The Hateful Eight of Hearing


When you speak, this is what we actually hear. We hear the words but the effect differs. You say the words in bold but beneath is what we really hear you say to us.

  1. I Love you

 I admire you. I adore you. You are a god. You are a prince among men. Nobody does it better. You are a king, an emperor, a champion. You are everything that I have ever wanted. I would wither and die were it not for you. I want to be with you forever. I want to worship beneath you and give thanks minute by minute that someone so scintillating, so special and so brilliant as you would choose me to be by your side. I will give you sweet, potent and invigorating fuel now and forever. I am bound to you now, do as you will.

  1. Please leave me alone

Stay and punish me. I am disloyal and a traitor. I have wronged you on so many occasions and I deserve everything that I get. I am weak, pathetic and disgusting and I am amazed at your generosity in remaining with me. I have failed you and I am so unworthy I wish to crawl into a hole and die there but I ought to face you and accept my punishment because my treacherous behaviour deserves nothing less. Continue to berate and denigrate me and reinforce why you are so much better than me.

  1. Why are you doing this to me?

 I am challenging your right to treat me like this because I am suggesting that you are not entitled to do this. I am making it plain that you are not superior to me and you have no basis for behaving like this. I am trying to make you feel small and weak because I am disloyal and I am always looking for ways to stop you getting fuel. I am a traitor, a fifth columnist who is seeking to bring you down and topple this empire that you have created. I am criticising your entitlement. Do you hear that word you hate so much? Criticise. You need to carry on and punish me.

  1. What would you like for dinner?

 I am trying to irritate you by suggesting that I do not already know. I am doing this because I am suggesting that I do not think ahead, plan and second guess to cater for your every need. Do you know why I am suggesting that? Do you know why I am pretending that I do not already know? It is because I want to strip you of your special and superior status. Yes, this is another of my seditious acts which is designed to make you think and feel that you are losing your power over me. It’s working isn’t it? You are feeling weakened and you are wondering what other treacherous acts I will engage in. Why don’t you lose your temper and throw something about? That will show me.

5. I think the blue shirt looks better on you

I am telling you that your choice of the red shirt is a bad one. Do you know why that it is? It is because you know nothing about clothes and fashion. In fact I am going further than that because I am actually telling you that you know nothing at all and I know better than you. Yes, can you believe it? Little old stupid me knows more than this supposed god that stands before me. How does that make you feel now eh? I love doing this. I love to challenge your choices and make you appear stupid next to me, a person who is apparently useless. Does this hurt? I thought so. That is why I do it because I am trying to destroy you with comments like this. I think you should storm out of the room and leave the house for a couple of days so I know who is in charge.

6.There’s something wrong with you

 I am on to you. I know what you are. I know there is something rotten in the state of you. You are warped, evil and not the person you make out to be. I am not fooled any longer by your showmanship and I am going to tell everyone about you. I know the truth of what you are. Oh I know, how can I know when I am the one who has the problem. I know that I’m really the crazy one and I do nothing but make your life hell, but I am trying to brush that under the carpet by suggesting that you are the oddball, the maniac, the fruit loop, the kerazy wild-eyed freak. How dare I do so when I am the one that is obviously ill and needs help. I know I do but I like to play this game with you but it’s okay, you should go and tell everyone else what I am doing again and why not arrange for me to see a doctor too to give it a real ring of authenticity?

 7. Please don’t leave me

I am weak and pathetic and useless. I should have known better than to fail you. I will do anything, anything at all to make you stay with me. You can treat me even worse now. Do what you will to me, I am nothing compared to you. I should be punished for my transgressions because I am so pathetic compared to your greatness. I am nothing without you. You have given me everything and like a spoilt child I have been so ungrateful but I need you. There I have said it. I need you so, so much because you are fantastic and you do so much for me and I am just a horrible person. You can treat me like dirt because that is what I deserve but why not ensure I get the message by walking out and staying away for several weeks without ever getting in touch. That should show who is boss shouldn’t it?

8. It is over.

 Well I have said that but that is not what I meant. I meant I am an idiot and I say things which I do not mean because let’s be honest, there must be something wrong with me if I want to be apart from someone like you, someone so special, kind and wonderful who has only ever tried to do the right thing and someone who has only ever had my best interests at heart. I don’t mean it really. I am just doing it for attention, but I need you to tell me why I should stay and it would be great if you cried a bit too, just to make it look like you are really upset by me telling you it is over. Go on, squeeze a couple out to show me you really are human and can be hurt by my horrible threat. Oh and don’t be concerned, I know you finished it first.

17 thoughts on “The Hateful Eight of Hearing

  1. Hope says:

    This is so funny to me! I don’t mean to make light of a dark situation, but it is hard to just read it and not laugh out loud. The contrast is so stark. It’s tragic. Tragically funny. I hear my voice, strained and pleading, “leave me alone,” then his voice, calm, matter-of-fact, pleased and delighted, “Stay, and punish me.” LOL! I continue his narrative, “Well thanks for the invite, don’t mind if I do.”

    I love this insight HG. So valuable and immediately useful. Thank you.

  2. Lorelei says:

    Cute picture Renarde!

  3. Whitney says:

    HG the God,
    I’m scared that if I get rid of all the narcissists and psychopaths that surround me, I’ll feel empty.
    I wonder if I’m Codependent and that’s why. I wonder how I’d feel. What would life be like, without all these weird people.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      That is emotional thinking at work.

      1. Whitney says:

        Thank you HG the God. Do you know how I would feel without any narcissists or psychopaths (except you)?

        1. HG Tudor says:

          Much better.

          1. Whitney says:

            Thank you for saying I would feel much better without narcs and psychopaths. I can’t imagine it.

          2. Whitney says:

            You are simply the best person in this world, HG.

          3. HG Tudor says:

            I know.

  4. Renarde says:

    Great article HG.

    Here are my responses.

    I Love you

    Yes I do. You lied to me when you told me twice, unpromted that you did. Yes you did. I’m not hard of understanding.

    One must NEVER lie over the L word.

    Pllease leave me alone

    No really, fuck off. I dont want to see you or hear from you ever again.

    Waste of space. Man child. A destroyer of women.

    Oh still here are you? Fuck. Off

    Why are you doing this to me?

    Oh dear, the PA is strong with this one. I think the answer must be because you deserve it?

    What would you like for dinner?

    A main course of being respectable with a side order of decent?

    Oh, too much trouble? How sad.

    I think the blue shirt looks better on you

    I do not care which shirt looks better because you are still a twat.

    There’s something wrong with you

    Yes absolutly. But what is wrong with you can never be made better.

    NPD, much? Oh call me a narc again. That’s funny. Truly.

    Please don’t leave me

    But I have.

    It is over.

    It is over. Deal with it. Cunt.

    Thanks HG. So cathartic.

    1. Whitney says:

      I loved it Renarde very empowering 😊

      1. Renarde says:

        Thank you Whitney! I could’ve done better but was very angry at the time x

        1. Whitney says:

          Good for you Renarde. It’s good to be angry!

          1. Renarde says:


            By gum. I beside myself today!

    2. Kim e says:

      Renamed. Breaks my heart to hear your anger and pain. Hope things are better now. Hugs

      1. Renarde says:

        Kim e

        You are a diamond. Dont break you heart over me, I’ll be ok.

        I feel like a stupid, fucking tosspot. I did this to myself. Because ny own narc traits led me to investigate both my narc traits and empathic behaviours.

        Matters will get better because I wont be sucked into wanting care and understanding. I’ll get my care here.

        But please take my deep thanks for even thinking about me x

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