Three Little Empaths


Once upon a time, there were three little empaths who lived with a Wise Old Empath. The Wise Old Empath felt that more good needed to be done in the world, so she sent the three little empaths out in to the world and besides she wanted to be able to binge watch boxsets of Baking With Goodness without interruption. As she waved good bye to the three little empaths she called out,

“Go into the world my little empaths and spread your goodness all around, but please watch out for the narcissists. They are not easy to spot and make sure you all build a good home on the foundation of no contact. There is only one architect you should look for, he is called Hurt God.”

“We will!” chorused the three little empaths as they headed off into the world. The three little empaths soon set about commencing their good works and it was not long before pods of gay blind whales were being saved, a GoFundMe account was up and running for Oppressed Men with Beards and of Diminished Stature and  Crochet ‘Cos U Care Clubs sprang up across the land.

Yet, there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth as each of the three little empaths fell foul to the lure of The Narcissist. After Glorious Golden Periods and Devilish Devaluations, the three little empaths each made an escape bid.

The first little empath was scurrying along the yellow brick road seeking to escape her narcissist as she remembered the words of the Wise Old Empath.

“I need to build a house founded on no contact. W.O.E told me to find Hurt God but that sounds like such hard work and I was hoping to bake some Gullible Tarts this afternoon, oh what am I to do?”

Just then a woman rounded the yellow brick road.

“Hello first little empath, did I hear you need to build a House of No Contact?” she asked.

“Yes, yes I do, who are you?” asked the first little empath.

“I am Hysterical Tirade, I know about no contact,” replied the woman.

“You do?” asked the first little empath with enthusiasm, “I was told to use the architect Hurt God, but that sounds like hard work finding him.”

“Oh, it is and he is not a pleasant man, you do not want to use his work. My work is really just a personal rant about the narcissist that ensnared me, but don’t let that distract you from how brilliant my advice is. Here take this book.”

“Oh, thank you so much, now I can build my House of No Contact and do some baking.” And the first little empath used the book provided by Hysterical Tirade to build a House of No Contact on the spot where she was stood.

Not much later, as the first little empath was rolling the pastry for the Gullible Tarts she heard a familiar voice.

“Little emp, little emp, let me come in!”

It was an ogre of a Lesser Narcissist!

“Shove it douchebag!” shouted the first little empath defiantly.

“Then I will shout and I will scream and I will make a huge din so I can ensure I hoover you straight back in!” cried the Lesser Narcissist.

The first little empath smiled for she was in a House of No Contact but then she paused as she felt a cold hand of dread about her throat.

“Er, how did you find me?” she asked.

“Ha ha,” laughed the Lesser Narcissist, “look next door.”

The first little empath looked out of the window and saw across the garden was the man she knew as Lou Tenant waving back at her with a sardonic grin.

“Damn!” cursed the first little empath, “Hysterical Tirade’s Guide to the House of No Contact said nothing about building next to the House of Lou Tenant.”

“What a shame,” smiled the Lesser Narcissist as he strolled up behind the first little empath, slung her over his shoulder and set off back to Narc Town, leaving the First House of No Contact to crumble behind them.


The second little empath was hurrying along the road paved with gold seeking to escape her narcissist as she remembered the words of the Wise Old Empath.

“I need to build a house founded on no contact. W.O.E told me to find Hurt God but that sounds like such hard work and I was hoping to knit some Hats of Eternal Hope this afternoon, oh what am I to do?”

Just then a man rounded a corner of the road paved with gold.

“Hello second little empath, did I hear you need to build a House of No Contact?” he asked as he adjusted his vest and gave a smile.

“Yes, yes I do, who are you?” asked the second little empath.

“I am Smooth Amateur, I know about no contact,” replied the man.

“You do?” asked the second little empath with enthusiasm, “I was told to use the architect Hurt God, but that sounds like hard work finding him.”

“Oh, it is and he is a psychopath you know so he is a pathological liar, you do not want to use his work. My work is really just a collection of some fairly good ideas to essentially make me look like a hero whilst not really conveying the reality, but don’t let that distract you from how brilliant my advice is. Here take this book.”

“Oh, thank you so much, now I can build my House of No Contact and do some knitting.” And the second little empath used the book provided by Smooth Amateur to build a House of No Contact on the spot where she was stood.

Not much later, as the second little empath was knitting busily in her parlour she heard a familiar voice.

“Little emp, little emp, let me come in!”

It was a cowardly Mid-Range Narcissist!

“Beat it loser!” shouted the second little empath defiantly.

“Then I will plead and I will cajole and I will smear you with sin, so I can ensure I hoover you straight back in!” cried the Mid-Range Narcissist.

