Understanding Word Salad

  What is word salad? Why do narcissists use it? What does it sound like? How do you deal with it? This provides you with a comprehensive example of word salad and then detailed explanations about its use and how you may tackle it. Toss the word salad here

If You Leave the Narcissist

  The narcissist senses that the grip on the victim is under threat in the dynamic between narcissist and Intimate Partner Primary Source. A Preventative Hoover follows – can you establish which school and cadre of narcissist (or narcissists?) is delivering these Preventative Hoovers? If you leave me I shall surely die and you cannot […]


  When we seduce you, we want to absorb you. We want to make you part of us. This is because we see you as an extension of ourselves but it is also because we want to ensure that you are isolated and cut-off from any potential threats to our grand design for you. It […]

Child Defender

    You now have access to material to defend your child or children against the narcissist. Using years of experience and insight combined with applied and effective advice given to those in consultation, HG Tudor has created the Child Defender Assistance Package. This unrivalled material is filled with information, insight, advice, analysis and practical […]


        One of our central aims when we have targeted you is to bind you to us. During our seduction we create this magical place and invite you and only you to inhabit it with us. We build a fantastic place and place you on a pedestal in the centre of this […]