The Narcissistic Icicles – No. 7


6 thoughts on “The Narcissistic Icicles – No. 7

  1. P.G. says:

    The best and brightest information you can get. Thank you so much for sharing!

  2. Blank says:

    Or perhaps because she is a stunning model with even more followers than him, which will be good for his career and image.

  3. Shannen says:

    Thank God! In time If I could talk to my replacement supply, I would say: thank you for saving me from a terrible, empty relationship!

  4. IdaNoe says:

    Ha ha ha! This is Narc speak for I’m scraping the bottom of the barrel in desperation. You’ve frozen me out and I’ve had to turn to Miss I’m too dumb to be a hooker cuz I’ll do ya for free.

    1. Caroline says:

      Ha ha!
      IdaNoe, that’s so great.
      You’re one of my favourite Narc Whisperers.

      1. IdaNoe says:

        Lol. I never mastered the whisper. I more of a yeller! I’ve been described as the Tasmanian Devil. Kick up a lot of dust, cussing and spitting the whole way! Have a great day!

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