Thanksgiving Tudorgiving


*** Extended for a further 24 hours by repeated request to increase the AAF and to allow people the opportunity to learn of the news ***

You may have noticed I have recently been away (I still am away but now with greater access you will doubtless be pleased to know) and during my absence there has been a build-up of Angels requiring assistance.

Given the fact that it is Thanksgiving today and thus many readers will be celebrating this occasion and taking time to give thanks for their own blessings in life. Accordingly, in order to marry such reflection with the continued need for others (along with a nudge from numerous readers) for the next 24 hours all donations to the Angel Assistance Fund will be matched by me for immediate use.

I am aware from previous years on this site and the emails that I receive that this period of the year can cause considerable problems for people ensnared with our kind, whether it be remembering behaviours from the past or having to cope with an ongoing difficult at a time which is meant to be joyous and supportive, the need for assistance and understanding has spiked prior to today and will inevitably continue as we head towards Christmas.

I invite you to all make a donation, no matter what size, using the button below which you can adjust with regard to the amount and I will match the amount you donate to swell the Angel Assistance Fund at this critical time of year.

 I will also, when acknowledging donations, let you into a secret as to what part of my recent travels involved, which I know you will find rather exciting…..

HG Tudor

Thanksgiving Matched Donation

121 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Tudorgiving

  1. santaann1964 says:

    I have to say, the support that is being given to you Mr. H in regards to respect of privacy about your news has blown me away. Thank God for us in your forum. You have quite the following. I sure hope you are grateful for us and we are for you! Nvm my other questions about getting in touch with you. How do we the “Empaths” fit in? I’m very curious.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      I always respect the confidentiality provisions. I expect the same of those who engage my services through consultations and as per the conditions of email correspondence.

      A small number do not. It is always noted.

  2. santaann1964 says:

    I want to ask you a question about the good news. Cannot do it here, where can I?

    1. HG Tudor says:

      You can email me, but there is no guarantee I will answer.

  3. Chihuahuamum says:

    Hi HG…will this offer still be in effect next week? I want to donate but need to get a gift card to do so thx

    1. HG Tudor says:

      I will honour matching your payment C-MUm.

      1. Chihuahuamum says:

        Hi HG…ty ill be donating tomo once i get my gift card 🙂 looking forward to the secret news!

        1. HG Tudor says:

          Jolly good.

  4. Witch says:

    Excellent news HG!
    I can’t wait!!!

  5. santaann1964 says:

    Now you have my home address and phone number 😋
    Call me! Just kidding. Glad to help an 😇

  6. SMH says:

    Are we finally able to have a big Tudorite real life reunion? lol. Getting married? Matrinarc died? OK you got me too, HG, even though I just donated! Getting that cc out again.

    1. MB says:

      SMH, I was hoping for the Tudorite ball as described in Comfortably Dumb! It’s awesome news regardless.

      1. SMH says:

        MB, Agreed – it is awesome news! Perfect for HG!

  7. Whitney says:

    You’re a living diety and a saint and you bring tears to my eyes 💝

  8. njfilly says:

    Awesome secret! Very exciting development! Thank you for sharing.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      You are welcome.

  9. Gypsy Heart says:

    Thank you HG for the news and matching my donation to the angels.

    This is amazing news and can barely wait to hear more about it! Congratulations, this is some of the most exciting information yet!

    1. HG Tudor says:

      You are most welcome, thank you for donating.

  10. lisk says:

    Dear HG,

    I’m very happy to hear about your secret, am very excited for you and for most others who will be affected by it!

    You may notice I said “most.”

    I have this niggling worry that one day Narcx will know of your secret and will benefit from it. I doubt Narcx would change on a deep level, of course, but I am sure he would use your secret to improve his facade.

    I do not wish for Narcx (or any narc) to benefit from your secret in this way, especially because it would better assist him in ensnaring others.

    Is my wish narcissistic? Or it coming from a place of Emotional Thinking? Or both?

    What will *really* happen when narcs learn of your secret?

    1. HG Tudor says:

      They will not benefit.

