Too Good For That




We regard ourselves as superior. Even a Victim Narcissist has a superior view of himself, he is special because of his illness and infirmity and this means that he should be treated better than everybody else. The Somatic Narcissist is better looking, physically fitter and has a tighter bottom than anyone else. The Cerebral Narcissist is cleverer, more intellectual, a brilliant advocate and has a brain the size of a planet and as for the Elite of us, well not only do we look great we are dazzling, witty, entertaining and knowledgeable, superior in every department to the likes of you. This lofty sense of ourselves is apparent all the time because we feel no need to hide our light under a bushel. Oh, we may attach some false modesty to some of our brags and boasts but it is only done to generate an ever more appreciative response from people around us. We like to remind people about our superiority repeatedly. It appears during seduction but you will naturally regard it as an attractive quality then, labelling it as confidence, a dynamic approach, someone who shows no fear and gets things done, an achiever, somebody successful and who doesn’t want to be associated with such a person. Accordingly, our superiority will be exhibited in plain sight but portrayed as good thing. It continues during devaluation as we repeatedly remind you that we are the master, you are the servant, we are in charge and you are not, we do and you are done to. Even when we hoover you we remain superior because someone who wants you back after the way you have behaved or someone who (falsely) recognises their own shortcomings must surely be superior mustn’t they? The unleashed smear campaign is another piece of our superiority. We are not smeared are we? We are impervious to it, nobody would dare do it and if they tried nobody would believe them because our innate superiority embodied in the façade that we have created. Every single step of your dance with our kind exudes our superiority. It is felt, seen, heard and witnessed, from the way we behave with you through to the way that we behave with others. It is natural to us and therefore should be expected. It is also necessary. If we are not superior to you, we cannot be in control. If we are not in control, then how can we keep you providing us with fuel? Our superiority is necessary. Our superiority is always evident. Here are twenty ways in which we demonstrate our superiority through the things we say.

  1. I don’t do domesticated
  2. I would never shop there. It is for the great unwashed.
  3. I wouldn’t expect you to understand what I am saying but you could at least try.
  4. Someone has to lead, someone has to make decisions.
  5. Don’t expect me to do something like that.
  6. Don’t be sorry, be accurate. Like me.
  7. I don’t have time for this.
  8. That isn’t something I would ever be found doing.
  9. People like me are above things like that.
  10. Yes, well it is about your level isn’t it?
  11. Don’t worry about it, how would you ever know that?
  12. These things are best left to people like me.
  13. It can be tough at the top you know.
  14. I don’t shovel shit.
  15. Do I look like a cleaner to you?
  16. I have more important things to do.
  17. This is minutiae and beneath me.
  18. Come back when you earn as much as I do.
  19. Show me a good loser and I will show you a loser.
  20. Do you know who I am?

9 thoughts on “Too Good For That

  1. mommypino says:

    One time I was day dreaming after buying a lottery ticket and told my MRE sister that if I win I will buy an apartment complex in San Francisco which was her favorite place in the world and have her live in one of the apartments as part of her salary as she manages the rental apartments for me and do the interior decorating. This was inspired by her inability to get a job that she loves and her talents in decorating. She was outraged and insulted and told me that she has worked hard all her life and ‘informed’ me how cumbersome it is to manage rental apartments. She told me to just buy her a house in San Francisco if I win. She’s too superior that even my fantasy was not good enough for her.

    1. BurntKrispyKeen says:

      I had to smile when you said that even your fantasy was not good enough. Oh My Goodness! 😀 They are something else.

      1. mommypino says:

        Lol they really are!!

  2. geyserempath says:

    Two of my absolute favourites were:
    1. In reference to a woman’s store where men shop for gifts – “I will never shop there, dudes don’t go there.”
    2. In reference to news that was new to him, but he would not acknowledge it – “This is my town, I know everything that goes on.”


  3. P.S. I am tired of doing domesticated for my own apartment. I even inquired today, of a repairman, if he knew anyone who did house cleaning. I can not tell anyone or inquire of anyone I know, because they will say: It`s just you! Don`t be so lazy. Especially, because I am a female. However, he said, no. But, then my neighbor across the hall heard me inquire and said he does house work twice a month, and that he has cleaned very fancy homes and apartments, for a prestigious service once. However, I think having a neighbor do this for me, and a man is a bit creepy and too intimate. I think I have to tell him, no. Can I afford it? Not really, but I am tired. I want to do other things.

    1. Getting There says:

      I would love a maid! I personally worry about ability more than gender, but I understand the privacy aspect. I would struggle with a neighbor, though. If there is an issue one way or another, you both are still around and now uncomfortable.
      I say #7 a lot myself. I am constantly doing and feel that my capacity for more is beyond limited, yet more is added. I usually mutter it and don’t say “no” to the more often.

    2. Claire says:

      I just let my house person go. Why? Child labor in the form of a 12, 11, and 9 year old. Feel free to take them for the summer.

  4. Dearest HG: I sort of want someone like this. Doesn`t sound so bad to me. I guess I am missing something, or perhaps I live in NYC where everyone sort of talks like this.

    1. lisk says:

      NYC: a nexus of narcissism? Not surprising in the least!

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