Bare Necessity

I didn’t ask for this you know. I know you did not either but for once let’s not make this about you and let’s talk about me, yes? I never asked to be created so that each and every day I must gather the fuel that is necessary for my existence. Yes, I must eat, I must drink water and I must breathe the air, just as you do, but for me I have another staple requirement of daily living. I must have fuel. Did you choose to always needs food and water? No, you did not. Neither did I. I did not choose to require this fuel either but without it I will cease to exist. What I have created in order to survive in this world will come toppling down and that will be the end of me. How far would you go to eat? At first it is simple enough is it not? You go to the grocery store or you order online from the supermarket and acquire the ingredients to make a meal or receive a pre-cooked one. You chop, you peel, you mash and you stir and you make that meal. A hundred thousand different recipes to choose from. Instead you may remove the packaging, pierce the cling film and pop it in the over or the microwave. Either way you have food, ready to eat and to sustain you. But what if you had no money to acquire this food, how would you quell the rumblings in your stomach? Perhaps you might ask to be given food from neighbours, from food banks or left overs at supermarkets. It is demeaning but you need to eat don’t you, so what does a little pride matter so long as your stomach is filled? However, what if that charity ends? What if the benevolence of friends and neighbours dries up? What would you do then? What if there are no friends and no neighbours? Would you look to survive on berries you find by the roadside, drink the water from a stream? Would that sustain you for long or would you tire of that? Would you scavenge through the bins outside a supermarket for food that has been thrown out but is perfectly edible? Is that stealing? Perhaps not. Would you cope with the stares of pity and disdain from those who saw you surfing a dumpster? Would you steal from the shops in order to quell the hunger pangs? Snatch a loaf from a bakery, sneak into a house and steal that cooling pie or rifle through the cupboards in order to find something to eat. What if there is no edible food in the dumpster, would you remove the mould and eat what you find, risking illness? What if the supermarkets ran out of food and there was nowhere to steal it from? Would you scavenge from the orchards until that fruit ran out? Would you catch fish or hunt a lamb or grab a chicken in order to cook and eat it over an open fire? What if the usual sources of meat began to vanish, having fallen prey to starving wild animals following the collapse of civilisation, what then? Would you try new sources? Would you, driven by hunger hunt down and eat a sparrow or a robin? How about an owl? Seagull? Would you slaughter a fox in order to eat its meat? Where would you stop? Would you eat another human being in order to survive? When needs must where would you draw the line? How far would you go to feed yourself and your loved ones? Begging, growing you own, stealing, savagery, cannibalism? Do you have a limit or when the chips are down and your stomach is knotted with the agony of starvation would there be no limit? How far would you go? Would you fight another person for a packet of rice? Beat someone up in order to steal their hoard of windfalls? Would you consider their loss of their food source and their injuries an acceptable consequence of your own necessary survival? Would this become collateral damage in the pursuit of survival? Abhorrent as it may sound, I should imagine, when the need really arises, that you would go beyond the unpalatable in order to survive. Now replace food with the need for fuel and you will understand that I have no choice other than to gather this fuel from different sources and in different ways throughout the course of each day. The consequences which arise may seem regrettable to you but they are purely the result of this need for me to gain fuel. I did not ask to have to do this, but the way I have been created makes it so. In the same way that you would fight to ensure your own survival, rather than curling up and dying in a hole, so must I. Does that make me what would be regarded as a bad person for just doing what I need to in order to exist? I suggest that it does not. I know that what I do has consequences for others. I am not blind nor am I a fool. I understand fully the devastation that I cause as I tear through someone else’s life like a whirlwind, sucking everything in, hurling it about and then discarding it broken and shattered. I have heard the complaints, the stories, the recollections and the accounts. I have heard the cries of dismay, the wails of misery, the screams of terror and the slow sobs of pain. I know what is caused by my actions but what choice do I have? I do not set out to achieve these things but they must always arise as a consequence of what I must do. I feel no guilt nor remorse. I am devoid of those emotions. Another consequence of the way I have been created. I feel no shame in these actions, no pity for those who suffer from my behaviours and no sense of empathy for those who are remorselessly cut down by my machinations. I am not burdened by such emotions so I do not toss and turn at night, I do not have my sleep peppered by nightmares of torment, I do not sit in anguish and seek absolution for everything I have done and everything that I am to do. Those concepts are not applicable to me. What I do is invite you to understand me. I want you to understand what I am, what I must do and what arises from this and if you were in my shoes then you would do the same. This does not make me a bad person does it? I am a good man who is having to do a bad job. Yes?

17 thoughts on “Bare Necessity

  1. Elodie says:

    Sorry for polluting the chat. The 2 previous comment aren’t in the correct order. I hope the point has been made! I’ll sleep with some garlic cloves tonight!.😆

  2. Elodie says:

    The narcissist doesn’t know how to be cheeky or tease harmlessly.
    Pointing it out now isn’t narcissistic either.
    It’s tempting to explain another reality to yours. One that allows someone “normal” to make smile another “normal” being, even getting a kiss or a little arousal from it! Trivial reality of normal!

