



The issue of our kind impregnating a victim is yet another tool that exists within our manipulative toolkit to enable us to achieve our aims. I daresay some of you may find it abhorrent and reprehensible that such an act as conception and the bringing forth of new life should also fall within our repertoire of machinations. Others of you will not be surprised, long-used to the notion that nothing is off limits to us. Everything is in play. As ever,the issue of impregnation and the forthcoming birth is very much something that is relevant to our kind and as ever, I provide you with the truth of how it is regarded by our kind, no matter how unpalatable it may be.

There are several ways in which the act of conception, pregnancy and the issue of children are used to further our dark agendas.

  1. The Promise

The promise to give you children at the early stage of the relationship is always done with a view to ensuring that you succumb to our seduction. See how committed we are to you? We want to have children with you. You. Nobody else. What other commitment underlines and reinforces the strength of our desire to you? The joining of two people in love and creating new life together is the epitome of commitment. How your eyes fill with joyous tears and that look of spreading delight crosses your face when you realise that this wonderful, brilliant and magnificent person wants to have children with you. Whether it is impregnating you or us bearing your child, this promise is readily wheeled out in order to clinch the deal. What you should also have regard to that expressing a desire to make you pregnant/become pregnant by you is actually all about reinforcing our dominance over you. From the male narcissistic perspective, the act of having you take our seed deep inside of you, subjugated to our desire to create new life underlines our power. You are not only allowing us to enter your most private of places but you are allowing us to deposit our very essence there as well. To us this is the ultimate act of conquest. We have vanquished all resistance and there, deep in your sacred and intimate place we have placed ourselves. From the female perspective, the act of becoming pregnant by you underlines how we have subsumed you into us. We have engulfed you and drawn that which defines you into our very deepest of places. We have similarly conquered you.

Not only is this promise made early in the seduction, it will be made irrespective of existing children we may have and that you may have. In our minds they are all just tests demonstrating our fertility for this most supreme of acts, the union of you and I. If we are considerably younger than you and you are female, aware of the ticking of the biological clock this promise of wanting to impregnate you will be used as a golden carrot to dangle in front of you. You are on the cusp of being barren, sterile years may well beckon and here we are, youthful, virile, fertile ready to not only give you our perfect love but to offer that perfect love by way of impregnating you. It is a powerful and irresistible promise which many find exhilarating and captivating. Add to this mix any existing issues in terms of trying to conceive or give birth and this vulnerability will be exploited even further. We want to give you what you want, only because it will give us what we want.

This promise will be launched at you from early on and will initially seem like a loving and romantic comment to make, but it is one that is borne out of the need to dominate and conquer and is a promise that will be made good for the second reason.

  1. Binding

There is no better way to bind you to us than the issue of children. The creation of children means that you are far less likely (and indeed in many cases unable) to escape us. You want the perfect image of a family and with someone who has arrived with such a glorious love for you, who better than us to have children with? We know that because as an empathic person you will dedicate yourself to their upbringing and therefore allow us reduce our own involvement save when it suits us. As you know, when you need support we are invariably found to be lacking. We choose having children as a means of tying you tight to us, ensuring you will provide plenty of fuel for us and have a huge obstacle in your way when it comes to trying to escape us. We have no desire to have children with you because of anything to do with you. We are using you as an incubator. We are like the insect which arrives and lays its eggs in another host causing them to do all the hard work. Once those eggs hatch you will be consumed, cast aside, just as that insect would with the empty husk of the carrier whose role has been completed. You are an appliance that supplies fuel. You are an appliance which is there to carry our offspring leaving us free to cultivate other fuel sources. You will receive little or no help from us, or be doted on, dependent on whether the pregnancy remains in the golden period. Whichever it is we expect you to bring forth our issue without complication or problem because these children are required for the third and fourth reasons.

  1. Pawns

What better device to use as a means of triangulation than one’s own children? These pawns are used in the ongoing competition with you.

“I love you more than mummy, you know that don’t you?”

“I’m your favourite aren’t I?”

“Let’s not tell daddy about this.”

“Mummy doesn’t really love you, but I do.”

Such utterances are issued in order to ensure that the children understand who is their master and commander. They will be used to provide us with fuel as they find themselves to our manipulations also but more than anything else they are a necessary and brilliant device that is used to triangulate with you.

“I will let you but daddy won’t.”

“Isn’t Mummy grumpy today?”

“Here, take this money but don’t tell your mother.”

