
H.G Tudor - Manipulated e-book cover

You are being manipulated and you may not even know how.
The first stage to combatting the narcissist is to
understand. Understand what the manipulations are that are
used against you and why.
This book will tell you what the most common
narcissistic manipulations are and why they are
used by the narcissist. Acquire this knowledge
and reduce your vulnerability
to the narcissist.
Beat the narcissist and know their machinations.

23 thoughts on “Manipulated

  1. zwartbolleke says:

    HG, is this the same as the printed book?

    1. HG Tudor says:


      1. zwartbolleke says:

        Thank You HG

  2. foolme1time says:

    Touché HG, Touché

  3. MB says:

    I see you added “the world’s no. 1 source” too. You’re not going to be able to keep your identity under wraps much longer!

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Of course I am, I’ve done so nearly all my life.

      1. MB says:

        There are people that know you IRL. Only a matter of time before TMZ pays big money to one of your inner circle friends to rat you out!

        1. HG Tudor says:

          They are unswervingly loyal – with good reason.

          1. MB says:

            I truly have no doubt that is the case.

          2. Lorelei says:

            I don’t get it. I’m befuddled because I would have that degree of loyalty but not many people do. In fact, I have the confidentiality of a priest but it’s an uncommon attribute for many.

      2. PrincessSuperEmpath says:

        Dearest HG: Regarding your reply: `Of course I am, I’ve done so nearly all my life.` HG, I see what you did there. Touche`

  4. Believer says:

    They manipulate the finest details of everything…

  5. foolme1time says:

    I find that I actually manipulate myself at times more then any narcissist has ever done to me.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Now now FM1T we will have no such vulgarity mentioned here!

      1. foolme1time says:

        Write what you wish oh wise one, but you and I both know that it is true! 😘

        1. Lorelei says:

          How does manipulating the self manifest? I’m interested in understanding this.

          1. HG Tudor says:

            You can’t.

          2. HG Tudor says:

            As in you can’t manipulate yourself.

          3. foolme1time says:


            I will try to explain this to you, hopefully you understand it.
            I have been conditioned so well by all of the narcissists in my life, that I get into my own head and they don’t need to do anything. It seems it doesn’t matter who it is, even someone new that I have met and it doesn’t need to be in a romantic relationship either, it could be a new neighbor or a new employee who I form a bond with, I’m so use to the manipulations carried out by the narcissists, my mind goes right into a past scenario and I will think I know what your doing, I’ve done this before, this is always the outcome, I know how to play this game. So I get myself so worked up with ET and what these people are doing and none of it is true! So then I have to back peddle in order to not look like a complete nutter! I hope this gives you some what of an understanding Lorelei? I’ve never tried to explain to anyone before.

          4. Lorelei says:

            I think I understand. Is this a hypervigilance resulting from mistreatments that make you predict behaviors or misinterpret things are being toxic that are not? Like even normalcy feels awry because you expect misery? So, you have to back peddle when the predicted outcome is not occurring as not to seem like your reactions to the relationship were unusual. The “unusual” stuff would have been the high alert sort of reactivity items?

  6. MB says:

    Nice graphic!

    1. HG Tudor says:

      It’s more than nice it’s superb

      1. MB says:


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