The second little empath smiled for she was in a House of No Contact but then she paused as she felt a cold hand of dread about her throat.

“Wait how did you know I would be here?” she asked

“You’ve been plastering yourself all over BaseFuck, Twatter, NarcMagnet and Plenty of Narcs, you gave plenty of detail about what you are doing and where and you did not block me,” smiled the Mid Range Narcissist with an oily grin.

“Damn!” cursed the second little empath, “Smooth Amateur’s Guide to the House of No Contact said nothing about staying off social media and blocking you.”

“What a shame,” smiled the Mid-Range Narcissist, “but it’s not all bad, after all, you should be looking after me now,” as he strolled up behind the second little empath, took her by the hand and set off back to Narc Town, leaving the Second House of No Contact to crumble behind them.


The third little empath was scurrying along the road to hell paved with good intentions seeking to escape her narcissist as she remembered the words of the Wise Old Empath.

“I need to build a house founded on no contact. W.O.E told me to find Hurt God and by the lack of hairs on my smooth chinny chinny chin chin I will find this mysterious Hurt God” she declared with resolve.

So the third little empath walked the road to hell paved with good intentions and was repeatedly offered books, videos and seminars on how to build the Ultimate House of No Contact by many people. She ignored various providers, such as Miss Unsupported Bonkers Theory, Unduly Esoteric Explanation Man, Hopelessly Rambling Victim, Mr Nice But Narc, Miss Tie Twenty Crystals Around Your Forehead and other well-meaning but ultimately ineffective purveyors of advice.

The third little empath grew weary and as the sun began to set, she feared that she would not be able to build a House of No Contact on Hurt God’s foundation before her narcissist caught up with her.

Just then the third empath turned a corner of the road and there was a tall, slim man who immediately exuded an air of malevolent menace. She could not see his features against the brightness of the sinking sun but the darkness which flowed from him made her feel wary and unsettled.

“Hello third little empath, did I hear you need to build a House of No Contact?” he asked in a voice which was authoritative and beguiling.

“Yes, yes I do, but I should not talk to strangers and certainly not ones as magnetic as you,” said the third little empath.

“Very sensible,” laughed the mysterious stranger and the third little empath was both aroused and repulsed, “but you need not worry, you are but a tertiary source and I have more proximate empaths to toy with. Here, take this, it will serve you excellent well,” and with that the stranger pressed a book into the shaking hands of the third little empath before he strode away whistling “A Hunting We Will Go” to himself.

The third little empath looked at the book and saw the title “Hurt God’s Ultimate House of No Contact” and she promptly fainted.

Some time later the third little empath came to and recalled her brief encounter with Hurt God. She saw the book still nearby and snatched it up and immediately set about digesting its content.

Even more time later, the third little empath was settling down to watch an episode of ‘Narcland’s Got Empaths’ when there was chime from her mobile phone. She saw a notification from her NarcCam and opened up the application. She watched transfixed as she saw a shadowy figure moving towards a house, caught on a concealed NarcCam.

“Goodness, it is the Greater Narcissist!” declared the third little empath. She sat in her comfortable armchair and watched remotely as the figure strolled with complete confidence up to a well-appointed house.

“He has come to hoover me!” announced the third little empath. The camera had sound and vision and she could hear the Greater Narcissist saying smoothly,

“Little emp, little emp, let me come in.”

“No way buster,” said the third little empath.

The Greater strode up the steps on to the porch in full view of the camera and turned and looked straight into the lens. He gave a radiant smile and said,

“Oh don’t be like that, I’ve come to repair the rift, I’ll hoover you with an expensive gift,” and then he extended a manicured forefinger and pressed the door bell.

Suddenly a trapdoor opened and the Greater dropped out of sight.

“Let’s see how a period of fuel free isolation suits you Mr Narcissist,” said the third little empath. She set down her ‘phone and picked up the television remote control. The third little empath patted the book that rested on the arm of her chair.

“Great work Hurts God, thanks to you I set up a robust House of No Contact and created a diversionary house with a false trail which the narcissist went to instead and now he is reflecting on what on earth has just happened from within a sealed drum of isolation.”

Just then a text arrived on the third little empath’s phone and she gave a short gasp.

“HG approves,” read the text.


25 thoughts on “Three Little Empaths

  1. analise13 says:

    You have such a varied writing talent.
    These tales highlight narcissism so well.
    In such a light manner.

  2. Nina says:

    Brilliant!! You are such a talented writer, HG!!

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Thank you. I agree.

