
50 thoughts on “THE NARC DAYS OF CHRISTMAS – NO. 9

  1. brokenrainbow says:

    Merry Christmas HG

    I hope 2019 is everything you want and more.

    Merry Christmas everyone.

    ABW love HG’s Christmas card.

  2. K says:

    Ha ha ha…I just saw the Xmas card, thanks for the laugh!

  3. Caroline R says:

    This meme makes me sad.

  4. 2SF says:

    OMG ABW, you just made my day!! What a perfect card hahaha. Good ol’ James xx

  5. abrokenwing says:

    Look !
    I found the perfect Xmas card for Mr Tudor.

    1. 2SF says:

      403 Access Denied it says. Well yeah, as far as I’m concerned that’s the perfect X-mas card for HG haha.

      1. HG Tudor says:

        I’m access all areas.

      2. abrokenwing says:

        Hi , try now please.

        1. MB says:

          ABW just got herself on the naughty list!

    2. K says:

      Merry Christmas, ABW!

      1. abrokenwing says:

        Merry Christmas K 🗃🗂📒📈📉📚📊🗓📖 ! 🤗

    3. Caroline R says:

      Ha ha!

  6. Original Overthinker says:

    I wish HG a Merry Christmas                          I wish Readers a Merry Christmas
    I wish Commentators a Merry Christmas  and a Narc free New Year!

    Good tidings we bring to you                      and your Empath kin
    I wish you a Merry Christmas                      and a Narc free New Year

    Narcie wants a Christmas Hoover           
    Narcie wants drama and attention       
    Narcie wants to pull you into his dimension
    Now listen to HG and stay clear!

    Good tidings we bring to you and your Empath kin
    We wish you a Merry Christmas               
    and a Narc free New Year

    HG has all the answers
    Narcie’s are total Wankers
    We won’t go until we get our head’s clear    As a thank you, would love to buy HG a beer

    Good tidings we bring to you
    and your Empath kin
    We wish you a Merry Christmas
    and a Narc free New Year

    I wish HG a Merry Christmas                           
    I wish Readers a Merry Christmas                 
    I wish Commentators a Merry Christmas 
    and a Narc free New Year! 

    1. Original Overthinker says:

      Booooooo gone out of line x x

      1. NarcAngel says:

        Original Overthinker
        No matter. We got it and enjoyed it all the same.

      2. K says:

        That was a riot Original Overthinker! The word wanker makes me laugh. Merry Christmas!

        1. MB says:

          Same K! Wanker isn’t a word we use here. I didn’t know it until I came to the blog.

    2. MB says:

      OO, I enjoyed it! The next round of beers is on me!

    3. Caroline R says:

      Original Overthinker
      Thank you for all those Christmas wishes.
      We appreciate your creativity. I wish you peaceul sleep tonight.

      1. Caroline R says:

        That should say “peaceful sleep”.

      2. Original Overthinker says:

        Thank you Caroline… Joyeux Noel …x x

      3. Caroline R says:

        Original Overthinker
        Joyeux Noel!
        Merci beaucoup.
        Je te souhaite une bonne nouvelle annee, sans les narcissiques, ou les salauds.
        L’annee prochaine soit remplie d’amour, et de bonheur.

      4. Original Overthinker says:

        je t’aime …. My GCSE French didn’t stretch to the full translation

        I wish you a happy new year, without the narcissists, or the bastards.

        The next year will be filled with love and happiness.

        Merci… I hope so too … Same wish for you!

        Ps Did I read you are Australian? If so where? I went to Australia for 5 weeks last year, had the most amazing time. X X

      5. Caroline R says:

        Original Overthinker

        I’m pleased to read that you enjoyed your time in Australia.
        What brought you out here?

        I’m in Melbourne.
        English comedian Jeff Green lives here, and jokes that we have one cafe per person now.
        It’s probably true.

        I’m in the east, in the foothills of the Dandenong Ranges. It’s leafy and lovely, & the bird calls sound magical. There are magpies, rainbow lorikeets, and in summer we have kookaburras. The nearby mountains also bring thunderstorms. I like that.

        The beaches here in southern Australia have water chilled by Antarctic currents. Surfers use wetsuits in summer. Further north, the water is warmed by tropical currents, and that’s where I prefer to go for a holiday. The guys surf in boardshorts. Purely coincidental….

        Where did you visit?
        What things stood out for you?

        I wish you good sleep tonight and peaceful dreams.

      6. Original Overthinker says:

        Hi Caroline,

        It sounds lovely where you live, my mum is Irish from a farm, the land reminded me of Ireland, very lush.

        I love the ionized air after a thunderstorm, it revives me, an energy thing, I assume has the same affect on you.

        The weather was cooler in Melbourne, more than I was expecting.

