Weeping With The Frenemy



You will be familiar with the concept of a frenemy. One of the applications of this oxymoronic portmanteau is to describe a person who pretends to be your friend but is actually your enemy. The frenemy makes several appearances in the narcissistic world. The most obvious one is us. We appear as friend but we are really the enemy. If you are an intimate partner who is the primary source you witness this first hand as love turns sour. As a secondary source you also experience the narcissist as frenemy. It is not always obvious because as that secondary source you may experience a lengthy golden period but even if you do, we are your enemy because we are taking from you, taking your fuel, acquiring your attributes for our own use and drawing on your resources by way of residual benefits, such as using your car, borrowing money, blagging invitations to events and so forth. The same applies to tertiary sources who are more likely to witness the charm turn to malice as a consequence of a delayed serving or giving attention to someone else instead of us in the store. Our kind are the frenemy incarnate. If we are not plain using you for fuel and other benefits as we smile, charm and compliment, we then turn rogue on you, lashing out and devaluing you.

With that stated however let us turn to another type of frenemy. The Lieutenant. The loyal and obedient puppet that not only provides us with fuel but supports us and carries out our wishes and wants without hesitation or complication. Every narcissist has at least one lieutenant, usually more and the lieutenant performs a range of actions on our behalf. The lieutenant will naturally provide fuel, praising and admiring, being a great audience to our witty repartee, providing a sympathetic ear when we complain about the behaviour of others and ensuring as a dedicated secondary source that we can always rely on them. The lieutenant can be relied on to acquire information for us in respect of the targeting of a potential victim. The lieutenant will form part of our façade and will welcome you with characteristic smile and warmth to be part of the coterie and as soon as the command is given by us, turn his back on you and pretend that you never existed. He or she will do favours for us, ever eager to gain our trust and praise and outperform other lieutenants. This is especially so if the Lieutenant is earmarked for potential recruitment to intimate partner. It is not just the victim who receives some future faking. A lieutenant will be promised jam tomorrow – whatever it might be, promotion to intimate partner, that promotion at work, the membership of that club we can secure, a weekend away with us – whatever lies within out gift will be dangled before this lieutenant in order to secure loyalty and their commitment to us. Of course the rewards will be delivered from time to time, so long as we have extracted a sufficient price from our part of view, but future faking plays its part in keeping the Lieutenant ready, willing and wanting. The Lieutenant will also be used in our post escape and post discard campaigns. They will assist with hoovers, they will hoover on our behalf, prove receptive to our smearing of you and indeed assist in plastering mud about you far and wide.

How then does our kind go about identifying and maintaining these Lieutenants? Naturally it depends on the nature of the relevant member of our kind.

The Lesser

The Lesser Narcissist operates with fewer Lieutenants than the other two schools. This is because he lacks the charm and ability to acquire them so readily but also given his low control threshold he also runs a greater risk of his devaluation of them proving too much and resulting in them no longer remaining loyal and thus they are either discarded or they escape the narcissist. The Lesser has very little trust and his inherent paranoia makes it difficult for him to create a wide network of those he can call on. Instead he often relies on family members to be his Lieutenants. Parents, siblings, extended family and adult children are common Lieutenants of a Lesser Narcissist. In terms of friends, he may have one or two friends who are longstanding. These individuals are often childhood friends who have known the narcissist all his life and feel a sense of duty and obligation towards the narcissist borne out of when the narcissist put his furious temper to good use in giving a bully a hiding and thus earning the ongoing gratitude and admiration of the Lieutenant. This Lieutenant is also frightened of the narcissist, as he knows what he is capable of and consequently aims to stay on his good side and therefore is very loyal. The Lesser makes no conscious decision to recruit people to assist him but rather, owing to his sense of entitlement, he expects those around him to do what he wants. Owing to his low sense of trust, he feels he can only rely on those close to him either from blood (family) or longstanding friends. The Lesser ensures that those who are Lieutenants do his bidding through a combination of guilt-tripping (“We are family; you should have my back on this”) or intimidation (“If you don’t do it I will kick your teeth in”). It is rare to find a Lesser able to recruit a Lieutenant from your own ranks and therefore your vigilance should be maintained primarily in respect of those people you know who are his friends and family.