      1. lisk says:


  11. NarcAngel says:

    It’s reward in itself to be given the platform and to be in a position to contribute to the AAF to help others, but the news in the “gift with purchase” amplifies that feeling all the more. Well done HG. Well done.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Thank you NA.

  12. MommyPino says:

    HG what a wonderful and exciting news! I’m so happy for this development. Honestly I have seen this coming and have been wondering for a long time why it hasn’t happened yet. I want to say a lot more but I don’t want to give out any clues. It is definitely great news for everybody.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Thank you.

      1. MommyPino says:

        You’re very welcome HG. And thank you for all that you do for us too.

  13. Mercy says:

    Happy Black Friday everyone. Shop till you drop but save some $$ for the angel fund

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Donate first, shop second!

      1. Mercy says:

        Always the sensible one

  14. Mercy says:

    I wish everyone would hurry and donate so we can talk about the news!!! I’m excited for you HG! I have questions and guess and I’m horrible at keeping secrets especially when it’s good news like this.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Then give them some nudges Mercy!

      1. Mercy says:

        How about giving us a goal to reach. If we make the goal we can talk about it. If not, sworn to secrecy FOREVER…

    2. MB says:

      I’m not sure if it has to do with “the news” or with watching too much ‘Rake’, but I dreamt last night that HG revealed his identity and he looked just like Richard Roxburgh! 🔥

      1. Mercy says:

        Oh now that’s a dream I wouldn’t mind having!

        1. MB says:

          Yes Mercy! He’s a safe Narc. If you haven’t watched the show, I highly recommend. It’s educational.

          1. Mercy says:

            MB, I’m more of a book reader than a tv watcher but I’m currently in a slump so maybe I’ll start watching this.

          2. MB says:

            Mercy, I’m not much of a tv watcher either, but this I enjoyed. Watched all five seasons in a few weeks. Cleaver makes me laugh.

      2. zwartbolleke says:

        Well here’s a story… I dreamt something like that too a couple of weeks ago…
        Sure as hell I’m reading too much on this site!!

        My Mr Tudor on the contrary didn’t look at all as your dream 🙂 Your one surely can spent some time with me, he is welcome 😉 ha ha!

        It also was totally not romanticaly or in a nice setting, but since it is some weeks ago I don’t remember the details…I remember he threatened me though: Don’t you dare, don’t you ever dare telling this to anybody.
        I remember vividly how he looked, strange how the brain and how dreams work… because this was a person I had never seen before (so not a famous person or person I know)

        This is my brain telling me: spend more time outside, go and do something but get off your screen 😉

        1. Mercy says:

          Zwart and MB, I dream about HG alot too. Never inappropriate (wink) or scary. I also dream about the other readers.

          1. MB says:

            Mercy and Zwart, I think dreaming of HG and Narcsite is a sign we might need a break!

  15. Dolores Haze says:

    Wow! Wow! Wow! 🤩 You guys, the news is so worth it! I couldn’t have guessed. Very happy for you, HG!

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Thank you Dolores.

  16. Pati says:

    Whoever reads this blog and doesnt make any comments. Please donate even $1 not only does it make a difference in somebody that needs assistance, but this exciting news from HG is awesome! HG I wish you all the best you deserve it! Also welcome back we needed this.

  17. Dolores Haze says:

    Tired of guessing, made a donation.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      The correct route to knowledge.

  18. njfilly says:

    Of course I will contribute to hear the secrets of Mr. HG Tudor which is the real life of some man whom we don’t know. (i have my suspicions of what the secret may be)!

  19. Cf says:

    I’m a glad to help, looking forward to hearing about your travels. Thank you for your work.

  20. Chihuahuamum says:

    Im dying to know this secret! Ill donate later today 😁 its great to help as well!

  21. WhoCares says:

    Wow. No way! That’s so awesome…I don’t know what I was expecting but not that… it’s fabulous news.

  22. Pati says:

    I just contributed cant wait to hear the exciting news HG!

    1. MommyPino says:

      Me too! 😊

  23. ThePolicyOfTruth says:

    Geez HG, it’s not Christmas yet! Why are you giving us such big exciting news when it’s still November? It’s like opening a Christmas present early!

    But what a Christmas present! Look out Santa – HG’s news pisses all over your train tracks and your tricycles!