  3. Elodie says:

    Ok, no wings, no absolution. Just what you are… A twilight vampire!
    Yeah your favourite saga 😜. That’s a cheeky tease. The reference to a sexy harmless vampire is for most people, positive. Something to smile about even shortly. A pleasurable joke. Associating you to something you don’t respect but not damaging for your image or causing hurt (you’re not forced to drink blood to survive). That’s what cheekiness is. If it’s nasty or passive agressive it isn’t cheeky. Extension of the topic to reply to your comment about cheekiness being a tool of the narcissist in one of your video. The narcissist doesn’t like being gently teased as it’s a threat to control. Because he doesn’t know how to reply with the same kind of humour thus without using a real flow of the person. Real cheekiness isn’t a tool of the narcissist! It’s teasing gently usually someone we like or we want to attract! Which is efficient with non narcissist!

    1. Jordyguin says:

      And also with bestie, flaws are there to make fun of, which lessens their power of being seen as flaws and transform into relief. Sometimes the epic belly hurting laughs occur when we laugh about ourselves in retrospection.

      I was not aware to be careful with humor, as I projected my own light approach with it onto others. N’s are wounded by it, but it was never intended as hurt, rather the opposite effect of feeling lighter should have occurred. But now I get it, they feel better aka powerful and thriving when they are in control of the fuel flow, upon their conditions. Though me still trying to find out how to light their heavy weight sometimes, but I am careful with it now. They miss out on so many laughs they could probably find relief in, as I zip it.

      1. Jordyguin says:

        😇I will frame the Death-humor, the Ultra approved of and cherish❤️‍🔥!
        And I feel the need to ask for forgiveness for my vile remarks I probably made somewhere. I’m not that good in differentiation.. naturally.. as life is a joke sometimes..

        1. Elodie says:

          Haha You know repentance is attractive 😉😻👍
          You’re right alluding to besties. Cheekiness can only happen with someone you’re close to. As you would know what tease would make them smile and what sensitive topic potentially hurtful is to avoid. Best remain self-depreciative humour for a good group laugh. HG has to learn from us too ❤️🦖❤️😆

          1. Jordyguin says:

            – „HG has to learn from us too ❤️🦖❤️😆“ –

            Elodie, I think the Death Star just received your coordinates for calibration!!


            El ?


            💐 She was an Empath…

        2. Elodie says:

          🤣🤣🤣🤣 You have the situation comedy sense (if it is said like this, if not pardon my french). The ability to extract from a context, elements, deflecting them into something funny or completely changing the topic with humour all that with the intelligence to suggest images into the recipients’ mind or comedic sense with words, mostly to unease tensions. Were the one always naturally unwinding the atmosphere when a child?

          (Maybe not empath and I don’t give… a caramel! 😆)

          1. Jordyguin says:

            !!!!!!You’re alive!!! You made it Elodie !!!Huray! The fourth that got away!!!! Wait.. There is this light in the sky?? A LASER !! Wait!!!!! Nooooo, I’m an Empa_____

            (🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️forgivemeIloveyouHGIwillalwaysloveyouyouknowthat❣️youaretheFausttomyGretchen(!!but only The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, version!!)


          2. Jordyguin says:

            Thank you Elodie❣️☺️❣️you words will be framed too alongside with HG’s💓🖼🖼💓

    2. Truthseeker6157 says:


      I agree with you here. Teasing shows I like you. I’m amazed that I ever draw narcs to me, because I do this a lot. I would have imagined my teasing as big red flag for them, apparently not.


      1. Elodie says:

        Narc are attracted to wits! A perfect pun is the display of a keen intelligence. Plus you would cause them to have reactions positive or negative thus fuel. The red line is when they can’t reply as you might have surpassed their own cleverness (they react badly to it, often using pity play then) or when their need for control is ridiculously over the top (threat to control). The last ones are to be avoided at all costs. Passive agressive or nasty comment they can make under the pretense of a joke is a big red flag for narc. As lately accompanying my bestie for a surgical intervention, the nurse asked me if I would be able to come back and when. Which I replied by having taken the day off. She then kept on with irrational elements as this person was surely too important (passively aggressing my friend) plus that it was normal as I was a woman… She was overly abusing of kind words to greet people but always poking at some points with a smile! Narc can’t do harmless humour. But they can feed on yours…🧛‍♂️😱😂xx

        1. Truthseeker6157 says:


          Thinking about it further, it likely depends on the school of narcissist, the level of control over their ignited fury and their ability to phrase a quick response of their own that stays within the confines of the facade.

          I think certain narcissists might be put off by a teasing approach and react with passive aggression, whereas others might see it more as a challenge they are able to deal with and therefore enjoy it.

          Being unable to take a joke, or being incapable of responding in kind without the use of passive aggression are likely red flags. Not enough for us to determine that the person is a narcissist but enough for us to take note.

      2. Jordyguin says:

        TS! I’m teasing and teasing and teasing..I can’t stop, he is too funny! Not my fault!🥲(blame shift! OMG! Am I a narcissist?🤦‍♀️)

        1. Truthseeker6157 says:


          No, you aren’t a narcissist. You’re an empath with an addiction to narcissists.


        2. Elodie says:

          Haha blame shifting and admission it must be something having you daily around, as the zigomaticus muscle hurting 😆 Nope not narcissist, not even narcissistic tendency as far as observed, sorry! Next time ! 🤣

          1. Jordyguin says:

            No?.. Are you both sure?.. But.. but.. but I want to be a narcissist!! Can I be a narcissist?? I promise, I will be a good narcissist! I will bring only golden periods! The golden era of narcissism!!!

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