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  • 29,395,755 Logic Hits

Understanding Word Salad

What is word salad? Why do narcissists use it? What does it sound like? How do you deal with it? This provides you with a comprehensive example of word salad and then detailed explanations about its use and how you may tackle it. Toss the word salad here

Nobody Is Listening

Go on then, tell them all what has happened to you? Go on, here, take my phone and ring my parents, my family and my friends. Ring my colleagues too. Telephone the golf club in fact why don’t you take out an advertisement in a local, no, make it a nationa lnewspaper and tell everybody […]

Weeping With the Frenemy

  You will be familiar with the concept of a frenemy. One of the applications of this oxymoronic portmanteau is to describe a person who pretends to be your friend but is actually your enemy. The frenemy makes several appearances in the narcissistic world. The most obvious one is us. We appear as friend but […]