The Creation of Unusual Milestones


We narcissists create unusual milestones for the purposes of maintaining our narcissistic grip on our victims.

The calendar is festooned with milestones. There are those which are applicable to everybody, for example, a person’s birthday.  There are others which are applicable to a large proportion of people on the planet, Christmas, Easter Sunday, Valentine’s Day, Eid, Nirvana Day (not the band before you ask), Yom Kippur, and Diwali. There are people who celebrate St. Patrick’s Day (even on the flimsiest of reasons) and others who mark the Chinese New Year. There are many days of observance or festivals, including Freedom Day, Independence Day, Bonfire Night, Hallowe’en, National Woman’s Day, The Day of Our Lady of Africa, Remembrance Sunday and King Jigme Dorji Wangchuck’s Death Anniversary (no that isn’t made up). These days and events are commemorated by people in different parts of the world.

These milestones in history are replicated at a more personal level by individuals, for instance wedding anniversaries, an anniversary based on how long a couple has been together (from a week, to a month, then six months and then years) or remembering the anniversary of somebody’s death. There is a multiplicity of milestones which will include it being ten years since somebody graduated from university, a year since somebody left prison, five years since they were made redundant, six months since that relationship ended. Some of these milestones are not celebrated, some are briefly remembered, sometimes fondly and often with concern, relief or slight surprise at the swift passage of time.

People like to commemorate particular milestones. They will record their child’s first day at school and years later tell their son or daughter that on this day twenty years ago you attended nursery or took your first steps. A veteran may recall with a mixture of regret and optimism that it is two years since he took his first steps on prosthetic limbs. Such remembrance and commemoration is done for many different reasons, it might be a wild celebration, fond nostalgia, solemn reflection or upsetting recollection. Notwithstanding what it may be, people accumulate these milestones throughout their lives, either applicable to themselves or others that they are entwined with.

We are no exception to this behaviour.

We, however, do this for entirely different reasons. We recognise and use the more obvious milestones of birthdays, Christmas, anniversaries and so on and I have explained how those are used in  Birthday Blues for example. Yet, this is not enough. We go further than the milestones which the world has created for various people. We make our own. We regularly and repeatedly engage in the creation of unusual milestones. This is done by creating Golden Milestones and Obsidian Milestones.

The Golden Milestones are created during our seduction of you. If your birthday falls within our seduction of you, then naturally, you will be treated to marvellous gifts, a wonderful evening or day out and made to feel ultra special. All part of the idealisation but this birthday is not a milestone created by us. It was already there and just happened to coincide with the golden period of seduction. A Golden Milestone is one which is specifically created by us, to manifest as something delightful and special in the Kingdom Of You and Me. You can easily spot these Golden Milestones as they will range from the romantic to the endearingly silly. Consider, if you will, these examples :-

I send you a card to tell you that it is a week since we first kissed

I write you a poem to commemorate that it is a year since I fell in love with you (even though we have only been seeing each other two weeks)

I send you a text to remind you it is one whole terrible hour since we last saw one another

I send you flowers to thank you for filling my life with light and love for the past month

I send you a gift to mark the fact that we made love five times in one night

Viewed dispassionately, these occasions and the fact of commemorating them are absurd. However, when deployed within the illusion of the seductive golden period, they appear cute, endearing, amusing, heart-warming and loving. How much must we be in to you if we telephone you to explain that  we have been in love with one another for 1.2 million minutes or that last night was the 100th time you told me that you loved me. Sometimes these milestones are fabricated but more usually they are actually real and there are those of our kind who have calculated the number of times we have kissed, made love or called you by a pet name.

These Golden Milestones are viewed favourably by our victims, silly and wonderful reminders of how delightful our relationship together is. Monuments to the unique and special coupling that has been occasioned between you and I.

From our perspective, whilst they may appear fun, slightly throwaway and romantic, these Golden Milestones serve an important purpose. They enable us to keep binding you to us, they allow us to demonstrate just how infatuated we are with you and to gauge our control over you. They allow us to draw fuel from you, positive fuel occasioned by your laughter at the daft statistic we have just explained to you, or your tear-brimming eyes as you realise just how much thought and effort we have gone to, to calculate how many times we have been to a particular restaurant which you love, so since we are on the cusp of the twentieth visit we have booked it this weekend. These Golden Milestones actually come draped in red flags because you will not find them in any normal or healthy relationship. Those relationships celebrate the one week, the one month and then a year of the relationship’s existence but will not descend into the detail. The detail evidences our obsession with you, how we regard our relationship as one really of statistics – how long we have spent with you, how many times you have said something to us, how many times we have been to a certain place, how often we have done a particular thing together. This is hugely indicative. Notice how it is devoid of actual feeling but is all based on frequency, content and quantity. Mechanical. These are capable of calculation which equates to control.

