Narc Tales

Narc Tales

The Three Little Pigs? They’re bacon now.

Rapunzel? Had a nightmare and all her hair fell out.

Sleeping Beauty? Overslept and missed her appointment with her plastic surgeon.


You may be familiar with fairy tales but prepare yourself for Narc Tales, a collection of dark, entertaining but most of all instructive and educational tales written by the creative and insightful HG Tudor.

What better way to equip yourself with unique information about narcissists, empaths and the dynamic between them than to do so through the medium of story telling. Yet, these are no ordinary tales, no fluffy yarns with a happy ever after. No, these are Narc Tales and you will find fantastic knowledge wrapped up in amusement, intrigue, beguilement and shock. Where Prince Ultra Charming roams, The Very Wicked MatriNarc schemes and The Super Empath Strikes Back – a delicious read from the most delicious of dark minds.

Available on Amazon

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26 thoughts on “Narc Tales

  1. Mercy says:

    Got it, love it!

  2. Jess says:

    Finally got to read this! I laughed out loud so many times. I like your style HG. I left a review.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Thank you, I am pleased you enjoyed the book.

  3. K says:

    Purchased and read. The humor was superb and I will write a 5-star review HG.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Thank you.

  4. Lou says:

    Oh, and I like Helen Back not only because she has been to hell and back but also because she has seen your enticing blue eyes, HG, and did not faint

  5. Lou says:

    I have not finished reading this book yet but I must say I have been having a good laugh since yesterday when I started it. I particularly enjoyed reading this morning The Empath who Cried Narcissist because I am in a similar situation right now and am feeling frustrated by people around me trying to tell me indirectly how my no contact just shows how my soul has not reached the level of maturity, peace and love their souls have. Who knows, maybe they are right. Maybe they have reached Zero impact by working their wounds energetically and opening their hearts and chakras and I am just in a lower step of the process.
    Or maybe this person is an angel with a dirty face and was just provoking an emotional reaction in me. A big MR narc. Not sure yet.

  6. foolme1time says:

    Just had a chance to purchase it HG. Looking forward to spending the evening reading and enjoying it! Thank you.😊

  7. windowpainn says:

    This question is off topic but with new movie Bohemian Rhapsody out in theaters, do you think Freddie Mercury was a narcissist?

  8. nikitalondon says:

    Getting mine now!!!!!!

  9. Fuel on the Shelf says:

    Will we get some teasers posted as articles here or is it on lock down? 😉

  10. E. B. says:

    I have just read The Narcissist’s New Clothes and I enjoyed it very much.
    I thank you, Your Royal Tudeness.

  11. E. B. says:

    I have just bought a copy. Looking forward to reading it.

  12. Persephone In Sunlight says:

    Very good, Your Royal Tudeness!
    I am enjoying these Narc Tales immensely!

    Excellent work, as always.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Thank you.

  13. ANK says:

    Yay! A collection of NarcTales. Thanks HG.

  14. SuperXena says:

    Wonderful! I have a copy now bought through

    If you do not have an account on any of the “market” links above you will be automatically redirected to

    Just a quick overview : titles such as “The Three Bloody Greedy Narcissists”,”The Empath Who Cried Narcissist”,”The Narcissist’s New Clothes”,”Dick Witless and His Cat”,” Honesty and Goodness, “ Cinderempath”,
    “The Empath Who Cried Narcissist” evoke a very entertainingly educational reading full of “dark” humour but great humour indeed.

  15. MB says:

    *Diabolic…sorry for the typo. Can’t see well through the tears of laughter. Y’all gotta get this book!

  16. MB says:

    Ok, so I’ve had to stop reading for now as I am at work. I literally am laughing out loud, tears streaming. You have outdone yourself your Royal Tudeness. I am looking forward to reading the rest at lunch. Ye Diabolically Hot Sauce of Ring Stinging was the last straw. My boss asked from across the hall if I was laughing at him!

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Thank you, I am pleased you have been enjoying it.

      1. MB says:

        I love it HG. I hope you will narrate some of the new ones for us.

  17. SuperXena says:

    Wonderful! I have a copy now bought through

    If you do not have an account on any of the links below, you will be automatically redirected to

    Just a quick overview : “ The Three Bloody Greedy Narcissists”,”The Empath Who Cried Narcissist”,”The Narcissist’s New Clothes”,”Dick Witless and His Cat”,” Honesty and Goodness, “ Cinderempath”,
    “The Empath Who Cried Narcissist” very entertainingly educational and full of “dark” humour but great humour indeed!

  18. Kim e says:

    Book and a bottle of wine in my future

  19. Clarece says:

    First new book this year! Congrats HG! More comments to come after I read! Great to see you use your creativity to educate and reach your audience in a different way!

  20. MB says:

    Purchased ❤️

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