Knowing the Narcissist : Understanding Changes to the Narcissist´s Fuel Matrix





You may understand what the various layers of the fuel matrix are, who sits in them and how they differ according to the different sub-school of narcissist (Pipelines) but do you understand what happens when the fuel matrix changes?

This Logic Bulletin addresses the following:-

How does the Fuel Matrix alter and what are the far-reaching and consequential impacts thereafter?

What is the role of the IPPS in the Fuel Matrix?

What happens if the narcissist starts cheating?

What has to happen to cause disengagement of the IPPS?

What happens to the Shelf IPPS/DLS in the fuel matrix?

What occurs within the Fuel Matrix to prompt shelving?

What happens when the IPPS escapes?

What occurs when the IPPS is subjected to the Initial Grand Hoover and why?

What happens if the Initial’s Grand Hoover Fails?

What happens with regards to Non Intimate Secondary and Tertiary Sources in the Fuel Matrix?

Why does Non Intimate Partner Primary Sources get chosen?

What causes a Panic Pick and what risks flow from that that?

How much at risk is the Former IPPS with regard to changes to the fuel matrix?

Why the narcissist hoovers certain appliances and not others and what governs those instinctive decisions.

When is the narcissist most at risk of a Fuel Crisis and what is the response?

How changes in the Fuel Matrix can impact on your No Contact Regime.

How your No Contact Regime impacts on the Narcissist´s Fuel Matrix.

This massively detailed Logic Bulletin addresses all of the above and more besides using HG Tudor´s unrivalled knowledge.

You need this understanding no matter where you are with regard to the narcissistic dynamic, so you understand and you are protected. You may even get some interesting satisfaction from it also.

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