        We came over for the Rugby League World Cup.

        We had 2 weeks in Holloways Beach just outside Cairns. We did the lovely touristy things, the Barrier Reef, Sky Car, Kuranda Railway, Port Douglas, Cape Tribulation, Had a small issue with a snake.

        We flew to Melbourne, South Yarra was our base for 8 days.

        Loved Melbourne, we went to see the Apostles (That was a long day). Puffing Billy steam train was good fun.

        We did a Wine tour, completely fell in love with a little Vineyard with a cellar door, Yering Farms Wines, if you get a chance go, so chilled and lovely. Bar with sofas in a corrugated iron barn.

        Because I am cheesy did the Neighbours tour. Not watched it for years. Loved it when I was a teenager the whole Kylie and Jason thing.

        We had dinner on the Colonial Tramcar restaurant, that was lovely and a real highlight. I believe it has been stopped now, because of a dispute with the city’s Tram company. That is a shame it was lovely.

        We then drove to Sydney, via Phillips Island, Lakes Entrance, Eden, Narooma, Mollys Mook, Illwara and then Sydney for 6 days then home.

        Loved everything, saw Whales breaching, Dolphins, Kangaroos on the Beach.

        The whole trip was lovely, still paying for it, but totally worth it. Just the best experience. I have wanderlust, think there is also the escape part of that as well..

        This is why i feel guilty though, I know I am very lucky the things I have experienced. Loved a wrong un and had an affect.

        Take care A/x

    4. Original Overthinker says:

      Usually accompanied with a hand gesture as well … x x

  7. shesaw says:

    Getting in the mood for X-Mas! I got the block-present this week (was on my wish list), but this is present he packed for me about a year ago. A box full of his online contacts + conversations: ‘This is what I do with them. Nothing special. With YOU it is allllllll different’🙈🙉🙊

    Best X-Mas wishes to all of you. Keep your sanity.

  8. 2SF says:

    Happy Holidays, HG, Tudorites and all readers, ‘🎶..wishing you and happiness, but above all this I’m wishing you 💖💗💞’

    1. 2SF says:

      Looks like I wasn’t quite awake yet 🙃…
      ‘ wishing you JOY and happiness…’, but it’s perhaps better if you fill in whatever it is you wish for 😊

      1. Caroline R says:

        2SF and Shesaw
        Vrolijk Kerstfeest or Vrolijk Kerstmis!
        Did I spell that correctly?
        I’m going to learn some Dutch with your help.

      2. Caroline R says:

        Veel liefde en geluk!

        1. NarcAngel says:

          Caroline R
          Your Peking Duck will be right out.

      3. 2SF says:

        Thanks Caroline! Your spelling is faultless.
        My parents would rebuke your use of Kerstmis (mis = mass = Catholic) and we were very strict Protestant. Also the word ‘vrolijk’ (happy) was not allowed. We could only say “blessed Christmas days”. Just so you know :).
        But all normal Dutch people will say either of the two words you mentioned.

        Veel liefde en geluk ook voor jou Caroline xx

      4. Caroline R says:

        Thanks for your reply!
        You have such a great grasp of English idioms and subtleties. I admire your abilities.
        Thank you for clarifying the usage. These are things I’d have no idea about.
        I apologise for any insult given by my poor choice of words. I’m going to look up what you wrote to fully understand the meaning.
        I had lots of Dutch friends growing up, but they mostly spoke English so I didn’t learn any. Lots of Dutch people came to Melbourne post-war, and settled in the beautiful lush hills and forests of the east, where I live.

      5. Caroline R says:

        Got it!
        Thank you.

      6. Caroline R says:

        So it’s better to say “gezegende kerstdage”?
        One of my great, great grandfathers lived in the island of Juist, near the Deutsch border with the Netherlands. It’s also close to Danemark. I wonder how the language might have sounded with that cultural mixing.
        Where abouts are you, if you don’t mind me asking?

      7. Caroline R says:

        One more question:
        Is the ‘vrolijk’ pronounced the same way as the Deutsch ‘frohliche weihnachten’ ? I don’t have umlaut on my keyboard for the Deutsch spelling, sorry.

      8. shesaw says:

        Hi Caroline!
        That’s so sweet of you and indeed, faultless spelling!
        Wishing you Very Good Christmas, Caroline!

      9. Caroline R says:

        Peking duck?
        Send it back!
        You know I wanted satay beef tonight!