  3. Janet says:

    HG, Once upon a time there lived a man named “ Broken Soul” who had women chained up in his dark cold basement called hell on earth. He took delight in savagely abusing them in every way possible. These beautiful women lay in puddles of their own blood pooled around them from the constant beatings. Broken Soul, filled with self superiority running through his veins, strolled out from his front door each day , smiling and waving to his neighbors as he headed off to lecture halls. In these lecture halls he stood before crowds and educated them on insidious abusive men, the chains they use and how to escape the bloody experience. Delighting in his masquerade, at times acquiring another victim on his way back home to add to the others in hell on earth, he d feel a sense of renewed purpose in his exsistance. Little did Broken Soul know, he did have purpose for his existence but was missing the mark in his ideals of the persuit of success. One day caught by surprise, Broken Soul hearing a knock on his front door, opened it to find one far superior then he named “Vengeance is mine saith the Lord God” standing before him. The rest is history in a hell for eternity kind of way.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      You lost it at ‘far superior’ I knew then it wasn’t right.

      1. Lou says:

        You do make me laugh MR Tudor.

    2. IdaNoe says:

      Why is God vengeful? It made all things, including the narcissists. HG was abused as a child, as my mother was, that is what created their narcissism. Why didn’t God stop that from happening, if it found that so reprehensible? It didn’t. So now God will punish them for being abused? Why not punish the ones who abused HG and my mom? Oh wait a minute, maybe their abusers were abused themselves. And the ones before that, and the ones before that. It’s a cycle. God isn’t going to save you or vindicate you, but knowledge will. If you use it to break the cycle. I am as angry as you are and probably more volatile. I want justice, but beating my mother to death or damning her soul, just creates more pain in the world. Its doesn’t repair it. And it doesn’t prevent it from happening to new victims either. Breaking the cycle is the only answer. That’s done with knowledge, the knowledge HG provides.

      1. Lou says:


      2. Janet says:

        Idanoe, Hi!
        first i d like to explain it was just a story and HG does not believe in God ( as you can see by his response) and as I asked him before ( I do and I told him I m praying for him, so in reality I do not wish him or anyone damnation to hell. I believe the Bible to be Gods word and that He loves us all so much that he sent his son Jesus to die for ALL of our sins , ( JOHN 3:16) yet we each have a free will and choice to repent and put our trust in the payment for our sins that took place on the cross thru Jesus ). Gods will is that none would perish and eternal provision with Him has been laid out before us. “Knowledge “ of this fact and a choice to place ones faith in it is the key to freedom from eternal damnation in hell. Secondly, abuse is never excusable and I m so sorry you re mom and you and HG have endured it. No one deserves to be abused.

        I agree with you, knowledge is the key to freedom and the ability to make changes. It’s just sad ( yes I ll admit infuriating at times ) that HG has all this knowledge , the reason he abuses, how he does it, why he does it, how it hurts those he does it to, yet he still chooses to do it. He has not used his own knowledge to end the abuse he inflicts on and delights in towards women in his own life. I have not come across his confession to such.

        I can t help but wonder if he was educating the public on the ins and outs of escaping the abuse men subject children to , being a victim of child abuse himself, yet still practicing the abuse “knowledge “ daily on children himself, how his following would feel. Would HIS OWN actions be excused just because he’s doing some people a favor in educating them on the details of the incidious abuse?

        Is HG doing some victims a favor sharing this knowledge , yes I myself have gained power over my narc because of it. But I don’t excuse his on going abusive ways and my story was my little way of playing into his game. His response shows he loves to play anyone’s game as it allows him more of a platform to feel and express his (false sense) of being superior to us.
        Bottom line , We may not have had a choice in being abused ourselves as children or before “knowledge” in escaping it, but we ( and HG) have a choice in repeating the same abusive behavior. He s chosen to continue to abuse women. You re just not one of those women “chained up in his basement” presently.” Thank God.

        I pray for HG to find peace ( as he shared with me he does not feel peace ) and for all the hurting hearts, like my own, and yours that have and or are, still endurng abuse by others.

        Thank you for sharing your thoughts Idanoe. And please accept my apology for causing any negativity with writing my “story”. Life provides enough stress I don’t want to cause more to anyone.