The Mid-Range

The Mid-Range Narcissist is an extensive user of Lieutenants because of his generally passive aggressive nature he would rather have other people doing his dirty work for him (the Greater is similar but his rationale is different – see below). The Mid-Range possesses sufficient cognitive function and pleasant charm to recruit suitable people to do his bidding. He will have a circle of dependable friends from whom he will draw a few Lieutenants. He also makes extensive use of family and colleagues as well. The Mid-Range also recognises the benefit of having a Lieutenant from within your ranks He will do this on the basis of wanting to curry favour with you by cosying up to your parents, a sibling or a good friend in order to inveigle his way into their affections. He will not necessarily possess the out and out charm of the Greater but rather be regarded as a “good egg”, “a decent person” and “pleasant and likeable”. The Mid- Range will ensure he has numerous lieutenants because he will need them to be used extensively when he hoovers and smears at a later juncture. Master of the Hard Done To, he will tell his sob stories about how badly he has been treated by you in order to have those Lieutenants propagate this position to others through a smear or to convey to you how much the narcissist is hurting and needs you back.

The Mid-Range usually maintains his Lieutenants by doing two things. He does not future fake extensively (with Lieutenants) and whilst there may be occasional rewards he does not rely on this to any great degree in order to keep his Lieutenants loyal. He instead relies on being liked and also for people to feel sorry for him and thus they will do what he wants. He will use emotional blackmail extensively in order to ensure that his Lieutenants act on his behalf.

“I am in a bad place right now and you need to help me.”

“I knew you couldn’t stand by and see me be treated like this.”

“She has said some horrible things about you, naturally I defended you, so I know I can rely on you to do the same for me.”

“It just isn’t right for someone to behave like this.”

“You are better at dealing with people like this.”

“I am on the edge here; you need to help me out.”

“I know she is your friend but I don’t think someone as decent as you would want to be associated with someone who behaves like this.”

“I appreciate she is your daughter but she is letting down your family with what she has done.”

The Greater

The Greater has many Lieutenants. He recruits them from friends, colleagues, family and even acquaintances. The Greater makes its aim to have at least one (but usually more) from your ranks. His huge reserves of charm ensure that people are made to feel so special to be associated with him that they want to do his bidding. They want the Greater’s approval, favour and largesse. A master at future faking, the Greater will not only reward those who carry out his commands but he will also ensure that larger rewards are repeatedly on offer. These may be material in nature but they are often based on elevation. Promotion from outer to inner circle friend. Advancement from colleague to outer circle friend. Potential to move from inner circle friend to intimate partner. The Greater is no fool though and will ensure that rewards are provided, not only to maintain the loyalty of the recipient but to act as an incentive to the others who have not been rewarded on this occasion. If your narc seems to know when you leave home and arrive do not be surprised to find that he has even recruited a neighbour minion as a Lieutenant.

The Greater will use a varied range of techniques to ensure that his Lieutenants remain loyal and willing to assist him: –

–         Reward

–         Threats of devaluing behaviour/ expulsion from the clique

–         Emotional blackmail

–         Smearing the victim so the Lieutenant is motivated to “do the right thing”

–         Threats of exposing or exploiting a vulnerability of the Lieutenant.

Of all of the three schools the Greater is the only one who engages in calculated behaviour to recruit and maintain his Lieutenants. The Lesser has a limited range to choose from and thus there is no consideration given. He expects loyalty anyway. The Mid-Range does it by making himself likeable and then playing on a sense of obligation and loyalty. The Greater will scrutinise who will have something to lose and who will want to gain in order to use this information is his advantage in due course. These Lieutenants will then be subjected to the love-bombing charm (adjusted appropriately depending on status) and brainwashed (along with the presence and effect of the façade) into believing that the Greater is better than anything else, is to be worshipped and can do no wrong.

Keep in mind that you as an intimate partner may well be recruited for Lieutenant purposes as well as against the primary source that you have replaced. Think how often you have witnessed the incoming primary source join in on attacks against you once you escaped or have been discarded. Indeed, using the primary source as a Lieutenant in such circumstances takes them beyond the sphere of Frenemy and into total enemy territory, but that person remains a Lieutenant nevertheless.