        1. NarcAngel says:

          Caroline R
          Thats what you ordered when you thought you were speaking Dutch.
          Wha wha……………

      10. 2SF says:


        Thanks for the compliment. It’s the subtleties I’d like to improve on. Would be so much better if I could write in my own language.
        You did not insult me whatsoever. The words you used were very good (just not in my religious family, but they are a dying breed anyway, so do not say ‘Gezegende Kerstdagen’, that is old fashioned and very religious).
        Vrolijk Kerstfeest literally means Happy Christmas Party (festivities)
        Vrolijk Kerstmis means : Happy Cristmas Mass
        You know the difference between Catholic and Protestant don’t you?
        All people (in the Western world) started out Catholic once (with the birth of Jesus and the beginning of our calendar era. Then in 1517 there was a German narc named Martin Luther, who had a different interpretation of certain bible verses (read Wiki) and he started the Reformation.
        All of my live I have experienced Narcs making a fight in church, causing the members to be divided and finally split up. Everyone was taking all these bible verses so literally. They’d rather start a war than adjust, or look for a different religious community. All in the name of god (read: their own Narcish truth and entitlement).

        I live East of Amsterdam, in the Centre of the Netherlands (lake, forest and fields). Never been to theIsland of Juist, Caroline, but I do speak German, Danish I understand just a little bit.
        Yes a lot of Dutch went to Australia, as well as Canada. I once drove in Toronto area and there were streets full of Dutch names on the mailboxes. Very funny. My friends (female couple) are in Australia right now, somewhere Northern of Sydney, I guess near Nelson Bay.
        I’d love to go there once.

        Sorry, but I could never write the pronunciation of ‘Vrolijk’ exactly, but it’s like ‘Vrohlick’, it is different from the German word Fröhliche.
        (b.t.w., for Umlaut you use the quote ” and then o)
        There are websites available were they do pronunciations of Dutch words (and other languages). Just google it.

        (Sorry for the long read HG, I won’t be writing anymore to grant you a peacefull Christmas).

        Merry Christmas Caroline xx

      11. Caroline R says:

        Ha ha!
        I totally got your joke.
        Did you see comedian Arj Barker talking about text/email communication and misunderstandings? It’s one of my favourite routines of his. He said we need different fonts to clarify. “Oh, I didn’t get it until you wrote it in ‘Sarcastica Font’!”
        This would be handy at narcsite.
        What do you think?
        I love your creativity.

      12. Caroline R says:

        2SF (and Shesaw)
        Bedankt voor het antwoorden!
        You mentioned so many interesting things, and gave me a great mini precis of the Reformation. I find that period of history endlessly fascinating. I have lots of things to discuss with you, and would be very interested to hear your thoughts and experiences, if it doesn’t upset you.
        No pressure.
        Whatever you’d like to share, in your own time, whenever you feel comfortable, I will give you my attention.

        This Christmas, I have a fresh appreciation that any of us here could have found ourselves in each others’ shoes, with just a few different choices being made by our ancestors.

        (My brother lived near Nelson’s Bay and I came to know and love the beaches there. It’s so beautiful. Very good choice on your friends’ part).

      13. Caroline R says:

        We can keep talking, what’s HG going to do? Turn the lights on and off rapidly?
        Tell us to go to bed?
        Give us a silent treatment?
        We live here now, and we tickle his pleasure centres.
        And the Mont Blanc Naughty Step is still under construction, so we can run amok.

        Uh oh. I can hear him coming.
        Pretend to be good.

      14. 2SF says:


        “We can keep talking, what’s HG going to do? Turn the lights on and off rapidly?
        Tell us to go to bed?
        Give us a silent treatment?”

        Haha, perhaps all of these.

        Thanks for your response Caroline.
        Although I’d love to discuss travel, history, religion, politics and whatever topic with you, I feel this is not the appropriate place to do so. I’d love to ask you and all commenters questions about various topics but this will soon evolve in long discussions about everything but narcissism. HG already has to moderate so many comments, I would feel bad if it was all off-topic, also for the new readers. My last response to you already made me feel bad, since that was almost all off-topic.
        Please don’t take it personal, I like you and I think you are a very interesting and friendly person and if I’d know you personally, I’d sure invite you over (although that would be quite costly 🙂 ).
        Take care Caroline xx

        1. HG Tudor says:

          Ah, saving me some work, I’m obliged!

      15. Caroline R says:

        Thank you for your reply.
        I totally understand.
        I’d invite you to my house also.
        It made me laugh because you and I are both introverts, and there’s so much we could discuss. I don’t talk so much in real life as I do at narcsite.

        If you find us talkative, it’s because narcsite is so intellectually stimulating.
        Clever Ns like to have clever empaths gazing adoringly at them, and assisting them in their pursuits of excellence, greatness, and general wonderfulness. Ok, pursuits of power and money too. Is this not so?
        We clever empaths flee to you for refuge from our N-warzones, and stay because you are so clever.
        Clever empaths enjoy like company. Hence the conversation.

    2. K says:

      Merry Christmas, 2SF!

      1. 2SF says:

        Thank you dear K, Merry Christmas to you too! xx

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