    Great news HG. Really awesome. I’m delighted for you. I have so many questions of course, but for now I shall just say congratulations!

  24. candacemarie says:

    This is an amazing surprise! I am so happy for you HG!!

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Thank you

  25. kewtee31416 says:

    Alleluia!! Fantastic marvelous news!! I am so thrilled, I am now going to Double my own donation in hope of generating mega positive vibes for the wonderful forthcoming Success for both you, HG, and the Good Luck of all we Admirers.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Thank you for doing so. I’ve doubled my contribution also!

  26. FoolMe1Time says:

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone in the US!
    HG I am over the top excited and happy for you!! I have always prayed something like this might happen for you, but knowing that my prayers have been answered is something I still can’t believe! Omg HG!! This is the best news you have ever given us!! YAY!! Congratulations on this exciting news you deserve it my friend!! 💞

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Thank you

  27. Claire says:

    Hi guys,

    How much is the minimum to donate ? Whilst I have my very own personal reason to commemorate Thanksgiving, my efforts at the present are directed to other causes.
    Thus, my question.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all Americans. God bless.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      US $ 1 is the minimum

      1. Claire says:

        Thanks HG.

  28. Geminimom says:

    Reading your secret brought tears of joy to my eyes. Simply wonderful!

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Thank you.

  29. Renarde says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to my American chums!

    Always remember; Mummy loves you.

    Except that cunt Trump.

    He can

    Fuck. Right. Off

    1. Bibi says:

      Here Here, Renarde!

    2. Lorelei says:

      I love the emphasis with periods between “fuck, right, off.” It gives it a real punch!

      1. Renarde says:


        Thank you. I’m a writer, did I say? I’m sure I must have mentioned it somewhere ..

        I’m giggling to myself. Very norty of me to laugh at my own wit!

        Ahh…seriously, I think that people should consider not just the words but tone and inflection. Plus grammar. Spelling helps.

        I made Cream of Cerelery soup. Tastes good too!

        1. Lorelei says:

          It made me feel empowered to read! Your writing is lovely!

    3. Cyn says:

      Happy Thanksgiving!!

    4. santaann1964 says:

      Now now, Trump is the President of the USA! Mr.H this is not good reading.

  30. Cyn says:

    Super awesome secret!!!!!! hehehe

  31. candacemarie says:

    Donated and Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate! After reading the comments I am looking forward (even more so) to the big news!!

  32. FYC says:

    HG, The exciting development you share to all those who donate to your Thanksgiving Tudorgiving campaign ranks a 10.0 on the Tudor Richter scale. Amazing news!

    Anyone on the blog who does not give will miss out on the most exciting development since the blog’s inception. Your news made my day. I look to your future with great anticipation. I am so very happy for you.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all! HG, you have my sincere gratitude.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Hg agrees and approves.

  33. K says:

    Holy Crap! That was an epic secret!!! There are no words to describe it; I’m speechless and full of hope!

    1. K says:

      I am so excited!!!

      1. Lorelei says:

        Just reading K. Secrets??

        1. K says:

          Shock and awe! Ha ha ha….however, my lips are sealed!

          1. Lorelei says:

            My lips are sealed too. I’m not returning that damn library book until Jan. 1st. It exceeded online renewal and I’m feeling quite pleased about my haughtiness toward the public library system. Haha

    2. WhoCares says:

      That’s all I keep saying in my head as well, K,
      “Holy crap! Holy crap…”

      1. K says:

        Ha ha ha…I know! I was so shocked that I had to reread it several times before it sank in. Holy crap!

  34. Pingback: Thanksgiving Tudorgiving ⋆ NarcTopia
  35. MB says:

    HGs surprises are the best! Don’t miss out y’all. Let’s boost the Angel Fund!

    1. HG Tudor says:

      HG approves

  36. lisk says:


    I discovered you and KTN around this time last year. I remember being home at my parents’ for the TD holiday, staying overnight on the couch, not being able to sleep while I soaked in so many of your soul-saving articles via my phone.

    I hope my little donation helps someone at least start to get on their feet like you helped get me on mine. Once I get on a better track, I plan to give more.