      3. Healing Victim says:

        IdaNoe- WE have free will, Many Earth Angels have shown up in my life to help me. What we have gone through is HELL BUT others have gone through the same or worse in the World. Why is a 7 year old girl kidnapped Fucked up the ass, beaten, killed then thrown in a garbage dumpster in Afghanistan this past year? WHY do we have Trump in office, THERE IS NO REASON NOT TO HELP HEAL LEARN STOP THE FAMILY PATHOLOGY OF THE CYCLE OF Addiction, Welfare baby, Emotional fucked up to hurt people. There is NOOOO Excuse, as there is so much of seeking help IT is NOW a choice for more then ever now. There is so many free things on the internet, groups so on. AS a friend asked me the past week, What did you get out of the hurtful issue with the Narc. I said, I am a warrior, I am blessed of the right people showing up to help me as this group and others, I am more in-tuned to peoples energy. I was able to some how Help my dad for the last 9 months of his life on Earth who fell died and came back paralyzed from the neck down last June 2017 to March 2018. Him and my step-mom had their life fucked up bad. He was VA. So I live in CA and I went and helped and saw them at least 7 times in that time frame. OMG the things I had to figure out. Power of Attorney, Elderly abuse, Bank accounts had fraud my dad to be airlifted from one state to another. LIFE is LIFE Good bad and the ugly and the days of Thank You God.. A win..Imagine being born or living in a 3rd would country or bombs going off each day. I honor my hurts and pains, BUT I know someone else is going through what I am or worse. WE are still STANDING…I do not look at others so much anymore of what they have and I don’t or blablabla…I am in the presents of this is MY LIFE and I need to live it or die. I have had 4 years of hell of family issues especially the last year. Anything with family is so much worse but other family of mine is going through things too. SO we support each other. WE are here for you and all on here….Amen All Men

      4. analise13 says:

        Not all ACON become narcissists.
        Not all who have been abused,
        abuse others.
        My mother did not.
        My aunt did not.
        There is a predisposition to such.
        Same as psychopathy.
        I agree, IdaNoe
        the cycle has to be broken,
        by someone who is emotionally strong and brave enough to say,
        no more.
        To refuse to perpetuate the abuse any further.
        Empaths can do this.
        Narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths generally can not.
        They seek revenge and retaliation.
        HG will not be fullfilled until that justice has been meted out.
        I do not think anything could sway or deter HG
        from making his mother pay.
        That is his choice.
        We all have choices.
        Even if I disagree with his choice.
        Of vengeance,
        hate and punishment.
        It is his alone to make.

      5. IdaNoe says:

        Healing victim , just a thought since we’re going graphic… when you’re 5 and your 13 yr old cousin molests you, exactly were do you think he penetrates since the vaginal opening is still closed or partial closed at that age? I DO NOT excuse my cousins behaviour. I am NOT his only victim. Many, including our shared grandmother suffered his sexual rath. However, for my own sanity, I do need to understand why he is what he is. I also need to understand the damage done to myself. This is no different than the need to understand my narcissistic parents and the damage they caused to me. I’m glad you prayed and received “earth angels” to help you. I prayed too. I got more narcissists. HG is the first person to ever make sense of the insanity I’ve endured. So for that, I will forever be in his debt. And I will defend him, eventhough I’m certain he’s more than capable. I do not excuse his behavior nor justify it, but I can’t control it either. All I can do is learn from it.

    3. IdaNoe says:

      Janet, no offense taken. Simple a different viewpoint. And I would like to understand why God is vengeful. If it’s God, why not just stop it from happening? I mean, narcissists other than Greaters aren’t even aware of their hurtful behavior. I dont get the punishment thing. Guess that’s what throws me. Being punished for something your brain doesn’t see as bad, just necessity, like eating.

  4. Presque Vu says:

    Clever use of word play here and highly amusing! Verbal art wrapped in fairy tales and the path to freedom.
    I conjured up images of the Wendigo from Hannibal when describing yourself.

  5. Margaret Robertson says:

    muahahahahaha…..most excellent! Narc’s Got Talent!

  6. IdaNoe says:

    Thank you uncle HG. I love this one, it’s my favorite bedtime story!

  7. KM says:

    This is so great!

  8. Jess says:

    “Mr Nice But Narc, Miss Tie Twenty Crystals Around Your Forehead and other well-meaning but ultimately ineffective purveyors of advice.”

    Bahahahahahah! I’m gonna read this to my daughter. She makes fun of me and my “narcisst” videos.

  9. SMH says:

    This is brilliant, HG. And funny! You have an incredible talent. Not sure what you should do with it – maybe write ‘grim’ fairy tales?

  10. Star says:

    Lol I always giggle at first little Epmpaths ” shove it douchbag!”🙄 Such a good bedtime story HG!

  11. Joyascending says:

    Powerful. I think I am still shaking after reading this!

  12. MB says:

    I would faint if I encountered you as well. After throwing up on your shoes of course!

    Wait, how did HG get her phone number?

    1. Coffee Time says:

      Lol, that is a good question but then again the name there is Hurt God. God don’t a number for you.

  13. MB says:

    I must’ve conjured this one up!

  14. Amanda Katz says:


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