Cherished and Chastised


Understanding the narcissist is the key to achieving freedom from his or her manipulative wiles. Few people achieve it because the world view of the narcissist is distinctly different from that of other people. People make the mistake of regarding the actions and words of the narcissist from their own perspective. Once they regard these actions through the narcissistic lens then comprehension and knowledge can be achieved. How is this done? It is done by reading all about how the narcissist thinks and behaves, how he regards situations and why he responds in the way that he or she does. A series of observations awaits here which will give you further insight into the narcissistic mind direct from the narcissist himself and in turn you will gain knowledge. A useful and insightful tool that will assist you in grappling with the perversions and delinquencies of the narcissistic mind and thereafter enable you to achieve understanding and ultimately freedom.




4 thoughts on “Cherished and Chastised

  1. Brian says:

    Do narcissist pretend not to understand as a part of the circular conversation/word salad? and when the source is about to get so frustrated they are about to leave does the narcissist often so , “ohh, now I understand, you were just wording it the wrong way!”

    1. HG Tudor says:

      If a Greater, yes, otherwise it is an instinctive response.

    2. Blank says:

      My husband never understood me, when the question was not comfortable for him. That gave him time to make up an answer (a lie) or he would just walk out on me. I got so used to him having to think for at least a minute, that I’m confused when somebody answers me right away.

      1. Brian says:

        Thank You HG,
        Yes Blank for some reason my mentioning of a negative behaviour in plain english is somehow translated into Samoan.

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