The Five False Promises of the Narcissist


The promise is used by the narcissist repeatedly, whether through Promised Gain or Future Faking, it is a mainstay of our manipulations against you, but what are the five most often used false promises that the narcissist is using against you and what does the narcissist ACTUALLY mean?

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5 False Promises of the Narcissist

4 thoughts on “The Five False Promises of the Narcissist

  1. Trinity says:

    It has helped me greatly and to know what i understand a Narcissìst means but better straight from a narcissist,s own mind and mouth. Its a tool to behold in looking now for a new relationship Ishall be more analytical with my new choice in a relationship, knowledge is power.

  2. Carol says:

    My husband got worse as time went on and I also believed him but after 27 I’m finally Free!

  3. deartedanthonysalita says:

    This is true. I believed my narcissist ex for 10 years. Empty promises. It’s all about the narcissist.

  4. Lynn says:

    All true!!!!

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