Whilst the creation of Golden Milestones may be endearingly silly, it is the creation of those Obsidian Milestones which arise during devaluation which truly show our penchant for being self-absorbed. The purpose of the Obsidian Milestone is to create our own special event at which we are the special guest, the revered recipient of attention and of course furnished with fuel. The Obsidian Milestones are breath taking in their absurdity  and triviality from your perspective (and they need to be in order to have the correct impact on you), but of course we do not see them that way.  Consider these:-

It is the seventeen-week anniversary since Tiddles the cat died

(It was your cat not ours and we always hated it)

It is nine years since our mother passed away meaning we cannot do anything all day long

(Some people may be upset on the anniversary of the death of a loved relative but they do not become paralysed for the day nine years after the event and moreover you know that we did not get on with our mother and we did not even attend the funeral)

It is the five year anniversary of the disappearance of a child and we weep and wail about it

(We do not know the child or even anybody vaguely related to the child)

It is a month since our brush with death

(A car beeped its horn at us as we stepped out into the road, but it was nowhere near us)

We have been in our newly promoted position for two months

(You bought the champagne when we got promoted, but we expect more acknowledgement and recognition on this two month anniversary)

It is 25 years since the death of our beloved friend

(We have never even mentioned this person previously).

The creation of this Obsidian Milestons has various common themes:-

  1. Notice how they are nothing to do with you or our relationship with you;
  2. They will be about something unrelated to you and invariably something to do with us, either our loss or achievement or someone we know who has achieved or lost
  3. The Obsidian Milestone will often be a complete fabrication;
  4. If not a fabrication it will be premised on not only the most tenuous of connections but the flimsiest of reasons for there to be any commemoration

These Obsidian Milestones are used for the following reasons:-

  1. To berate you for being so cold and callous to forget that on this day eighteen years ago we lost our job – we scold your lack of recall about an event you either knew nothing about or could not reasonably be expected to be concerned by as a means of exerting control by making you feel bad and to draw negative fuel;
  2. To bring the attention of you and others onto us so as to give fuel;
  3. To detract from credible commemorative events of other people (your 30th birthday celebration coincides with the devastating shed fire which destroyed our collection of car magazines ten years ago)
  4. To make you feel sorry for us so we are provided with fuel
  5. To use as excuses not to do certain things (“I would come to dinner at your parents’ home but I am besides myself right now over the anniversary of the death of Bugle the Budgie (who never existed))

The creation of Obsidian Milestones will not be seen outside of the narcissistic dynamic. They are milestones created to gain fuel and to exert control, through their sheer absurdity and drama creation which leaves you bewildered as to why it has impacted on us so much, potentially feeling guilty for not knowing (should you have known that today was that particular anniversary?) and concerned (owing to your empathic state) to ascertain what is wrong (we may not at first actually explain what the Obsidian Milestone is but instead keep you guessing as we wail, cry, sulk, mope around or look angry).

Which Golden and/or Obsidian Milestones have you experienced?



19 thoughts on “The Creation of Unusual Milestones

  1. K says:

    He was a colossal ass. Zero empathy for you. Sorry he treated you so badly. You deserved better.

  2. Well, his milestones would always trump mine.

    His adoptive mothers birthday was the same as the child I gave up for adoption. Should have never told him, not many people knew then.

    He said “Why are YOU sad!? My mother died, and this day reminds me I don’t have her anymore! And you are sad about someone you didn’t even know or care about! What a faking loser!”

    My constant companion for 9 months, and always in my mind ever after. He couldn’t fathom. And some years after knowing him (the N), I started wondering if I did the wrong thing. Parental rejection causes this!!??

    If I didn’t care, I could have gotten an abortion, like his earlier partners had mostly been pressured to do. My choice had been to give my child life, and a better chance than he could have with a child for a parent. And a couple whose genetics guaranteed that they would never have a healthy child, became a family.

