Horns and Halos



Further revelations on a wide range of highly relevant topics allowing you to understand the narcissistic psychopath and how to deal with him or her. Includes the revealing chapters “Ten” and “Twelve” detailing formative episodes in the creation of a narcissistic psychopath.

US e-book here

UK e-book here

CAN e-book here




17 thoughts on “Horns and Halos

  1. MB says:

    HG, Is Paul you repeatedly pushed into the nettles the same loyal Paul that is your friend today?

    1. HG Tudor says:


  2. DoForLuv says:


    Every time I met someone who was or acts like a narcissist told me in seduction period they are going on a vacation , time passed but they all never went actually .😂
    Is this coincidence or something narcissist do ?

    1. HG Tudor says:

      I would need more information about this person’s behaviour to ascertain whether the individual is a narcissist. It sounds like the individual is trying to make you feel grateful that they have stayed to engage with you rather than go on a vacation.

      1. DoForLuv says:

        This person asks what I’am doing frequently during the day sometimes start doing the same things . Really into my appearance and the effort I make for it all to look goed . He does it as well . He “thinks i’m perfect “ “ a good one “ “enjoys if I cling on him “ Wants pictures when I’m going to a public place and when I get home . At first I thought he could be one of the normals (I just don’t know that good how they are ) . But for now he just seems a little bit empty .

        . ~It sounds like the individual is trying to make you feel grateful that they have stayed to engage with you rather than go on a vacation.

        Thats a interesting one I never thought of that at all

        1. MB says:

          DoForLuv, Use HGs Narc Detector or Date Defender service. Then you’ll know for sure!

        2. NarcAngel says:

          Wanting a picture when you are out and then when you get home is definitely not normal. Thats control.

    2. DoForLuv says:

      @NarcAngel , very true . Red flags .

    3. DoForLuv says:

      @MB yes indeed !.

  3. Catherine Parr R says:

    Have you read this article from dailymail? The end of if says that Tina Redse diagnosed Steve Jobs with Narcissistic Personality Disorder a classic case. The article is about Jobs’s fragmented relationship with his daughter Lisa and the suffering he had caused her.


    1. HG Tudor says:

      No I have not, but I have stated many times Jobs was a narcissist.

    2. MB says:

      I’ll be reading this one. Thanks for the heads up CP!

  4. MB says:

    Required prerequisite reading to DM? Your writing is beautiful, the telling of the recollection much clearer than that I could convey of my story from age 10 or 12.

    1. foolme1time says:

      It’s a great read MB! This one is one of my favorites.

      1. MB says:

        I downloaded Horns and Halos and read Ten and Twelve first. When Professor gives an assignment, I get right on it!

        For an amorphous memory of childhood, his retelling was quite descriptive!

        As I began to contemplate what childhood event(s) I would write about were I so inclined, several flowed into my consciousness. Admittedly, not with the detail HG was able to convey in his. I’m not entirely sure there weren’t embellishments added for the sake of beautiful, descriptive writing, but that is another matter.

        I may write my own tiny telling if HG would allow and I can pull it together. I will call it ‘Eight’. Would that be ok with you, Boss?

  5. MB says:

    This is one I haven’t read. Downloading now…

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Jolly Good.

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