The Geyser Empath


The Geyser Empath is an individual who is empathic in nature with the additional tendency to fountain with emotion. All empaths are emotional, it goes with the territory but some empaths are far more emotional than others.

This type of empathic tendency is marked by high energy levels. One might even go so far as to say that shades of hyper activity start to appear with the Geyser Empath. He or she is always on the go, heading here and travelling there, seeking out people to see how they are and to exhibit their significant caring side with plenty of suitable expressions of concern, empathy and understanding.

The Geyser Empath is very useful for our kind because of how expressive they are with regard to their emotions. Their responses are exaggerated. This does not mean that they are false, far from it, the exaggeration appears as a heightened response which is very useful for us to witness and then allows us to mimic it.

There is no subtlety involved. When the Geyser Empath is happy it is shown as a torrent of joy, their concern is grave and focussed and their hurt is not of a silent tear but the wail and tears of the tortured. Such displays may seem melodramatic to some, but they are not, they are exactly how the Geyser Empath feels.

The Geyser Empath, owing to the high energy levels talks often about how he or she feels but this is not a case of them explaining that because it must be all about them, but rather they will convey those feelings in order to help others by causing them to better understand. When someone talks about being in despair, the Geyser Empath will relate how they know despair only too well and will articulate that feeling in order to demonstrate that they understand how the listener feels.

This person has a tissue thin skin and is highly sensitive. They are very easily hurt and when we lash out against them, they respond with a fountain of emotion. If they are praised, their thanks will gush from them with greater intensity than a Gwyneth Paltrow Oscar acceptance speech. If they are denigrated, the tears will not flow but they will cascade along with that trembling bottom lip and a near histrionic response to the pain caused by wounding words.

The Geyser Empath is unable to put on a brave face. Whilst the Carrier Empath is dogged and stoic in the face of adversity, focussing their empathy on resolving the situation in  a practical fashion, the Geyser Empath will dissolve in a bubbling mess of tears. They are completely unable to conceal their emotions, even for a short time. A Carrier Empath can do so because they shift their feelings on to solving a problem. The Geyser Empath does not have that function. They are excellent at tea and sympathy, kind and comforting words flowing, but of little use practically.

Unlike the Magnet Empath, the Geyser Empath is better dealing with intimate and one-on-one situations rather than handling a crowd. The Geyser Empath loves nothing more than finding an individual as their project and wanting to use their biggest asset in order to resolve issues; their utter devotion to love.

They are the greatest love devotees of all empaths, they truly believe that with love everything can be solved. Love conquers everything, all you need is love, love will save the day. If you were to ask them just how this happens, they could not answer, but explain that love works in mysterious ways and by being loving, showing love and acting with love in each and everything they do, this will resolve problems, heal hurt and bring happiness to all.

This devotion to love means that the Geyser Empath is big on romance and will readily fall prey to overt exhibitions of passion, love and romance from our kind. Any narcissist which presents as the knight in shining armour will have the Geyser Empath’s attention from the beginning as he or she believes they have found a kindred spirit.

The Geyser Empath’s overt displays of emotion make our task of mirroring so much easier. He or she will wear his or her heart on their sleeve and they will suffer repeated heartbreak. Notwithstanding this outcome, the Geyser Empath is undeterred. They will suffer misery and pain from this broken heart and they will then affirm their belief in love and bounce back.

No matter how devastated they are following the shattering of their heart, they will piece it back together and will do so with greater speed amongst the empathic types. They may suffer considerable pain and they will exhibit the effect more greatly than other empathic types but they also re-charge with a greater speed as a consequence of their devotion to love. Their belief is unshakeable.

No matter how many times they are let down, hurt, cheated on and so forth, they will soon bounce back. They are not naïve but rather have an undimmed and undented belief in the power of love. This capacity for returning to the arena of love so promptly after heartache means that they are ideal candidates for post discard and post escape hoovers as they ‘refuel’ so quickly.