    The hard lesson I learned later was no child would be placed ahead of him; there will be no usurper to the throne of attention!

  3. Mona says:

    I never noticed such a milestone as a milestone. Yes, he told me that our holiday trip has been the best in his life and remembered me very often of that .
    And he spent his next holiday trip with the next at the same place, where we have been. And he intentionally told me about it.

    Maybe he wanted to create a milestone. It was not possible. I never said it to him, because I felt pity for him, I lied a lot about it: “Yes, the holiday trip was great, I will always remember it.” but I have had better holiday trips before and it was only a usual holiday trip for me. Therefore – if he tried to create one- he failed.
    It was a good holiday trip but I always thought : one time at this place is enough.

    Oh, he failed so much. That did not work. And now I see how desperately he tried to hurt me telling me that he would spend the holidays with the next there at “our place.”

    Ouch I wounded him.

  4. Catherine says:

    None of these actually, he couldn’t ever remember our anniversary of course, but he had none of his own. A pity really, I could have benefited from a good laugh;)

  5. Antifragile says:

    Interesting. I experienced none of these in recent relations.

    But had a hoover from my ex-narc exactly on my wedding day. He was informed by common friends.

  6. Kim Winters says:

    How about “It’s the one year anniversary since he released a raccoon into the wilds” ? Yes, he really did expect me to take extra special care of him that day

  7. SVR says:

    Never stayed around long enough for this. Caught onto the lies, call it Empath Instinct and it proved right. What a prat 🤣

  8. HG,
    The devastating Shed Fire 🔥 I did literally laugh out loud, you are very comedic.

    I think a mistake many make is thinking that these “milestones” are a legitimate remembrance of them. Even if they are negative. They think that if the narcissist is mentioning a positive or negative thought of them it means they care. They don’t care. They never cared. Now the real proof of power being that of marking an obsidian milestone and seeing them dismiss the rude comment and still want to hook up with you. Unbelievable how many people will say even though he/she said that they still called me or still thought of me so underneath they must still feel something. No they don’t but if you overlook my negative statement and still wanna hook up than more fuel for me is what they think. It’s never a win/win. As you always say, fuel is the rule.

    I’m glad you wrote this in remberance of the devastating coyote/roadrunner incident I witnessed last November. I knew you were thinking about me.

    1. Catherine says:

      Ha, ha.. love the part of the coyote/roadrunner incident. Of course if it helps I was thinking of you!

  9. analise13 says:

    Excellent HG.
    What is the most recent absurd milestone
    you have created for an appliance ?

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Not necessarily absurd but unusual – a wreath to remind them of their future funeral.

      1. analise13 says:

        Oh, HG. So caustic and cruel.
        Did she just die for it?

        1. HG Tudor says:

          She’s not dead. Yet.

  10. E. B. says:

    I used to have a narcissistic friend whose father died on my birthday, but about 15 years before we met. Every year she would send me a birthday card with the text “It’s been 17/18/…20 years since the death of my beloved father. Happy Birthday. Your friend,(her name)”

    1. K says:

      They do the most bizarre things.

      1. E. B. says:

        Yes, their passive-aggressiveness is their default mode.

        1. K says:

          I laughed when I read your comment because of the absurdity of it all. The comments that I read are sometimes comical. What kind of Happy Birthday wish is that?! Seriously! WTF.

          1. E. B. says:


            Yes, their behaviour is so ridiculous it makes me laugh too! Unfortunately, I attract narcissists as friends. Another friend sent me exactly the same present three times in a row (birthday- Christmas-birthday). Passive-aggressiveness, including snide side comments and subtle put-downs, is their default mode. They think they are clever doing it and that they win every time they do it. However, these friends were either in intimate relationships with full-blown narcissists or looking forward to having one with them. Some narcissists can be easily fooled too.

            (I am not receiving all notifications from WP. Some of them are emails and others are messages on the WP notification panel – the bell- only.)

  11. Windstorm2 says:

    Nope. Totally missed this one. Closest I came was hearing,
    “I don’t know why you expect special treatment today! I have special anniversaries too, but you don’t hear me going on about them!”

    If questioned about their “special anniversaries” they would just get angry, or refuse to discuss it with,
    “I’m not so selfish as to expect others to make a to-do over events in MY life.”

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