Meghan Markle : A Less Than Royal Narcissist : Part 33.3 : Engagement Analysis

2 thoughts on “Meghan Markle : A Less Than Royal Narcissist : Part 33.3 : Engagement Analysis

  1. Asp Emp says:

    Poor Harry. To read that he says about being in ‘love’ with Meghan, 3 times and it is not ‘reciprocated’ by her once. Yes, Harry was already ensnared by then – by becoming engaged – it is not as if the engagement would end, since it being such a high profile and public ‘union’. And, maybe, the narcissism in Meghan did not reciprocate, partly because, to a certain degree, it would indicate ‘handing over control / power’ to Harry – yet Meghan would not have done this consciously.

    Reading this video also reminded me of a ‘relationship’ with a Portuguese guy that was ‘professing’ his ‘love’ so very quickly. I am now quite confident that he is a narcissist. You don’t “fall in love” with somebody within a few hours of meeting them – impossible!

    These videos that HG is producing act as ‘refreshers’ to his other work on KTN site yet from a different aspect, using Meghan as well as the rest of the Royal Family, the various teams of ‘coteries & lieutenants’ (with there being more than one narcissist within the family as a whole).

  2. Duchessbea says:

    HG, this series is truly fascinating. I like your take, and you are always fair in what you say. There is so much content here to be covered, you have barely even touched the tip of the iceberg. Looking forward to more brilliant insights and excellent commentary. Thank you HG.

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