The Geyser Empath is highly sensitive and will be moved to tears regularly be they tears of joy or tears of pain. There will often be a need for a tissue when this person is around. One might be moved to consider them as someone pathetic but that would be an inappropriate label. Yes the Geyser Empath is very easy to manipulate into spurting out fuel and because of their beliefs they will suffer repeated hurts but their strength lies in their unwavering belief in love and how they soon bounce back following their set backs.

They will do Misery 2.0 when they are wounded and hurt, the sobbing, the wailing and the tears will be extensive but it will not last. They do not wallow, but wipe away the tears, reapply the mascara, smooth down the rumpled clothes and climb right back on to their Unicorn of Love and Hope and gallop into the fray once again. The Geyser Empath can exhibit unpredictability of response.

There will always be emotion, which suits our kind, but the extent and intensity of it may at times be so startling that it actually affects the standing of the narcissist with third parties who look on and witness what appears to them to be histrionics and melodrama. Exerting control over this emotional output can at times prove difficult for all save the Greater Narcissist.

The Geyser Empath lacks the serenity of the Magnet Empath and there is no cool deliberation of the Carrier. The Geyser will erupt with emotion with squeals of delight at the good news of a friend who is to be a parent, the triumphant praise for a colleague who has secured a promotion and the devastated collapse following the death of a loved one. The Geyser Empath believes that everyone has the capacity to love and that once they do, all their ills will be solved.

This person appeals to all schools of narcissist because of the high fuel content that is provided and the ease by which it can be provoked. They are easy to seduce but tend to suffer swifter devaluations than other empaths because they shine brighter and thus run the risk of our kind becoming familiar with their fuel in a quicker time so that the potency loses its lustre sooner.

As explained above however, they are prime candidates for hoovers and often the hoover bar is lower for them as a consequence of the narcissist knowing that so much delicious fuel will become available with the added bonus of it being hoover fuel and furthermore because the devotion to love means that the Geyser Empath has a greater susceptibility to giving second, third and fourth chances.

The Geyser Empathic tendency is evident in all of the classes of empathic individuals. This tendency is often seen amongst the Co-Dependent class when this tendency manifests in an extreme form. Its presence will exist in Empaths but tends to be mixed with other empathic tendencies as well so the effect will be slightly diluted but not muted.

With regard to the Super Empath it is unusual to see the Geyser Empathic tendency because of the Super Empath’s inherent resilience to both a sudden devaluation and being hoovered.

The Lesser is drawn to those with this tendency because the effort required is so minimal to prompt a response and thus accords with the Lesser narcissist’s lower energy levels and reduced cognitive function for manipulation and machinations.

The Mid-Ranger will also be attracted because of the fuel on offer and the ease by which it can be harvested but the emotional volatility can become wearing to the Mid-Ranger because he will struggle to assert control to achieve some of his aims.

The Greater revels in those with Geyser Empathic tendencies finding the sudden eruptions amusing and playing straight into his portrayal of the individual as unbalanced and unhinged. He or she will take a perverse pleasure in provoking the Geyser into giving more and more fuel.

43 thoughts on “The Geyser Empath

  1. Whitney says:

    Dear HG 🙌
    I broke no contact and sent this article to my Lower Midrange Somatic Narc.
    He said “That description sounds pretty accurate. What one am I?”
    Haha on the Narc detector test you said he has a COMPLETE lack of empathy. But he thinks he’s an empath 😯
    I was thinking of telling him he’s an Elite Narc because that sounds good, and he has some cerebral tendencies you don’t know of (obsessed with debating, politics, gains fuel from being intellectually dominant).
    Maybe he’ll take it onboard if I say “Elite”.

    By the way you are extremely accruate, my emotional volatility was wearing to him. But it was a reaction to his emotional abuse.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Indeed, I know my subject.

      Do not tell him what he is.
      Reinstate no contact.