    Thank you,


    1. HG Tudor says:

      Thank you and you’re welcome

      1. lisk says:

        You’re welcome, HG.

        Love the secret!

        Does Shieldmaiden know about it?

        1. MB says:

          I wondered the same thing Lisk. He’ll never tell!

  37. Desirée says:

    I recommend to anyone in doubt to make a donation, even if only a small one. You do not want to miss out on the information provided here. It is rather exciting indeed.

  38. EmP says:

    O.M.G. #2.
    Please, please make a donation to the AAF within the next 24 hrs!! You will help empaths in need AND you will LOVE the secret HG is going to share with you!!!
    Exciting news!!!!!!!!!!

  39. Cyn says:

    @HG I wish you had a holiday hotline lol. A phone bitch slap, maybe just recordings to get people out of ET.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      I am developing something along those lines for the forthcoming Christmas period. More news presently.

      1. Cyn says:

        Yaaaay! You really are a rockstar HG.

        1. HG Tudor says:

          True dat!

          1. Bibi says:

            I love when you go gangster, HG.

          2. HG Tudor says:

            Fo sho, shizxle ma nizzle and so on

          3. E. B. says:

            The notorious Aitch G on Spotify!

          4. HG Tudor says:

            Boom shakala!

          5. E. B. says:

            Hahaha 🙂

  40. Cyn says:

    Strength to all those struggling within the tendrils of your narcissists and also after your disengagement. I wasn’t prepared for the upheaval of PTSD stuff and ET on this year anniversary; although I’m grateful I’ve escaped I am amazed at how deep the scars still are and the sociopath’s shadow I suppose, despite all the work and no contact is still there. I know there is hope though and that hope began with GOSO and no contact.

    1. NarcAngel says:


      Keep up the good work Cyn. GOSO and No Contact offer more than hope – they result in success, and you’re on your way.

    2. NotMe! says:

      Stay strong Cyn, a year! Well done you. I hope you manage to celebrate and give thanks for your escape (if that’s your thing). Those scars will continue to heal because they’re no longer being picked at by engaging with the toxicity.
      Best wishes x

      1. Cyn says:

        Yep. That’s my thing. Just wasn’t ready to be slammed by a ton of emotions and trauma. Again. I am thankful though that the bleeding is stopped lol.

        1. Lorelei says:

          Cyn—what a good way of looking at it! “The bleeding is stopped.” Now the wound still needs tended to of course but you have this now. I won’t tell any time frame of the healing of the wound—we don’t need another 1100 comment thread my friend!

        2. lisk says:

          Good thing you got your HGT seatbelt on for the bumpy parts of your ride out of Narcland.

  41. Kim e says:

    I set up a recurring monthly yesterday. Is that going to qualify for the “secret”?

    1. HG Tudor says:

      I shall allow it Kim.

      1. Kim e says:

        HG. Thank you for sharing the secret. Welcome back.

        1. HG Tudor says:

          You are welcome and thank you.

      2. santaann1964 says:

        What secret, I wanna know too!

        1. santaann1964 says:

          I received the information. Great news but I have a important question about it?

  42. MB says:

    *MB squeals with delight*

  43. Narcologist101 says:

    Mr. HG Tudor! Even though you’re a narcissist, I like you and I thank you for your efforts. And I also thank you for the knowledge you have shared about your kind. Whatever your reasons are for sharing, know that you’ve helped many people. I suppose it’s a win win situation. Please do more videos, I’ve missed your voice and your talent of storytelling. Sending you tons of fuel. ✌️🔥

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Thank you N101. There will be more videos soon through a new Youtube channel that I have created.

      1. Chihuahuamum says:

        Hi HG…is it on patreon? Just wondering due to the new coppa regulatiins in jan

        1. HG Tudor says:

          Coppa does not affect my work.

      2. Chihuahuamum says:

        Youd said utube so i guess not

      3. Narcologist101 says:

        Great news, looking forward to your new channel. 🙂

      4. MB says:

        Is there a name for the new YT channel yet, HG? Do you know how much I’m looking forward to it?

        1. HG Tudor says:

          Yes, there is.

          1. MB says:

            I’m anxiously awaiting the announcement.

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