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Thanksgiving Tudorgiving


*** Extended for a further 24 hours by repeated request to increase the AAF and to allow people the opportunity to learn of the news ***

You may have noticed I have recently been away (I still am away but now with greater access you will doubtless be pleased to know) and during my absence there has been a build-up of Angels requiring assistance.

Given the fact that it is Thanksgiving today and thus many readers will be celebrating this occasion and taking time to give thanks for their own blessings in life. Accordingly, in order to marry such reflection with the continued need for others (along with a nudge from numerous readers) for the next 24 hours all donations to the Angel Assistance Fund will be matched by me for immediate use.

I am aware from previous years on this site and the emails that I receive that this period of the year can cause considerable problems for people ensnared with our kind, whether it be remembering behaviours from the past or having to cope with an ongoing difficult at a time which is meant to be joyous and supportive, the need for assistance and understanding has spiked prior to today and will inevitably continue as we head towards Christmas.

I invite you to all make a donation, no matter what size, using the button below which you can adjust with regard to the amount and I will match the amount you donate to swell the Angel Assistance Fund at this critical time of year.

 I will also, when acknowledging donations, let you into a secret as to what part of my recent travels involved, which I know you will find rather exciting…..

HG Tudor

Thanksgiving Matched Donation

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