The Treatment



We do not seek treatment. The answer to why that is the case is a simple one. There is nothing wrong with us. Occasionally we may be compelled to undergo treatment but that is a different matter. We feel no compulsion at all to volunteer to be subjected to analysis and therapy because there is nothing wrong with us. Yes, we know that our treatment of other people is often unpleasant and has significant downsides to those who are subjected to it but that still does not amount to a good reason why we should seek some form of assistance. The way we behave is the way we behave. Deal with it. We cannot help but act this way because it is the way we have been designed. We must obtain our precious fuel and if that means we lash out and wound others, emotionally and physically then that it is the price that has to be paid. By you.

You must also remember that since we have no concept of empathy, when we see our behaviour injure others it does not affect us. We do not feel guilt, we do not feel shame at what we have done and we do not feel the need to put right the injurious harm we mete out to others. This is our modus operandi and it can never be changed. Add to that our lack of remorse and you have two huge reasons why we will not act to seek treatment to change our ways.

Naturally, there will be times where we will talk about seeking treatment.

“I need help, I know that now. You are the only one who can do it.”

“If I seek assistance for this terrible affliction, will you stay and help me?”

“I don’t know why I do it, perhaps I need help. Will you help me?”

“I need you. Don’t go. You have to save me from myself.”

“I will change, I will go and see somebody, just don’t leave me, please.”

These are all empty promises. Remember, words comes easy to us. We will dangle these carrots of penance and insight in order to get you to do what we want. Once that has been secured and you try to cash the cheque that we have written you will find the bank has not only been closed but razed to the ground. It is not a question of there being nothing to cash it against, there is nowhere to cash it.

Treatment is for the weak and foolish. To submit to it is an admission of weakness. In the rare instances that we will, it is only to enable us to get something else that we want or to prevent something drastic happening to us and thus we regard the pay-off as one worth making. We do this safe in the knowledge that any treatment will not be effective because:-

  1. We use our manipulative wiles to con the person treating us into concluding that there is nothing wrong with us;
  2. We spend the time trying to charm the therapist and this may work or if they are alive to our manipulation they are forced to terminate the work;
  3. We do not want to change and see the therapist’s actions as a direct challenge which we must thwart. Our energy is channelled into frustrating and defeating him or her and not applying ourselves to the treatment.
  4. We treat the treatment as a form of fuel.

This results in it being futile.The reality is that those who engage with us are the ones that end up seeking treatment. It is most often the case that our bewildering and confusing conduct towards you has you at your wit’s end. You seek answers and if you are fortunate, you turn to a professional who is fully conversant with out kind.

They are able to illuminate you to what you have endured, assist your understanding and then hold your hand as they take you through the painful and difficult extrication from our grip. You are blessed with insight from this treatment.In certain instances, the abuse we dole out is such that it seriously damages the recipient and therefore treatment is needed to deal with the symptoms of our behaviour towards you. The ramifications for you are serious and have long lasting effects.

We do not seek the treatment. You do. In doing so this is often the first time you actually realise what you have encountered and what you have been subjected to.

3 thoughts on “The Treatment

  1. Pingback: Behandlingen - Psykopatene blant oss
  2. BC30 says:

    I swear. Everything gets tucked away as revenge kindling.

  3. Asp Emp says:

    Re-reading comments from an earlier time this article was posted – reminded me of the MRN I knew. He never shared with me whether he had therapy of any kind – after all, he did ‘drain’ me of my character traits (by acquisition and at the same time, causing my emotional empathy to erode etc – alongside the ones at work!!) my ever so generous support (fuel for him) was his ‘therapy’ (in some very distorted perspective) – just because of his narcissism.

    He even mentioned to me (more than once) that he does not like those who complain to have ‘mental health’ issues yet he’d worked as an advocate !!!

    Knowing what I do know about narcissism and the Victim-Violinist-Pity-Playin-Whining-Shrivelled-Up-Dry-Walnut-Balled-My-Dick-No-Longer-Works-Oh-Woe-Is-Me MRN that he is – was he actually indirectly, or instinctively ‘speaking’ about his OWN ‘mental health’ issues?

    I have no pity for the narcissists from my past, I do not care about them, because they made it personal for ME. They made it difficult for others to give me the support that I needed – because I was also providing support to other people at the time (unrelated to narcissism) – I had to stop this support group that I managed because I became too ‘ill’. FFS.

    Hence why my learning about narcissism is important for me and others who I may support in the future.

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