      1. Whitney says:

        Yes I am always astounded by your perfect portrayal of Midrange thinking.

        And for the Geyser, not only do you explain the behaviour, but you understand the core of it, which is devotion to love. That is genius.

        I am so grateful for your reply.

        I replied to him “I don’t think you’re high on empathy”.
        That would have wounded him. He is silent treating me now.

        I will reinstate no contact, because you said to. You are a hero.

  2. Aleksandra says:

    I’d like to ask: the gayser empath sounds a lot like an ADHD with developed empathy?

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Interesting observation but I do not see it that way.

  3. brokenrainbow says:

    Interesting post as this sounds like me.

    I originally thought I was Codependent however the light bulb went on when I read this.

    Throughout my life I have had people comment I am a drama queen and I am exaggerating my emotions. Extreme emotions have defined my life. I am either exhilarated or despondent. I went back to my ex more times than I can count as well.

    It will be interesting to have this confirmed though.

    I think I read on another post you can confirm what type of Empath someone is through email consultation. Is this correct?

    1. HG Tudor says:


      1. brokenrainbow says:

        Thank you.

    2. Jasmin says:

      “The Geyser Empathic tendency is evident in all of the classes of empathic individuals. This tendency is often seen amongst the Co-Dependent class when this tendency manifests in an extreme form.”

  4. no says:

    Thank you HG, will do it now.

    1. HG Tudor says:


  5. alexissmith2016 says:

    HG, I know you’re able to spot narcs fairly quickly but have you ever had anyone whom you struggle to categorise? Perhaps initially you thought they were a geyser, then mid then geyser for example.

    Are other greaters able to spot Ns / Empaths as easily as you?

    Thank you so much

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Nothing springs to mind Alexis where I have struggled.

      They can spot them, but not to the honed degree that I can.

      1. Thank you HG! And I got this notification on WordPress again? So strange! That hasn’t happened for months?

        You certainly do have it honed like no other, that’s for sure.

  6. Freddy says:

    How many PSS or DLSs are empaths? And if many, why does their empathy apppear to bypass the PPS? Empathy blindspot? The damage that is done by protecting & empowering the narcissist, which in my experience Ieads to victim blaming is something that leaves me cold.

  7. Presque Vu says:

    God damn you making me look so simple lmao

  8. no says:

    This sounds horribly accurate, sort of hoping it is not!
    How do you know this stuff?
    Your probably and alien!

  9. So reading this again, with a clear and unemotional mind.
    I’m borderline.
    I do or can be a fountain of fuel.
    I do not have high energy levels physically. But emotionally I do.
    I can sometimes get a bit hyper.
    I do feel in extremes.
    I do want others to understand me.
    I am highly sensitive.
    I am actually able to put on a brave face, and often am a strong person in emergency type situations.
    I don’t do tea and sympathy but rather tea and empathy.
    I am better in a one to one situation than in a crowd, but can adapt if need be. But crowds will drain me quicker.
    I do believe in love, however I would not say I’m on any kind of unicorn of love, and I certainly am under no illusions of what love is and what its not.
    I am not romantic, it kinda scares me.
    I am a realist, but do show my vulnerability.
    At times I can be very child-like, and innocent, and other times I can be fierce, and like you really do not want to mess with me, but I try to taper that side of me down.
    I do repair/recharge quickly. Always have. I can surprise people at just how in depths of despair I can genuinely be one moment and then calm and ready to fight again the next. I do not give up easily.
    I would never squeal with delight over hearing baby news. Not my thing. And you’ll be lucky to get any kind of response from me other than “oh that’s nice”.
    I can give people lots of chances.
    I am not easy to control.
    I do have codependency issues, but kinda like a cat where I probably need someone to look after me, but also can kinda make it on my own!
    Didn’t think I had any super empath in me but it seems I do. Also traits from other cadres too from what I’ve read. I do not fit fully into any of them.
    I’m a right mix of all of them.