We use Lieutenants extensively. We ensure we maintain their loyalty and you should always exercise caution in your dealings. You may think we are off the scene and we have disappeared but there are Frenemies lurking all around you ready to continue our campaigns against you.

Listen to Weeping With The Frenemy

16 thoughts on “Weeping With The Frenemy

  1. E. B. says:

    “…trust no one (especially those who know the narc) ”
    So true, Bubbles.

    1. Bubbles🍾 says:

      Dearest E.B.
      I can now “reflect” at his associations with all n sundry
      I can see how he gained “fuel” from the roles they all played and those who were a wake up to him…..it’s sickening
      ( I must’ve been “premium” grade fuel … haaahaaa)

      Trust no one ….say nothing
      (otherwise it will come back and bite you in the bum)
      Luv Bubbles xx

  2. wounded says:


    One word: control. The narcissist must be in control at all times. If someone threatens that control they are painted black. The narcissist lives in a world all their own which is why no manipulation or machination is too vile.

    During my seduction the narc would call me while out with friends and hand the phone over so they could tell me how amazing he was (basically introducing me to part of his inner circle under the guise of friendship). He very subtly smeared his DLS to me essentially devaluing her and post escape blatantly smeared me to her citing my supposed lack of self esteem, stating I started it etc. In turn she became a lieutenant for him not even realizing what she was doing.

    It was the smearing that caught my attention. In the aftermath I took all the blame going to therapy and marriage counseling. A normal person would have reacted with relief that A) someone else took the blame and b) that the other person wasn’t talking about them and moving on from the situation. The narc instead was furious at all of this and thus chaos ensued.

  3. Bubbles🍾 says:

    Dear Mr Tudor,
    Mr Bubbles and my family were all friends with the weasel’s family (we were very close friends with his ex, her partner, friends blah blah .. when the weasel started treating me badly, lying and carrying on like a pork chop, that’s when everything went downhill like “shooting the rapids”

    I was relaying his disgusting vile behaviour to her when she turned on me (after professing her loving friendship and how she felt I was her bestie and she felt we were like sisters from different mothers ) …. heavens above, this sounds like the Bold and the Beautiful 😂 (I think she’s a narc as well) her self pitying was unbelievable (she lost friends at a “rate of knots” as well) ….I look back now and am not sure who was worse, the weasel or her (I put up with a hellava lot plus many conflicting stories)

    Anyhoo ….. we disassociated ourselves entirely from the whole “toxic” lot of them …. NO CONTACT
    They were “all” bad for one’s health

    My family and friends have been extremely supportive (they all know what a narc is now) … haha

    “Peace” now prevails

    Great article …. trust no one (especially those who know the narc) …. RED FLAG RED FLAG
    Thank you Mr Tudor
    Luv Bubbles xx

  4. mollyb5 says:

    It’s kinda a “ I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine”friendship . But many friends are like that , it’s a we both gain attitude that keeps them going .

  5. Mercy says:

    Oh the lieutenants. These pesky attention seeking whores will say or do anything to gain the narcs approval. Thanks to his career in sports, my narc has an endless supply of these leeches (groupies). “Contact the ex college boyfriend’s brother leech #1….Leech # 2 how close are you to her dad’s 2nd wife? Find out who was at the anniversary party and who left with who”.

    It’s insane the information he can get from this group of people. Some just love the drama and want to please him. Others don’t realize what they are doing until they get wrapped up in it. Not only do they do his dirty work but they are there to tell him how wonderful he is and that nothing is his fault .It doesn’t matter the situation, he has a lieutenant to fit every need. They are vermin!

  6. Sarah says:

    I try hard to pity the Lieutenants, however thinking of them always gets under my skin.
    We need to encourage independent thinking in our schools – the way we standardise and assess every aspect of the curriculum works against us. I would rather my children learn through experential means than regurgitate text books for examination purposes. It is important to learn courage, to challenge the status quo (intelligently) and to be brave rather than perfect.
    The Narcissist is a Lieutenant’s text book; Lieutenants are totally reliant on this blinding spell book, completely absorbed in getting an A+ on the Narcissist’s exam. Not once do they look up from their books and realise they are vicariously destroying lives or that their end game is futile.
    Perhaps we should categorise Lieutenants as Low range Lesser Lieutenants, Lower Range Lesser Lieutenants and Lowest Range Lesser, Lieutenants?! Something tells me the majority are a few cans short of a six pack 🤪

  7. J says:

    Lieutenants! I just realized two of them this week! One was in a business group so I resigned from the group and the other is a neighbor. I’ll see to it that I have no contact with them. Thanks for opening my eyes HG! Although I toyed with the idea of feeding false info to them for fun. But strict no contact is firmly in place.

