.
  10. I honestly have no idea why I bother with you.
  11. I have the patience of the saint, I really do.
  12. Do you know who I am?
  13. I don’t notice what other people are wearing.
  14. I lead, you follow.
  15. I do, I am not done to.
  16. I have one of those only mine is better.
  17. You’ve made such a little go a very long way.
  18. I would tell you why but you wouldn’t understand.
  19. You’d be nothing were it not for me.
  20. I’m the rock star in this relationship.
  21. People only like you because of me.
  22. You need to smile less; you look like an imbecile.
  23. I suppose it is the best you can do isn’t it?
  24. No, it’s not good enough, you’re not good enough.
  25. Why did I ever choose someone like you?
  26. That’s okay, you can’t help who you are can you?
  27. It must be hell being you.
  28. Who are you again?
  29. Sorry, do I know you?
  30. Once is a mistake, twice is you sitting in a room with no work to do.
  31. I’m not arrogant, I’m just better than you
  32. You have no idea what I have to deal with.
  33. You wouldn’t last five minutes being me.
  34. You don’t get to be me through chance you know?
  35. You’ll wish you hadn’t said that because you’re wrong.
  36. Don’t worry I’ve carried you so far.
  37. You should have been smothered at birth.
  38. You are such a waste of space.
  39. Laughter is for fools.
  40. You really are a sorry excuse for a human being.

10 thoughts on “The Haughty Forty

  1. cb says:

    Speaking of haughty I find it fascinating that only some of you guys (male greaters and male upper-midrangers)
    seem to have that haughty tone of voice, by which narcissists are often described, in literature.

    Most female narcissists, like Oprah, don’t seem to use haughty sounds at all.

    1. NarcAngel says:

      Perhaps it’s because Oprah is not a narcissist?

  2. viva says:

    My ex N malign hoovered years after divorce: He commented(baulking) that a suggested solution to asset split was me trying to annoy him. My suggestion was only a suggestion. He then related that he thought it was a joke. His attitude was hostile false attribution, which it seems that he can’t get over that I made a simple suggestion, exaggerating it into annoying and teasing him. Poor guy. He also was asked if he initiated the divorce(he did and made sure that there was no relationship to save because he spilled the beans about himself). I filed for the divorce after he initiated because he stalled with excuses, there was no relationship to save and no trust. Now, he does not claim that he initiated divorce. His answer to the person asking, “Sir, she filed for divorce.” He is still seething in sneering disdain because I agreed with him about divorce. I think he expected me to disagree. There was no reason to stay in the marriage. He revealed the posing and his con.

  3. Windstorm2 says:

    I heard a lot of these over the years. Sometimes they make me laugh. Very rarely do they slip thru and hurt me. Almost always I recognize them for the sour grapes or projections that they are. Usually just make the narc seem pathetic to me.

  4. shellshocked says:

    I can relate to all that. Projective identification turned me into him. I said a lot of those things to him and I even told him he brought out the worst in me, now I know that worst was his thoughts and his feelings, crazy stuff that I’m grateful to be free from. Plus no wonder I’m now viewed as crazy, I was acting out his madness and owning it as mine and he was making everyone aware of it too. Genius for harm that’s all.

  5. gabbanzobean says:

    Hmmm…. I am having some difficulty applying this. I heard a few of these BUT it was twisted around where he insulted himself to me.

    1. I am so sorry Gabrielle

    2. I always let you down.

    8. Stop apologizing, it is my fault.

    11. YOU have the patience of a saint. You are the best person. I am a bad person.

    19. I would be nothing if it were not for you.

    24. I am not good enough for you, I do not deserve you.

    I know you say each narc is different and some of what you write may not always apply. In this case it seems to be reversed like it is Narc opposite day.

    Why is this?

  6. RS says:

    I have said #37, 38 and 40 to the sociopath I was seeing. 😄

  7. RS says:

    This sounds exactly like the ex-owner of where I work. He just sold the company. I know he’s a narc but his wife says he is just impatient and very sweet and loving at home. (Sure he is!) 😜Such an arrogant asshole!

  8. Lisa says:

    You should have been smothered at birth your hilarious HG 😀 What’s your post called that’s about psychopaths please ? Have you ever done a post about narcissists and food and how they are about that ? I’m wondering if it’s a narc thing or was just my N

    1. RS says:

      I was laughing because I have said #37, #38 & #40 to people before. Am I a narcissist? I know I was raised by a sister and brothers who were raised by one! Oh my. . . I’m in trouble!

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