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  • 29,380,296 Logic Hits

Heart Hooks No 3

      (This is a meme. There is no accompanying text.) Did the narcissist say this to you? How was it conveyed, when was it conveyed and what was your response?  If this phrase (or similar) was said to you, how did it make you feel? What did you believe by it?

Showing Restraint

        In some instances, the actions of our kind necessitate the obtaining of an injunction or a restraining order to address certain behaviours. Obtaining one is not always as straight forward as it might appear, though much depends on the type of narcissist that you are dealing with. You can often count […]

How The Narcissist Understands and Uses Tears – Part Four

The production of tears and the emotion associated with such production has always been a source of fascination for me. I have shared with you my experiences and observations concerning pain, upset, pride and joy. The final part of this quartet concerns another occasion when the tears begin to flow. Just in the same way […]