The Rules of Ex Club – No. 4


16 thoughts on “The Rules of Ex Club – No. 4

  1. Jenna says:

    He told me i was controlling, that i controlled his mind, lol!

  2. Jenna says:


  3. Windstorm2 says:

    My midrange mother probably felt I was abusive because I ignored her, so I can see this one.

    I’m going to go out on a limb and say the greaters say we’re crazy, nutjobs and irrational.

    1. Jenna says:

      I bet u r right abt the greaters. Perhaps, they wud use mentally ill, psychotic, schizophrenic, delusional etc.

    2. Bubbles🍾 says:

      Hey Windstorm2,
      Did we have the same mum ?

      My “friends” think I’m crazy, a nutcase and irrational all the time. I take that as a compliment 😂😂😂😂😂

  4. Vera says:

    I’ve always hated confrontation. I was a big people pleaser before all of this. Then after being called a whore and a slut repeatedly, day in and day out, I turned defensive and hostile constantly trying to defend myself from being constantly attacked. I barely recognized myself. Now he’s moved on from the slut angle to the he’s the victim of my abusive behavior, everyone should feel bad for him, angle. I’m assuming that this is how the smear campaign will go. Because now that I think about it, most of his exes were eventually described as abusive in one way or another. I’m curious how the Greater describes exes. I would have thought him to be a Greater, based on your previous descriptions, but his exes, family members, and now me, are all described as abusive.

    1. Tappan Zee says:

      I’ve always hated confrontation. I was a big people pleaser before all of this. Then after being called a whore and a slut repeatedly, day in and day out, I turned defensive and hostile constantly trying to defend myself from being constantly attacked. I barely recognized myself.

      ^ VERA— i get it. teasing out who i am not in context with a narc or their mind tricks is a ginormous task. on that path, i get blinded by white outs at times and cannot see two feet in front of me. i now know i am not a people pleaser. that is not genuine or authentic. it is manipulatve and outcome based. and allows me to hide in a shell of “good girl” while having no clue who i am. uh, no. ditto for defensive. i developed a pathological need to protect due to my attacks as well. no more. it’s a climb. refreshing though.

      1. Vera says:

        I definitely get it now too Tappan Zee. This nightmare has made me realize who I am and who I am not. There are things about myself I’m sure I never would have understood or even looked at had it not been for being with a narc, so while I still feel like I’m living in a daily nightmare, I know that I will come out the other side a much different and better version of myself. I appreciate your support and thoughtful responses. What gets me through my days now is knowing that I will come out the other side of this and have my life back by seeing that others have gone through the same thing and survived.

    2. K says:

      Regarding your question about the Greater.

      HG Tudor
      DECEMBER 9, 2017 AT 13:51
      Wait and see.

  5. Dimitrios Gazis says:

    The exes, the parents, the siblings, the co-workers, former friends (they are always “former”), and about 7.5 billion other folks.

  6. Bubbles🍾 says:

    Dear Mr Tudor,

    I abused him with kindness, by being his only true friend. I abused him by helping him with his PTSD, anxiety and depression. I abused him by helping with positive motivations, affirmations, happy thoughts and taking him out. I also abused him when he went to hospital by cleaning his house, cooking and supplying his meals to him and his daughter. I abused him by contributing books and researched information for him when he needed it. I abused him by helping him get his relationship back on track with his daughter and others members of his family. I abused him by trying to take better care of himself.

    I understand why he didn’t want to know me, I was such an abusive person.

    1. K says:

      I want you to abuse me too! You can start by cleaning my house so I can spend more time on HG’s blog.

      1. Bubbles🍾 says:

        You crack me up 😂😂😂😂
        Luv luv luv it

        1. K says:

          Ha ha ha, I couldn’t resist Bubbles! Thank you.

      2. Bubbles🍾 says:

        I actually did professional cleaning … in a past life. Haha

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