The Married Target

“Nuns and married women are equally unhappy,” so said Queen Christina of Sweden. I have not (yet) targeted a nun although I would readily claim to have done so, since an entertaining tale would surely be attached to such an endeavour. It is a different story with regards to married women. Our kind often target […]

The Expectation of Recognition

“Do you know who I am?” A sentence often issued by the floundering Z-list celebrity who is trying to cross the velvet rope and be admitted to a special event or the VIP area of a club or restaurant. The demand to be recognised so that special treatment is afforded and it is expected as […]

The Aging Narcissist – Part Two

      The Somatic Narcissist The Somatic Narcissist is one of our kind who places the greatest stock in physical appearances. This is applicable to the narcissist in terms of being handsome or beautiful with an impressive and pleasing physique, well-dressed, hygienic and alluring using all the benefits of cosmetics and cosmetic surgery available. […]

I Use Words Purely To Control

The words that our kind use are the instruments of our dark profession. Words are advantageous because they are so easy to say. There is little effort involved in uttering a sudden profane insult or a sentence designed to bring about submission. A barked injunction or a passionate phrase are readily conjured up and sent […]

The Three Strands of Empathy

The concept of empathy can be divided into three types. There are three identifiable strands. First of all there is the idea of cognitive empathy whereby one can understand the point of view of another person. I am able to understand another person’s point of view but I will rarely accede to it, unless I […]