HG Mauls the Somatic Narcissist – Part 1



The Somatic Narcissist.

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HG Tudor as The Ultra has no allegiance to other narcissists and for you this is a good thing.

You are about to be educated and entertained as HG Tudor takes each cadre of narcissist and gives them a compact mauling for their failings and their collective disgrace to the narcissist brethren! This bulletin provides you with a mass of information about Somatic Narcissists, so you can understand more about this particular cadre, its similarities and differences within the cadre itself.

HG has summoned the various groups of narcissists before him as he delivers this compact mauling about their shortcomings which result in his visceral disgust for them. This mauling will enable you to understand far more about the characteristics of the relevant cadre of narcissist which includes the following

1. The differences within the Somatic Group affected by the various sub-schools

2. Appearance

3. Overall approach to impact on the control of others

4. The nature of dynamics with romantic partners, friends, family and colleagues.

5. Differing styles of behaviour and how this manifests

6. The weaknesses of these narcissists

7. The self-perception adopted by these narcissists

8. How they approach manipulations

and more.

This collection will enable you to understand far more about what each cadre looks like and how they behave which adds to your armoury of knowledge. Even better, it is delivered in the form of a mauling from HG Tudor so you can gain a vicarious pleasure from his verbal volleys without any risk to you. This is entertaining education and will allow you to understand far more about this cadre of narcissist, across the various sub schools and increasing your awareness and defences.

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6 thoughts on “HG Mauls the Somatic Narcissist – Part 1

  1. Whitney says:

    HG the God, I loved this and it was extremely educational too. It really helps in my life. I can’t wait for you to Maul the most annoying cadre, the Victim.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      You are welcome Whitney.

  2. leelasfuelstinks says:

    HAHAHAHA, H.G.! This is hilarious! This is so good! 😀

    The end was VERY interesting and very new to me. Didn´t know some traits were somatic and didn´t know that some somatics can or cannot have certain traits.

    Laughed hard and learnt something new! Great, H.G.! I liked it a lot!

    1. HG Tudor says:

      I am pleased you found it both entertaining and interesting.

      1. leelasfuelstinks says:

        By the way: I LOVE the back-ground music in your audio-tapes! I think the background music puts some extra spice to your tapes! Please keep doing that!

        1. HG Tudor says:

          Thank you.

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