    1. NarcAngel says:

      Have you had a consultation with HG to find out what you are? Why wonder?

      1. No I have not. I do have my reasons. Its complicated….

      2. NarcAngel, have you had many consultations with HG? Did they help?
        What kind of empath are you?
        Just curious I guess, but you don’t have to answer if you prefer not to.

        1. NarcAngel says:

          Yes, I have booked paid consultations with HG and they were extremely helpful in understanding both my behaviours and those of others. That is why I recommend that everyone should have at least one. The blog is excellent for general information and discussion, but there is nothing like being able to address your own specific situation and concerns directly with him uninterrupted. I know that some are reluctant because he is a narcissist and that goes against their grain in having any trust, but I say why not get the information from an expert in the field directly? You can still pursue other courses of therapy, and in that case you also have a comparative to determine what is the best course or more helpful to you. HG is direct, personable yet professional, and packs in a lot of accurate information in the time allotted. For those who say he is not a healer, fair enough, but I will repeat myself from an earlier post: Healing can better begin once someones feelings and experiences have been validated, and in that case he is, or is at least a catalyst to it. In my opinion, no where else can you get this type of focused and accurate attention for the extremely reasonable fees he charges (about the same as my mani-pedi). Well worth it.

          I am a Super Empath.
          No I do not get a discount, this is not a paid advertisement, and I am not in love with him. There are many others who feel as I do. I want people to get the information they need to move forward and I truly believe a consult is the best place to start.


          1. HG Tudor says:

            HG approves.

          2. tigerchelle78 says:

            Thanks NA. I appreciate you sharing what you have.
            I’ve never had a mani/pedi, just didn’t see the point of them lol!
            I understand you wanting people to get the right information.
            As for not being in love with him, not sure why you felt you needed to add that, but I am aware that a few have perhaps thought so.

          3. NarcAngel says:

            I added it to address the few that are stupid and fall to that as being my motivation for anything involving HG when they have nothing else (I could just hear them muttering under their breath lol). It was not directed at you and apologies if you took it that way.

          4. foolme1time says:

            The information NA just gave you about the consults with HG are correct and true! Also at times on this blog the green eyed monster appears. It seems to happen anytime someone writes about HG as NA has just done. Sometimes it can go on for hours!! HG is professional and to the point. You pay him for I formation and he gives it to you, it’s as simple as that.

      3. no says:

        Hello HG and all.
        Thank you all for this blog. It has helped me to maintain no contact, get stronger in regaining myself.
        But one unknown gift has set me crumbling.
        If you have received a present in the post with no clue who sent it. Then realized! Could it be a hoover? it is such a sweet gift, and has brought tears to my eyes.
        My NC has been strong.
        This gift made me really think perhaps we could just become friends. But then he is so clever.
        Q, How would such a gift be followed up?
        Excuse my ramblings i am upset. This tirade is probably another mistake. (a lot of this post is cut ) not feeling strong now.
        Any help?

        1. HG Tudor says:

          It is a hoover and it is also designed to establish ever presence. Sell the gift, give it away or place it in storage – do not respond to the gift.

      4. Jess says:

        If you dont mind.. I’m not sure how to prepare for the audio consult. Emotionally I’m ready for it (gonna be ugly crying) but for the sake of not wasting time…where do I start? I have 3 Nexs spanning 12 yrs (I’m GOSO with minimal contact) as well as Narcmom. Do I give a history? Do we cover one entanglement at a time? Most recent ex? Biggest threat? List of random questions or does HG lead the way? Will he remember the things I’ve posted about in my personal life cause I’ve bared my soul on this blog. I’m clueless so anything will help. Thank you for your presence either way.

        1. Twilight says:


          I hope you don’t mind me commenting.

          Write a list of questions unless you know specifically what you want to speak about, HG has an impressive memory yet to expect him to remember what you have posted here on the blog would be hard press on anyone much less him.

