What is Emotional Empathy and who has it? What is its role with regard to empaths, normal people and narcissists?

To ensure you understand what has happened to you in respect of your involvement with the narcissist AND to allow you to defend yourself against future ensnarement and hurt, this Assistance Package will provide you with a wealth of information which includes :-

  • Understanding Emotional Empathy and what it is
  • Understanding how Emotional Empathy operates with regard to empaths, normals and narcissists
  • What does Emotional Empathy do?
  • Why empaths and normal people can be hurtful and why?
  • How to recognise Emotional Empathy
  • The relationship between Emotional Empathy and Cognitive Empathy
  • Several detailed scenarios demonstrating for you in clear and understandable terms the interactions between empaths, normals and narcissists in respect of conflict and its resolution
  • Several detailed scenarios to help you understand the difference of response from those involved in conflict
  • Several detailed scenarios demonstrating the response of empaths, normals and narcissists so you understand how instinctive manipulations occur
  • Several detailed scenarios showing how Wounding and Challenge Fuel factor into the concept of Emotional Empathy and Cognitive Empathy

This Assistance Package is delivered by audio file sent by email and will enhance your understanding of a key component of human behaviour and most importantly of all it will ensure you recognise how a narcissist is behaving in the context of emotional empathy so you are able to defend yourself.

This Assistance Package is currently available at a discounted price of just US $ 50 and is a fundamental part of increasing your understanding and achieving freedom from the narcissist.

Understanding Emot. Empathy