  8. Kensey says:

    My ex lesser never had a male “friend”.
    Mostly ex women lovers were his “friends” .
    He lived in his “lie world “ where he was a much loved & befriended person. Whatever , barf.

  9. HG….why would a narc smear their lieutenants to the IPSS/DLS? For example one day they are “such a good friend” and then the next time they are “a raging alcoholic bad influence”?

    And secondly….if a lieutenant is smeared to a IPSS/DLS what is the point of doing that if the IPSS/DLS has never met them? I know you have said in your other writings that people will be loyal to you where they like who you like and hate who you hate when you command it….but if a DLS does not ever meet these people then what is the point when they are spoken about negatively?

    I am just trying to understand why he shit talked about his supposed “friend” to me after speaking positively the prior time. Like what is the point of doing that if I am never likely to meet this person? Or is kind of like having an insurance policy in place in the event I someday meet them? I know you will say “for fuel” but how does that fuel the narc if the focus is on someone else? The shit-talking that is. Is that fuel in the sense where the narc feels better about themselves for putting someone else down?

    I hope you know what I am trying to ask here. Thank you.

    1. Anm says:

      Fuel on a shelf, you will never meet this person, yet hear about them because of COMPARTMENTALIZING. You are to remain separate from other aspects of the narcs life for control, manipulation, and fuel. Due to narcs black and white thinking, they could very much hate someone one minute, and like them the next. Often though, you will hear about people you never met, for the purposes of triangulation. If you must stay in this relationship with the narcissist, always choose his point of view of events. Even if you know what the narcissist is saying about the other person isn’t fair or right, don’t bother mentioning that to him. It’s futile. They ultimately tell on themselves with their stories about others. The new person they constantly rave about, that’s the future primary source.

      1. Fuel on the Shelf says:

        “They ultimately tell on themselves with their stories about others.”

        Does this mean (in your experience) that the people they talk about did or have dome similar things they (the narc) have done? For example the coworker was also cheating too (just like he was). And so was his sister-in-law. This is starting to sound like a soap opera.

      2. Anm says:

        Fuel on a shelf. No, he is going to lie every chance he gets. Listen to the underlying message. If he has you on a pedestal, he is probably devaluing someone. It doesn’t matter what he is claiming this person did. Listen to how he is punishing them. If you get close enough, that’s how hell punish you. My ex narc used to laugh at people who would lose their jobs and say, “oh they deserve to lose everything because they are an awful person/criminal.” I would always tell myself, “oh hell never be like that with me, there is no sense for punishing me.” Wrong. I didnt realize how much of his life revolved around punishing people, until I was sucked in.
        If he seems like he is getting positive fuel from somewhere else, expect long silent treatments for a while, etc. Listen to the fuel patterns, not the words

  10. Kelly says:

    Do their lieutenants have some narcissistic traits usually too? They can seem entitled, self-centered, superior too. He confides in them and they always sympathize with him, and he does reward them business wise. It seems they like him very much, but they’re in it for what they can get, where as an empath is devoted like an addict only for his company, not for any gain.

  11. Christine says:

    Hm. I’m pretty sure my father’s Mid-Range, but his ability to recruit lieutenants has always been spectacular. He got most of my mother’s family to support him instead of her or me, he’s successfully smeared me to nearly everyone since I was a little girl, and he had dozens of friends until he decided to drop most of them. Years later, he can send one Facebook message and any of his friends will come scurrying back, filled with pity.

    The one thing in this area my father tried to do but could never succeed at was turning my boyfriends and male friends against me. His victim act and passive-aggressive insults against women work wonders on men of his own generation, but are transparent to those of my generation I choose to be around. My female friends though? He easily won all but two to his side, back when I let his path cross theirs.

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