          Don’t worry if you start to cry, I did and he was professional about it. If he needed clarification on something he asked questions, he was patient, he listened and he validated what I felt and what I actual knew to be true. The information he provided was accurate to my situation.

        2. NarcAngel says:

          Hi Jess
          I would start by making a list of things you would like to cover. Narrow the list and rank it to your top 5. You may only cover 3 but if theres time you’ll be prepared with your list and depending on how important the rest of your list is, you may wish to book additional consults. Although he may recognize you from the blog, he has a lot to remember so a brief introduction and history (like you gave here to me) followed by what it is you want to accomplish helps. He will ask for additional information if he needs it so dont eat too much into your time with too much information in the intro. Dont worry Jess. He is very professional but personable and he has seen and heard it all, so just go for it. You’ll be glad you did.

      5. Jess says:

        Thank you both for your responses.

    2. analise13 says:

      That is a very thorough self introspective analysis.
      Most either do not look that deep or try to understand who they are.
      Sometimes we just do not fit in a box.
      That is okay.
      Just like narcissists, Empaths are not all the same.

      1. Analise 13
        Actually I can analyse much deeper than that. I was keeping it simple.
        I am very self aware, and know myself fairly well. I have to understand me first, if I have any hope of someone else understanding me. To be understood is very important to me. I would pick this over love and affection even. Though my husband gives me all of them. I am thankful.

        1. analise13 says:

          Thank you for reply.
          To be understood, is to feel valued and validated.
          Is your husband a narcissist, Tigerchelle?

          1. tigerchelle78 says:

            No he is definately not a narc. I’m more narcissistic than him.
            Although he has took an online either sociopathy/psychopathy test and scored rather highly. But you can’t go too much by them.
            If he did not have me, I do think he could well be a lot darker kind of person. He has said many times that he loves my huge heart, my empathy and love for people and how magnetic I am. (His words not mine!) They are one of the things that drew him to me. He also has learnt to have more empathy from me. He writes books, comics, short stories, and had one published a while ago. He writes a lot. He is very intelligent. Loves learning. Great sense of humour. Very understanding, patient, loving, giving, caring, and kind, as his mum is very much like this too. He often would be one of these vigilante type superheroes if he had the chance. He likes batman and would be him I think! Lol!

          2. analise13 says:

            That is wonderful praise for your partner.
            Sounds like you complement each other.
            I had a boyfriend, who identified with the Hulk.
            He wasn’t the narcissist.

          3. It’s only because of him why I’m still alive….I know how pathetic that must sound. He has cut me down from trying to hang myself, pulled me out of the road, amongst other things, (won’t go into detail) but yes he has comforted and reassured me and loved me when I cannot love myself and have lost all hope…. again and again and again for 14 years. I think someone like that deserves praise!

          4. analise13 says:

            It doesn’t sound pathetic to me.
            It is honest.
            I am sorry your life has created self harm feelings in you.
            I am glad you have someone you can trust and believe in.
            To help carry you when you struggle.
            Yes, very praise worthy.

  10. Presque Vu says:

    Thanks for writing about empaths. How many are there in total? Magnet/geyser/super/carrier? Oh I don’t know lol google said there were 7, but they are not the same as yours. Still unsure as I see bits of them all in me. But not fully.

    Hang on, I might not even be an empath! I could be an El-Aurian rom the Delta Quadrant dodging Borg types ha!

    1. Twilight says:

      Presque Vu

      4 schools. Standard, Co dependent, Super and Contagion
      Cadres. Magnet, geyser, Saviour, Carrier….

      Most are either standard or codependent, then the super Empath they are rare then the Contagion Empath which is the rarest.
      HG has not published the article on the Contagion yet,

      1. Presque Vu says:

        Thanks Twilight!
        Some of these I’ve not heard of!
        HG where can I get more information please?

        1. HG Tudor says:

          Use the search function.

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