Early Warning Detector


How much did the last narcissist cost you? Thousands in “borrowed money”? Thousands in legal fees/therapy costs? Hours of wasted time deliberating and analysing? Time lost which would have been better spent with your children, your extended family and your friends. Time away from work? Time tied up in court proceedings?

The cost of ensnarement with the narcissist is huge.

NOW you can avoid that risk in the future.

Want to know sure-fire ways to determine that a narcissist has you in his or her sights?

Be burned once and determined to ensure it does not happen again?

Want to spot the narcissist nice and early so you can GOSO?

This Detector will give YOU the power to ascertain that it is highly likely that a narcissist is seeking to seduce you.

This material explains to you the various ways you remain at risk of future ensnarement even when you may think that you will not.

It details how Emotional Thinking and from which sources, will impact on you and how you must guard against it.

As part of the battle against Emotional Thinking and understanding that as an empath, you always draw narcissists to you, this simple and effective tool will allow you to determine that a narcissist has begun to interact with you and therefore you need to undertake more detailed examination and exit.

To assist you further, this excellent device gives you the differing behaviours of the schools of narcissists and also with regard to normals so that you can engage with people, primarily through a romantic involvement, but also with regard to social, business and work scenarios with increased confidence and assurance.

A small investment of just US $ 10 which will provide you with returns time and time again.

Obtain Early Warning Detector here

19 thoughts on “Early Warning Detector

  1. Sophia says:

    I have asked a couple different people that I suspected to be narcissists what their favorite toy was as a kid. One said, “that’s a good question I’ll have to think about it.” I mentioned my favorites and he liked what I chose, yet didn’t elaborate. The other just said he couldn’t remember that far back.
    I’m trying to decide if they were purposely avoiding the question and if so, would this place them leaning towards the Greater category?

    What would be another question to ask or the proper way to work this one into the conversation so it gets answered?

    1. HG Tudor says:

      This is not something once can answer based on one question more information would be needed. See the two exposed articles for further questions.

  2. Frenchie says:

    See what I mean? What pointless, useless information. You’re so clever. Flush out a Narcissist ..
    Seems you’ve run out of meaningful content. Some empaths know what you would relish and will show and tell you what you can do to achieve it to their own demise.

    But you were too chicken shit when you may have had an opportunity.

    Speaking of, more than two of us have come to a conclusion about you. It has never been more clear.

    P.S. Zoek er ergens anders naar.

  3. Michelle says:

    Aside from being a turn-off, a narcissist will not be self-conscious about this because to do so would be an admission that you have the power to reject him. Someone who is just a bad speller will show humility by being self-deprecating about it, or ideally asking for help. I once invited a narcissist (as yet unidentified) to a family gathering. He had a penchant for swearing and telling dirty jokes. My family is very proper so I warned him not to do this around them so he would make a good impression. He became very angry with me, uninvited me to his own upcoming birthday party, and painted me black for a few months, leaving me to attend events alone that I had planned on going to with him. He had also promised to help me with a household project and left me to do that on my own as well. I got punished for suggesting that anyone had the power to reject him or that he was unattractive in any way. What I asked for was simply basic courtesy to his host, but for a narcissist, submission to anyone is impossible and such a request will be seen as unreasonable. (Of course he began talking to me again a few months later as if nothing had happened.)

  4. Kathy Mor says:

    “Say hello to your first, short silent treatment.”
    Love it!

    1. 69Revolver says:

      Kathy, wasn’t that classic???? In the VEEEEERY beginning it’s subtle (HG= salami slicing). It’s not until you’re bestowed with a full on week of a silent treatment that you begin to think that perhaps something is amiss? #neveragain

      1. Kathy Mor says:

        I thought the idiot just needed space to “think”. Now I know it is the coward’s passive aggressive maneuvers.

  5. 69Revolver says:

    “….seeing some campaign to help blind gay whales find their parents.” I just can’t……

    A dry sense of humor is the *sexiest* sense of humor!

    1. MB says:

      Indeed it is.

  6. Kensey says:

    a big billboard warning sign is —-> they only cry when the story is about THEM

  7. Pixie says:

    Hello everyone. I have a scenario for HG: I have only been on the site for 9 mos. or so, read many books, bear with me.
    I surmise that two of your kind would be unlikely friends. Unless they worked well together as predators, picking up women?? I have good reason for asking . . . do people with NPD ‘instintively’ avoid spending time with others with NPD?

    And what of the empath? Do we feed off each other

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Please see the two articles ‘ When Narcissists Collide’.

      1. Pixie says:

        Ty, HG, hope you’re well.

        1. HG Tudor says:

          I am excellent well, thank you for your kind enquiry.

  8. MommyPino says:

    Thank you so much Mr. Tudor. These are brilliant! I’m not going to use these to screen out dates since I’m already married and so will never date again, but these tips will be great when I go back to work to figure out which ones that I work with I can be friends with and which ones I need to be careful with.

  9. Michelle says:

    I’ve found lack of accountability to be a typical early warning sign. I have two degrees in writing-related fields. When I’m talking to a man in a written medium and he spells poorly and is not remotely self-conscious about it (i.e. does not joke about it, does not proofread) I know that he is not interested in impressing me.

    Most of the narcissists I’ve known have hated school, unless they were the teacher’s pet. Most of them received grades far below what they were capable of because they could not stand to subject themselves to another person’s judgment. By far the brightest narcissist I’ve known personally was a C student and resented the A students for getting all the attention, though he could have done as well himself. He also cut class, no doubt as a way to assert control over his life. All of the classes he wasn’t good at were “stupid.” Asking how they feel about their boss has a similarly revealing effect.

    Narc Friend would also complain to me about his parents’ many expectations for him. When I asked him if these expectations still weighed on him as an adult — as they would to some degree for any normal person — he explained that he doesn’t care about his parents’ expectations at all. There are more examples, but the trend was apparent early on.

    1. Kathy Mor says:

      I agree about the spelling. If a guy simply types and sends it without proofreading his messages to me in a consistent basis, I stop answering. If he does not know the different between there, they are, and theirs and if he tells me that he “had went” somewhere. I disappear. Words have such an impact on me that I can’t sustain illiteracy. I am an avid reader. Yet English is not mother language. I know I still make some mistakes.

      1. Kathy Mor says:


      2. 69Revolver says:

        Or, when he can’t express the difference between to, too, and two. But yes, there, they’re, and their are the real kickers.
        I edit menus and billboards. I’m OCD about it and can’t help myself. I majored in English, go figure.

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