Tell Tale



We have cast you aside after subjecting you to a litany of abuse, mistreatment and the full horror of our manipulative and disorientating repertoire. You have given your absolute all in the pursuit of what you believed to be our perfect love.

You have endured humiliation, denigration and belittlement yet you still hung in there, desperate to cure and to heal. You wanted us so much that it hurt and it still does. Not only have we discarded you with a callous disregard for your welfare and sanity, we have added to the pain by parading our latest conquest for all the world to see. You are no longer the recipient of our burning desire.

You have been removed from our grace and favour and a new beneficiary has been installed. The monument to our supposedly everlasting love has been razed to the ground and on that once sacred ground we have erected a new edifice, lauding our new, shinier and much improved interest. What was once promised as lasting forever has been smashed into pieces and erased from the history books.

Your hurt, anger and indignation are tangible. The traitorous behaviour we have subjected to you has torn you apart. It is awful enough that after everything you have done, everything you have given and everything that you have endured, you have been struck from the record. The insult has been magnified and multiplied by reason of our infatuation with your replacement. How dare we do this to you. It is utterly unfair.

Your desire for retribution is immense. You want to cause our come uppance and warn the world about the monster that you see us as. You feel that all must be told about the awful toll that you have taken from our treatment but greater than that, you have that irresistible sense of needing to protect and warn.

The empathic nature that made you such an attractive target to us has survived notwithstanding the mauling we have given you. You need to save our conquest from what you have been put through. Not only must you rescue the poor innocent from our toxic touch this will enable you to exact a delicious revenge on us. By taking away the thing that we crave, you know that triumph awaits.

Our fresh acquisition may work out what has happened, but that will take too long. No, you owe it to her and you owe it yourself to intervene, to educate and warn. It is time to expose us for what you say we are.

You call us for the perfidious behaviour that we have engaged in. You decry our stories of your hysterical and unreasonable behaviour and yet here you are, ready to spread such lies about us to our new love. You hold yourself out as being a person of good nature and compassion yet you are hell bent on ruining our new-found happiness.

You were not good enough for us. You let us down and thus you had to be moved to one side replaced. Out with the old and in with the new. That is the natural order of events. The appliance does not work anymore, therefore a new, faster and more effective appliance must be brought to the fore and installed. Why complain about that?

Had you been fit for purpose you would still be the object of our affection, but you failed. We gave you every chance and yet you still came up wanting. You are to blame. You only have yourself to blame. Yet, exhibiting the malice that you laughingly accuse us of you go running to our new interest and tell tales about us.

Your poison-laden tongue weaves its malevolent words as you whisper fabricated stories in order to discourage our new love from remaining with us. Do you not understand that this is the very reason why we had to let you go. We tried. We really did, but you would insist on railing against us and not submitting to our will.

There was no hope for it other than to remove you from our lives. As people of substance and rigour, we have not gone with our tales of lament to others, seeking to draw sympathy from them. No, that is not for us. We chalked off our time with you as a mistake and we learn from it. Now we have found someone better. So what that we moved with what you regard as unseemly haste, we are entitled to drive forward. You should take heed of our capability in that regard, instead of remaining mired in what might have been.

Imprisoning yourself in a tomb of melancholy is not the way of progress. This only underlines our superiority to you. We have moved on. If you cannot, then that is your problem and not ours.

We act with honour and do not stoop to your level. We know that our character speaks for itself with this new person. We allow them to make their own mind up and the extensive groundwork which we put in place has ensured that this person is impervious to your unsavoury behaviour.

We know that our impregnable façade of magnificence cannot be pierced by your savage and twisted lies. Run to our new love, run to them and seek to pour your poison in their ears and we shall watch smiling as they turn to you and shake their head. They are immune to your campaign of smears.

They know that we are truly wonderful and that you had your chance but you destroyed what we had as a consequence of your quite frankly unhinged conduct. She tells you how magnificently I treat her and you try to explain how it was like that for you in the beginning but your words are lost in translation.

