Knowing the Narcissist : The Narcissist Corrupts : The Listener

  Many people are poor listeners. It takes concentration and effort to listen for a sustained period of time. Many people lack the discipline and rigour that is required to be such a person, their minds wander, they are busy thinking about what they want to say, the point which they wish to make or […]

Knowing the Narcissist : Love Letter : Using The Love Devotee Trait Against The Target

  I have always used the love letter as a method of building my connections with my target. I first started at school when one would write a short note and pass it across the class to the object of one’s affection. With a sideways glance I would watch as she would open the piece […]

You Wear Guilt

  You wear guilt like a noose around your neck. There it hangs, just waiting to be yanked by me and the tightening ligature around that slender neck will bring you back into line. I can then allow the noose to hang about your neck once again, ready to be used as soon as I […]

The Narcissist Corrupts : Positivity

  Positivity. Positive outlook. Optimism. The empathic individual which is the target for our kind is blessed with positivity. This ingrained positivity allows them to see the good in people, it enables them to find the silver lining in the gathered storm clouds and grants a motivating factor. By adopting a positive outlook in their […]

The Narcissist Corrupts : Honesty

  There are many traits which are inherent to those who are of an empathic nature. You possess these traits; this is why you were picked by us. These traits are used by your emotional thinking and corrupted by the narcissist so they are used against you. These traits are regarded, in your world, as […]