The Narcissistic Truths – No. 237


4 thoughts on “The Narcissistic Truths – No. 237

  1. narc affair says:

    Not always. Many are exposed and it makes it more difficult to maintain the facade.

  2. ANM says:

    The best revenge is to get really really successful at something new, despite what the narcissist throws at you. It clears the smear, it shows the narcissist they lost, and it makes you stronger. HG’s article on Contentment describes exactly where I am at in life right now.

  3. NinaFL3 says:

    But of course, HG. Your book, Revenge, was brilliant. Excellent ideas on exacting revenge because you seem to know exactly what would get under the skin of somatic narcs. Oh if only I had the nerve…

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Thank you.

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