You are told that your jealousy has skewed your outlook, that your paranoia has warped your view of the world. Your craziness has been well documented. We have done the protecting. We have done the warning and as always we got in first.

Tell your tales but all you do is reinforce our brilliance and the reason we were oh so right to be rid of you.

Nobody likes a telltale.

Nobody likes you.


Smear Campaigns

2 thoughts on “Tell Tale

  1. Pingback: Fortell ett eventyr - Psykopatene blant oss
  2. cadavera says:

    I don’t know how to describe my situation so that anyone I give a recount of it to would understand, except for those who’ve been through it, since there are no words that allow another to feel what this feels like, but HG, I will say you nailed my experiences (there have been many) to a “T”. More often than not, I don’t try to clue the new person in even though I’ve wanted to. Now that I think about it, I’ve had other victims fill me in about someone we both knew and really thinking about it now, I was possibly being groomed as their replacement. This isn’t something I’ve ever even considered and now I’m asking myself whom have I been the replacement for? Why haven’t I ever thought about this? My current narc and his previous gf come to mind and she is the only one I can think of who actually warned me about him. I never once disregarded her words and instead, I filed them away and kept them close so that when the narc started acting out those exact behaviors, I saw them in a different light–I saw what the previous gf was talking about instead of disbelieving everything she’d told me. The oddest part is that she stopped talking to me last August and just last week, she reconnected with me after hearing of something the narc did to me a couple of months ago. Another strange aspect to this whole scenario is she was cheating on him and left him for another guy, even though she told him she wasn’t cheating on him when he accused her of it. She’s also contacted him numerous times telling him how much she loves and misses him and even asked me last week if I thought he loved her still. Even though I know the whole situation is toxic, I feel bad because I gave her my word–something that’s important to me–that I wouldn’t hook up with him. She didn’t ask me not to, I brought it up and told her she didn’t need to worry about me doing so because that’s not my get down. And it usually isn’t. I take giving my word very seriously and this entire time, I’ve felt like crap because I reneged on it, since I never saw myself hooking up with this guy. I’ve never given someone my word before in this type of situation and reneged so this is a first for me. And now, I feel like a total asshole. She hasn’t asked me about it and
    Idk if she will, but I know she’s wondering and Idk what to do now. He’d said months ago that she’d been asking him about he and I and accusing him of hooking up with me but this was long before anything had happened between us. When I gave her my word, I’d never even considered getting together with him and it was completely out of the question. When she stopped responding to my texts, I was a little butt-hurt about it since we’d hit it off and I had even gone to her new place to visit her and this was way before anything happened between he and I. It was actually about 4 months after she quit talking to me that anything did happen so it’s not like I jumped into bed with him right after giving her my word or even right after she quit talking to me, like I was waiting for the right time. Maybe I’m justifying my behavior here while thinking out loud but it was never my intention to get involved with him since I already knew what he is. What is wrong with me? Jeez, I knew better and now, I’ve once again become enmeshed with another narcissist when I knew better. This is a great example of how easily we get sucked into this nightmare and for me, I think it’s because I’ve been involved with so many that this has become my norm even though I know the devastation they’ve caused me in the past. It’s become second-nature to me and even though I’m aware of the dynamic and see it as it’s occurring, I’ve felt powerless to do anything about it. Maybe I’m just that lazy? Or maybe it’s because I’ve decided that this is my lot in life, the hand I was dealt, or whatever and I’m just that empty and full of self-hatred that I think I don’t deserve better. If it wasn’t for HG’s Empath and Traits Detectors, I’d swear I’ve become one of them but the Detectors say otherwise. What I think is that I’m beyond help and not worth saving for many reasons starting in childhood but with what’s described in the above article playing into this dynamic in that I’ve become convinced by the things others have said that I’m everything they’ve told me I am. Sorry this is so long–I was trying to get things sorted out in my head and I do this best while typing or writing it out. No wonder I’m such a mess. The brainwashing definitely runs deep especially, when I’ve done it to myself.

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