Little Acons – No. 40


14 thoughts on “Little Acons – No. 40

  1. Jolly good.
    I can wait. I know how to be patient…
    Thank you for your work, Hg.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      You are welcome NE.

  2. Hg, do you already have a series on Hg’s Narcs rule or Narc rules?
    eg: Rule #1: All is as the fuel wills it to be.
    #2: I’ll never tell you what I want, I shouldn’t have to..
    #3: Silence speaks volumes.

    I’m sure you would be infinitely more eloquent.

    1. #4: It’s always your fault.

    2. HG Tudor says:

      The narcissistic truths.

      1. I knew that! (but can we access them as a list?)

        1. HG Tudor says:

          Not yet NE.

  3. NarcAngel says:

    Her face pretty much sums up my feelings as a child.

    A mixture of: ’Youre so stupid I dont know how you stay upright’ mixed with a little ‘I’ll only get Juvy for your murder-how bad could it really be?

    1. K says:

      ha ha ha….defiant as ever, NA!

  4. narc affair says:

    Not happening!

  5. Lou says:

    What he/she needed to survive and get a sense of slef

  6. Lou says:

    And that is how the little ACON lost contact with his/her true self, never learned how to recognize and validate it, hid it and felt ashamed of it. And so the little ACON spent the rest of his/her life trying to get from the outside what he/she needed to survive, compulsively ever after.
    The end…. Or not.

  7. thepianist20 says:

    Like that’s ever going to happen! 😂

  8. Bibi says:

    No one is perfect. Narc nor empath. I just spilled a bunch of red wine in my crotch. We are all fallible. Just have good detergent. Amen.

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