Finding Dollars : Funding Freedom : Prologue

2 thoughts on “Finding Dollars : Funding Freedom : Prologue

  1. Asp Emp says:

    Describing Omid’s “self-absorbed plastic face tool” – giggling at that.

    I watched ‘The Princes and the Press’ programme and could easily ascertain some of the narcissistic behaviours in more than one person. That plastic face was so obvious, he looks about 12!

    In this video, HG, you describe Harry ‘craving’ for normalcy. It would not surprise me at all if Harry continues to have moments where he ‘feels’ the ‘loss’ of his life before he met MM.

    Bloody hell, HG, I missed that previously “William who takes after that orderly and pragmatic granny the Queen”, it really made me laugh.

    In my view, Harry comes across as child-like in some of his mannerisms and I do not think it is to do with his ‘ensnarement’, but possibly more to do with his co-dependency due to the fact he lost his ‘rock’, his stability, security, trusted confidante (his mother). Is there a possibility of further underlying neurodiversity that has not yet been discovered?

    Sometimes ‘conditioning’ comes from “perceptions of society” and how people are “expected” to “behave” – just like I was made to feel. Because I was not ‘allowed’ to be the neurodiverse individual that I am. That added to my ‘fury’, the frustrations / restrictions. I agree that children need mentors, supporters, teachers, nurturers and so on, in order to build life skills in order to survive in this world. I have no envy towards those that do not have those restrictions***imposed on those children today. There had been so much control imposed on me as a person. ***especially the perception of society 40 years ago.

    Persona non grata.

    Well, people can go and fk themselves.

    Bless you, HG, I’ve continued reading this video and see the words “just write that you turd”……ah, fk, that felt good – a release of inappropriate laughter…..

    Thank you for posting this video, HG. It gave me an opportunity to think and release. You know, I had never realised how much ‘fury’ I had carried and the number of ‘avenues’ as to why my fury started, built up – most likely ‘imploded’ within me during the months December / January 2019 / 2020 (when I was unconsciously aware suicidal), and then being given this space (KTN blog) to recognise, understand and release it all. Thank you, HG, for listening xxx

    1. alexissmith2016 says:

      “In my view, Harry comes across as child-like in some of his mannerisms and I do not think it is to do with his ‘ensnarement’, but possibly more to do with his co-dependency due to the fact he lost his ‘rock’, his stability, security, trusted confidante (his mother). Is there a possibility of further underlying neurodiversity that has not yet been discovered?”

      That’s really interesting ASP. I found that the N caused me to regress? I also found this a good place to heal and grow from. I’m not CD but whilst under his spell I certainly found I had experienced feeling some CD type behaviours (although I never ever, not once let him know I was feeling these, it made me feel far too vulnerable and I don’t like to show any vulnerabilities). I’ve never experienced these types of feelings before or since. But he really took me to a place I could never go to again. I did find it helpful though to be honest because my innate strength now has a solidity to it which it perhaps didn’t quite before.

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