Knowing the Narcissist : 30 Hammer Blows



I explained how we construct the Wrong Focus so you end up concentrating on us rather than yourselves and in turn this hinders you, prevents you from moving forward and allows us to keep you where we want you, miserable, confused and wallowing in emotion. Of the thirty constituent parts of the wrong focus, what are the answers and observations to those questions and comments? Here are the truths that will enable you to avoid the effect of the Wrong Focus and thus in turn allow you to concentrate on yourself and your own needs.

  1. You will wonder why we treated you so terribly after we were so wonderful to you.

We did this because you stopped providing us with potent positive fuel. We needed to draw negative fuel from you instead in order to maintain our existence.

  1. You will want to know how we could have just left you like that after everything that you did for us?

With absolute ease. We only think of ourselves. You are just an appliance to us not a person. Someone else has our interest now and we regard them as better than you on every front.

  1. You will be perplexed as to how we are able to move on to somebody else so soon after being with you, especially since we said that you and I were soulmates and would be together until the end of time?

Those are standard hook-lines (look out for a forthcoming post on this) which we scatter like confetti in order to seduce them. We rarely mean anything we say to you as we are habitual liars

  1. What are we doing with our new acquisition?

More or less exactly what we did with you. Seducing them and giving them the golden period. We will apply similar techniques to how we charm and mesmerise them as we did with you. Expect us to say the same things, take them to the same places, buy the same gifts and so on, with some occasional changes.

  1. How are they better than you?

How long have you got? They are more beautiful, more loving, more intelligent, more successful, more fun, more admiring, more adoring, in fact whatever you were they are a thousand times better.

The truth is they are not, they may even be less than you, but we do not see that. To us they are shiny and new and thus amazing.

  1. Are we happy with that person now?

We don’t feel happy. We feel engorged by the power that surges through us from the fuel. We tell everyone we are happy though in order to maintain appearances and also in the hope you hear about our huge joy with this person.

  1. What has that person got that you haven’t?

To us, the most wonderful and potent positive fuel.

In your reality, they are little different, indeed you would be surprised by just how much in common you would have.

  1. She doesn’t even seem like our type so why on earth have we chosen her?

If she pours out positive fuel she is our type. That is all that matters. You are all appliances in our eyes.

  1. You spend your time on “Ex Watch” as you stalk our social media (and that of the new target) to see what we are doing together, what we are saying to one another and looking for any signs of trouble in this new relationship.

We want you doing this so you will not move on. You will not see any signs of trouble in paradise. Quite the contrary as we pump out the propaganda.

  1. You want our new relationship to fail so you feel better and validated because the same thing has happened to the new target as it did to you.

We know you do because that is how hateful and horrible you are and makes us wonder why on earth we ever chose. Don’t worry though, it will eventually falter, they always do.

  1. You feel a need to prove that you are happy (even though you are not) and that you need us to know that this is the case. You consider ways in which you can convey this message to us.

Don’t bother. We know you are torn apart and we will just laugh at your attempts to pretend otherwise. We can still sense what is really going on. Instead of appearing happy you would do better to appear neutral and unmoved.

  1. You wonder what you could do to win us back.

You really shouldn’t bother but you don’t have to do anything because we will hoover you soon enough.

  1. You wonder what mistakes were made that caused the relationship to fall apart.

How long have you got for us to list your litany of transgressions? The fact is that this is the case from our perspective. You did nothing wrong.

  1. You begin to imagine what is going on in between those four walls, that you knew so well once upon a time, becoming fixated with considering what is happening.

Everything that happened between you and I. It is actually frightening just how similar it is.

  1. You relive the day you had with us and think about whether we are doing the same things with the new person as we did with you.

Of course we are.

  1. You want us to explain why we did what we did?

Not going to happen. We need to keep you hanging on for answers and closure.

  1. You try to make sense of what has happened but you cannot. This does not, however, stop you from running the whole relationship through your head over and over again as you seek to find answers.

There is no point doing this. The answer does not lie there.

  1. You sit and ask yourself are we thinking about you?

No we aren’t. You don’t exist to us until you appear in a sphere of influence and then it may be hoover time.

  1. You ruminate on whether we miss you at all.

We don’t miss you at all. We might miss your fuel at some point.

  1. Does she kiss us like you did?

Yes, not that we care.

  1. Do we love her more than we loved you?

We will tell the world and you (and her) that we have never loved anyone like this before. Of course we have. It is always the same even though it is not love as we are incapable of love.

  1. Have we kept the gifts you gave us?

Yes. They may well be used to hoover and triangulate.

  1. Why have we deleted all the pictures of you on social media?

To provoke you and keep the new target happy thus controlling the new target.

  1. Why haven’t we deleted all the pictures of you on social media?

To provoke you and keep you hanging on.

  1. Why are we saying those unpleasant things about you to other people?

It’s called smearing, get used to it. Almost everybody gets smeared. You are nothing special. It is done to control them directly and you indirectly. (See The Three Assertions of Control)

  1. Do we feel bad at the way that we treated you?


  1. Why does it feel like no matter what you do we always seem to win?

Because we change the rules to suit us. We will do whatever is necessary to achieve The Prime Aims

  1. Will we ever speak to you again?

Oh yes. When it is hoover time. But we choose when this happens, not you.

  1. Will our friends and family still acknowledge you after everything that has happened?

No. The smear campaign is in effect. They will when we hoover you though.

  1. What if she is “the one”?

Of course she is. The replacement is always the one (until the next one).

Now you know.

3 thoughts on “Knowing the Narcissist : 30 Hammer Blows

  1. ClaraCloggs says:

    I find it hard to believe narcissists do not think about us at all until a ‘trigger’ is set off. The bombardment, texts, calls they give you at the start prove this. They must be thinking of us a lot, actually – and that doesnt switch in the brain just because we’ve been painted black. I know there’s no emotion with your kind, so the fuel you get from any new person is enough to keep the powerful feeling pumped up…but come on HG? 98% of this makes total sense – but if the 6th sphere is ‘you just pop into our mind’ is a thing…then the other spheres sre just common sense. An empath thinks this way too on their way to healing from it all. The narc just pops in my head too or if im reminded of him

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Nothing is gained from repeatedly thinking about a victim. It does not provide control, it may provide Thought Fuel which is weak and ephemeral, it does not provide character traits nor residual benefits. Repeatedly sitting and thinking about a victim is a redundant act and our narcissism is engineered against redundancy.

      Furthermore, a narcissist will message repeatedly because (1) if you keep responding to the narcissist with challenge fuel you are fuelling the narcissist but threatening control, in effect the narcissist will keep going and going because you are both triggering the need to assert control and providing fuel (2) if you are not responding, you are only causing minor wounding which means the narcissist will repeatedly hoover through message until eventually (sometimes after many messages are sent) they will shift to a different assertion of control and stop. In addition, victims often talk about being “bombarded” with texts when the actual evidence is far from a bombardment, their emotional thinking creates a siege mentality thus obscuring what is going on. Victims often like to think the narcissist is thinking about them a lot because they want to feel missed or wanted by the narcissist, but actually we are focussed on our own needs and not you.

      1. ClaraCloggs says:

        Thanks for explaining HG. That told me didnt it. Must be my narcissistic traits coming to the surface. How big-headed of me 😂

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