“Aren’t you happy you look just like me?”

Your parenting of these children will be questioned. What you once did so well, will become the subject of scrutiny and criticism. Any perceived failure on the part of the advancement of these children – in education, popularity, sport and social competence – will be laid at your door. You have failed them. This heartless and savage criticism, attacking your competency as a parent is a fantastic method of causing you to spill fuel. All the while to the outside world we will appear the doting dad, the marvellous mother, the perfect parent. Little does the façade reveal of the tyrannical reign that emerges behind that closed door. The tears and sobbing never cross the threshold.

  1. Legacy

We wish to live forever. Someone as brilliant as ourselves deserves this and children provide the ideal conduit for securing that legacy. Our magnificence lives on through the accomplishments and achievements of children.

“He gets his brains from me.”

“Yes I was a champion sprinter as well.”

“He has inherited my artistic side.”

“I always knew he would follow me into the profession.”

“It is in the good genes I gave her; I always knew she would be a brilliant swimmer.”

The child never achieves anything. We caused those achievements. The credit will always be hoovered up by us. Sucking the admiration and fuel from onlookers as we grasp the glory and seize it for ourselves. We never give credit to anybody else and we make no adjustment to this selfishness with our children. They are just a further extension of ourselves. We attached you to us as an extension but we actually created these extensions, that is how powerful we consider ourselves to be.

We believe that children are the future. Our future.

5 thoughts on “Impregnate

  1. Taryn says:

    “…the act of having you take our seed deep inside of you, subjugated to our desire to create new life underlines our power. You are not only allowing us to enter your most private of places but you are allowing us to deposit our very essence there as well. To us this is the ultimate act of conquest. We have vanquished all resistance and there, deep in your sacred and intimate place we have placed ourselves.”
    Oh God, HG. That was exactly what it was like with *****. And I LOVED it!! I always felt it an honor that he granted me his seed. It was something precious to be cherished, whether or not a new life was brought forth from that seed (we never had children together, though I have three from my marriage and he had two stepsons from his). You and everyone else may think me mad, but it’s the God’s honest truth. Just carrying around his seed, a living part of
    him, inside me was reward enough, and I LOVEEEE dominant men. I’ve been described as “a handful and a half” by others and any man who can handle that surely must be ultra strong, and that level of strength makes me feel secure. I am not weak, but I need my man to be much stronger than me in every way. That he granted me this part of himself, his own DNA, made me feel special, chosen. It still does 🥰

    1. Leslie says:

      You’re a demented individual and God I feel horrible for your children. Pathetic.

  2. It girl says:

    Dear HG- I’m gonna try and make this as short as possible and need to know what is going to happen here- my ex discarded me after of course I wanted to be out of the relationship for about a year prior. We were together for almost 2 years before but had flings here and there for the past 30 years- I had been previously discarded at 19 (had no idea what I was dealing with at the time) fast forward and a few casual sex encounters intermittently throughout the 30 years of knowing him. He was a drug addicted and a musician who used women for money to fund his projects and would go on meth binders on and off during that time. He has (as of today) 5 baby mamas, 7 kids and one on the way ranging in age from 0-28. He is now with the person he replaced me with (she became pregnant when we were still together) she is now 8mo and he has blocked me and we have not spoken since I reached out because one of his sons was in a terrible motorcycle accident 5mo ago- he thanked me for reaching out then he blocked me- the new girl is 23 and got pregnant possible the first time they ever had sex- they moved in together straight from our house to their new place- he is posting pics of them on Facebook with his hands wrapping around her Pregnant belly from behind (all hugged up). He is 49 and would tell me he does not want anymore kids we had 9 total between us I have 2 boys. They are having a girl. I had told him I wanted a girl but it wouldn’t be likely (and thank god) given my age. All of that background said- when will he be done with her and what is going on here?? I mean my head knows my heart just hurts because I am a loving good person and I know it’s all to get me to feel like shit and I am up and down with emotions because I do not want him back at all. I just want to know when she will get the horrible treatment I got? Please give me some clarity here- so I get out of my own way!! Thank you.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Hello It Girl, this is a matter for consultation so I can gather more information from you and convey more information to you. Please organise a consultation with me. See the menu bar for more options.

  3. ava101 says:

    Did I mention that the woman the ex-narc had impregnated, earns a lot of money, more than he does … ? She had supported her ex-husband, and as soon as she was divorced, the ex-narc married her. … *lol*

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